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Posts posted by sassenach

  1. :lol: My mil (from Kansas) thought my Cajun father had a speech impediment the first time she spoke to him. His accent was so thick! (English was not his first language.)


    When we moved from Cali to New Orleans, I was touring properties with our realtor. One of the realtors that we met up with had such a thick Cajun accent, everytime he said anything I looked at my realtor to either answer for me or repeat the question. I didn't understand a word that he said!

  2. I haven't read all of the responses, so forgive me if this has already been said. I'm going to guess that he was speaking of this software.


    This is software that many men (and women) that I know have on their computers. You choose your accountability partner and if you visit any questionable sites, it gets emailed to your partner. All of the pastors that I know (my husband included) have this on their computers. I think it is a wise thing to do. I'm on the fence about it being required, but at the same time, if a man is resistant to installing it, I would want to know why. I think it is especially wise for youth pastors (who work with young and often troubles girls) to have an extra layer of accountability.


    NOW, if the monitoring that you speak of is something more than this, then yes, I find it odd and intrusive. I would not be ok with big brother type of monitoring.


    You might just want to email the youth pastor and ask him what he meant. I find that direct communication is always the best option.



  3. {shrug} I think it's just you. I don't mean that in a mean way at all, but I certainly wouldn't worry about it.


    I always try to assume the best. So in this case, I would assume that all involved parties talked about it and everyone is perfectly happy with this arrangement. Personally, I hibernate after having a baby. I am completely uninterested in having any family around. I don't want help. I say this as someone with a fantastic relationship with my parents.


    As for the wedding, I never expect anyone to work around my life. So in that case, I would assume that the date chosen was what worked for the couple and that they didn't go through the list of extended family life events before making their decision. I would assume that no slight was intended.

  4. You split comment reminded me of my neck hurting. Last week DS11 and DD10 started hip hop class, DS11 is not happy with me for signing him up. Their teacher told them this week they would do B-boy stuff. When we got home DD wanted to show me a B-boy move she taught herself while watching "so you think you can dance" (on tapes my dad recorded for me). In order to make DS11 see how fun it could be I decided to try the move myself. Let's jsut say my old, over weight body is not made to do B-boy moves. I fell. HARD. On my head.




    That reminds me of the time that I, in a moment of sheer delusion, thought that I could still do a flip on the trampoline. My neck was not the same for at least a month.

  5. No, you're not the only one.


    Sometimes I really want to say something, usually because someone is just annoying me. But then I realize, it's the internet. I'm not going to waste energy arguing with someone who 1) bears no weight in my life 2) probably only wants to argue and doesn't really care to hear other opinions.


    That's my big reason. Participating in those threads takes time and energy. It is really pointless for me to pour my time and energy onto an internet board. In the end, what do you really gain? Most of my posts here are short and take very little mental energy. I will put more effort in if I feel like I can truely help someone, but otherwise I try not to get sucked in.

  6. Absolutely right!


    I purchased one part of the package to see what it was like.


    And it was not my cup of tea.


    You purchased something like 1/50th of the package. You are using it in a way that was never intended by SL. For example, at the end of core 4 there are some sections of Story of The USA that are heavily biased (about the feminist movement and other social issues). SL uses those sections as a lesson in author bias. You would never know that if you didn't read that section of the instructor guide.


    That said, you could drop Story of the USA completely out of that core and I don't think you would miss much. Landmark is a VERY strong spine. I kept it when I sold the core because I just didn't want to part with it.

  7. Shannon, thank you so much for your response. I knew there had to be more people than just myself in this boat of transition.

    You're welcome! I spent the summer reading the logic section of the new WTM over and over again. It really took me awhile to decide on a course of action.

    For LA, we are using Shurley and 2 Progeny Press Guides. We are also using VFCR. For writing, we have just started Writeshop. She loves it...right down her alley...she's a gifted writer. I'm not familiar with any of those. If she's a gifted writer, then I think you've already won 90% of the battle. It's just a matter of giving her the tools to fine tune.


    I like the idea of using this year for the 5th & 6th yr goals and then next for the 7th & 8th grade goals. That seems just right.


    MFW is a blend of different things, but, yes, the LA they choose are Charlotte Mason in style...I went with my own thing, though. I am using MFW for the Bible and History sections. I am new to MFW, but so far the notebook pages have just been very non-challenging for a 7th grader. Not that I want it hard, but I want to be progressing towards the WTM way. I guess I'm trying to figure out how to go about that.

    I hear you. I have no idea if this is the right way to go about progressing, but it's something!

    I'm not familiar with WinterPromise...is the reading you assign to her in addition to other time spent on history?

    No, all of the outlining and fact finding come from books that are already in her schedule.

    That is my other concern. My 7th grader already has a pretty full schedule. I don't want to overload her too much. She is battling some health issues.


    What are your spines for MFW? Is there one or two that you could use as your source material?


    Best of wishes with the health problems. It's tough to know when to push and when to give slack.

  8. I'm using WWE 1 (workbook) with ds (1st grade). Things are going well. I definitely feel like it's enough in the writing arena for his age. Ds is fine with the copywork and really dislikes the narrations. More than anything else, I think the workbook has helped me to understand how to do narrations with him. I feel like I probably won't need the workbook next year. I understand the process and will use excerpts from our read alouds next year. Interestingly, there is a good amount of overlap between MFW 1st and WWE. I often skip WWE copywork because of what he is doing in MFW. It's a good fit right now. As for the future? IDK. We'll see how it progresses.

  9. I just started applying WTM goals with my 7th grader in earnest this year. We are using Winterpromise ancients, and this is what I'm doing.


    She has scheduled reading 3-4 days a week out of Usborne Encyclopedia of Ancient History. I have her write down 4-6 facts for each section.


    She also has 1-2 scheduled sections from Oxford First Ancient History. It's a more conversational style text. I have her choose 1 section to outline each week. Right now she is doing a one level outline. I am going to progress her through the 5th grade and 6th grade WTM goals this year, and save the 7th and 8th grade goals for next year. Next semester, I'll have her do 2 level outlines. I walked her through the outline the first 2 times and she's been fine on her own since.




    I have a 7th grader doing MFW RTR with the rest of us this year. This is the first time I've used MFW. We are definitely enjoying it!


    The only thing is, I want to incorporate the WTM style of outlining, etc. for my 7th grader's history notebook. I was considering using one day a week to do this. Fridays are always light w/ MFW...practically nonexistent. So, I thought maybe I could use that time to teach my daughter how to outline. But, I wasn't sure how to do it in that short of a period of time. I read that the Kingfisher Illustrated History of the World (white cover) is the easiest to use to learn outlining. Would you agree? I own the red Kingfisher, but I keep reading that it is difficult to outline from. I definitely want something to help make it easier.

    I'm not sure about the kingfisher choice. Doing it on Friday sounds like a good plan. I would do it with her the first few times.



    Also, we have never done narration. Should I do a year of gradual evolvement from narration to outlining? Or just jump in with the outlining?

    We jumped right into outlining. It hasn't been hard at all.


    I know that we are also supposed to be doing narrations for books being read....how do I get to the point where she can do a one page narration for an entire book? Should we do WWE or something first?

    I haven't started written narrations yet. I would recommend doing oral narrations with whatever materials you are already using. Then you can bridge that to written. Isn't MFW Charlotte Mason? I would think that she would be getting narration work through that. I am not making the 1 page summary of an entire book a focus for us. I am using IEW Ancients to walk her through the writing process, which includes research papers. I think the main skill needed to enter high school is to be able to take a multitude of sources and report on a single subject. My goal for dd is to be able to sort out the important info from the unimportant. I think outlining is a big part of that skill.



    So, how do I make the transition? Do I just use the pgs in WTM that tell how to do it? ( I hope these questions don't sound ignorant, but I am really new to the WTM way of doing things.) I also thought about using my R&S English 5 to teach the outlining before diving in. Any ideas?

    I have no experience with R & S. What curricula are you currently using for LA and writing?



  10. I see nothing wrong with this email. It is doing both the job of pointing out a character flaw, and encouraging/complimenting this kid. I can almost picture the way he must have spoken to her. One of the complaints I have heard most often about teen homeschoolers is a lack of humility (know it all) and that they treat adults with a lack of respect. I have found this to be especially true with the boys. It sounds like this kid is having that problem. The adult is lovingly trying to coach him through it, which since she is leading this group that IS part of her role. If she did not address this character flaw, she would be failing in her role.


    This conversation could happen in person, but depending on this kid's personality, email with a follow up conversation is also appropriate. At this age and in this setting (an outside class which the parent has agreed to have the kid participate in), it is entirely appropriate for the adult to go straight to the kid and address these issues.



  11. As the wife of a former youth pastor (now lead pastor), I believe he was over the line. I have met youth pastors (and church leaders in general) that have swung either way on this subject, but none that would tell a parent that their choice is wrong. I tend to give a LOT of grace to pastors, but especially youth pastors, because they are CONSTANTLY picked at over something. BUT, this is a genuine issue of this pastor not recognizing where the authority of the pastor ends and the authority of the parent begins.



    Anyone had an experience of their church not being very supportive or understanding about homeschooling . I don't really broadcast that I homeschool or expect people to put their stamp of approval on the choices I make. However, I don't hide that we homeschool. Recently I mentioned to my daughter's youth pastor that we are homeschooling this year when he asked me to put down what school she was attending on the permission slip for the youth convention. I ended up getting what amounted to a lecture about how the public school is a mission field and if we don't witness there then we are not fulfilling the Great Commission. I tried to explain to him that my daughter is not strong enough in her own faith at the moment to even be a witness. It goes both ways after all. We can witness our faith to nonbelievers just as they can "witness" their ways to others as well. My daughter is still not able to rise above the influence. She is not able to witness and in fact she went the wrong direction last year in school. I think we are forgetting that some people need to grow and be strong in their own faith before they get thrown in the fire lest they get consumed.


    I'm just a little irritated today...

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