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Posts posted by sassenach

  1. Wise words.


    Stacey...board games!:lol:






    IIRC, a *long* time ago Susan warned us about this board NOT being a community. She said, and it's true, we don't know who's here. We don't. We can't. I've met some WTM women irl, but besides those few, I can't know who's telling the truth here. Although there seems to be a sense of community, I still think we need to be careful.


    As for the aggression and unkindness, I've seen plenty of that in posts, and it's often allowed to stay. I don't like it, either, but I choose to visit here (or not) and put up with those things.


    IMO, and I say this gently and with no snark, if you are hurt by comments about your life, then perhaps you are sharing too much of your life *here*. We know already that not every post here is kind. I don't think having the stars gone is going to change that. ;) Just a thought.


    Anyway, the stars are gone now....hope that makes your day better!:001_smile:

  2. This year?

    Dd12- IEW has helped tremendously with her writing. I'm also glad that I stuck with MUS for pre-algebra, instead of jumping ship.


    Ds7- switching to cursive has massively improved his hand writing. I'm still happy with SM. WWE has been good for him.


    Dd5- surprisingly, SM has been a great fit for a kid that I didn't think was very mathy.


    Next year- dd12 will be in PS, so no more thinking through curriculum for her.

    Ds7 & dd5- I need to figure out what core history program to use with them. We've been using MFW 1st and I'm happy with it. I need to decide if I'm sticking with MFW or going over to SL, which I happily used with my oldest for 4 years.

  3. It's not just me? We got most of the way through chapter two and we gave up. We are smart people, but we just didn't "get it" towards the end and I think there may have been some mistakes in the answer key ... at least that's how I console myself.


    If it gets better, maybe we will start again at chapter 3.


    No, it's not just you. I gave up half way through chapter 2. I didn't know that skipping a chapter was an option. I guess I just figured that each chapter built on the next. It was becoming a chore and it wasn't a hill that I was willing to die on. I think I'll look it over and maybe just pick up at ch 3.

  4. I'm not making a judgment either way. But, I will say that I knew *about* it, but didn't make a connection about how until I was on my back about to get raped at the age of 25. 25 is certainly too late. (I'd had a few close calls prior, but never saw what was coming.)


    After reading through all of the responses, I have to admit that I did not fully think through the safety concerns. While I don't think it's a tragedy that the op's dd hasn't learned about s@x yet, I agree that it's time to come up with a plan to share that info with her soon.

  5. School: I think I'm doing ok in this department. I don't allow myself to slack. Schooling a 12 year old has proved to be a huge challenge. She'll be going to public school next year, but I'm at peace with that decision.

    Natural cleaning products- No, but I have guilt. I'm sure I'll try eventually.

    Super cool homemade clothes - Not even on my radar.

    Gourmet homecooked food. I have organic guilt. I also have processed foods guilt. I also hate planning, hate shopping, hate listening to the inevitable complaints from at least one family member every. single. night. I hate that feeding people is my job. I regularly daydream of outsourcing it.

    Well behaved kids: They could be worse, but they are not angels.

    Super smart: Smart? yes. Motivated? not all of them.

    Loving, supportive dh: He is absolutely both of those things. But he is also another person that has needs that I have to meet.

    Beautiful school room: Nope, just a kitchen table and overcrowded book shelves.

    Creativity: Definitely not. My dd5 craves *fun* stuff, so I try.

    Lessons, clubs, sports: THAT is one thing I definitely have going.

    Clean House: Not anything close to clean. I bust my butt on Fridays so it can look decent for our community group. By Saturday morning, it's messy again.

    Cyber world: A couple of years ago I attempted to blog. I lasted about 4 entries and gave up. It's just not me.

  6. I think you know your dd, and considering her response, it seems like anything more would be overkill.


    I have a happy, well adjusted friend that shared with me that she didn't learn what s@x was until she was at nursing school! I was shocked that she made it through high school without ever hearing about it. I mean, I didn't even make it through elementary school. She wasn't homeschooled or anything, but she did come from a family that does NOT talk about those things. All that to say- it didn't damage her. She has a great marriage, she wasn't ruined for life or anything.


    I know common wisdom is to teach your kids about it before there friends do, and I agree with that in a lot of ways. But it seems like you are not afraid to share the info, it just hasn't been right for her yet. Just so you know, it's so much easier than you think it will be. If you have had open lines of communication, this is just one more step. I had the talk with my oldest when she was 11 and it really was a piece of cake compared to how I imagined it. Because we had had so many talks over the years, this one flowed naturally.

  7. She said da**, hell, sh$$ and even the f-bomb! I'm wondering if things got mixed up in her head, as she listens to audiobooks as she falls asleep. Da** and hell would be fine with me, anything more gives me pause. Hmm, I think I'll just have her queue it up for me so I can listen to it myself. Thanks,

  8. My dd12 is listening to this book on tape, and she says that there is quite a bit of bad language in it. I told her to stop while I researched the issue. On Common Sense, it makes no mention of any language issues and even recommends the book for 9 year olds. For those who have read it, do you remember any bad language? Dd says it comes from the aunt when she's mad. Thanks,

  9. Does there exsist anywhere out there, a checklist of all science topics that should be covered in the elementary years? I like covering science in a chld led way, but I also would love to have an idea of what topics we should hit over the years. For example, dd12 is using a traditional text for the first time this year (bju) and I realized that she had never been taught animal classification. It's really not a huge deal- she's learning it now, but it did make me wonder about what other things have slipped by us. So for the younger kids, I would like just a little something to look at and know if we've covered it all (or most of it, at least).



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