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Posts posted by sassenach

  1. What a great picture, Astrid. It's missing someone though: you!:)


    Oh, and here's ours. A quick shot while skiing so not the greatest, but you can't go too terribly wrong with snow-capped mountains in the background. What the...? Why did that turn out so huge? I did just what Crissy, et al instruct me to do every. single. time I ask how to share photos here. (And I've asked a lot!) Uploaded the pic to photobucket and put the link in the body of my post. Hmm...well, no time right now to fix it. Sorry about that!December003croppedvertical1.jpg


    Love the background, but I'm disappointed that I don't get to earn a chocolate this year! Your oldest looks like he's grown a foot in the last year. As always, you guys are a way too attractive family. Merry Christmas!



  2. I only got one, and the sender formatted it like it was multiple choice quiz. It was cute!


    The only letter we received this year was in Mad Libs format and I thought it was super cute.


    Someone else mentioned a wasted stamp- we just moved into this house in Feb and both our next door neighbor and our across the street neighbor gave us photo cards, which I found weird. I see their kids every day! The across the street neighbor MAILED hers. As in attached a stamp. It's a five second walk.

  3. Thank you for all of the input!! I think I'm going to go for lingerie under the dress, with garters and some very sheer thigh highs. I know the lingerie won't be the most comfortable, but I think it will give dh a little thrill. After 12 years of being very forgiving of my imperfections, the man deserves a little thrill!


    Of course, things may change when I start shopping, but at least I have a starting point. Thanks all!

  4. We are going to a New Year's Eve wedding, and this is the dress that I purchased. It falls right at my knee, not above the knee like the leggy model.


    Ok, so I know that pantyhose is out of fashion, but....... what if my legs are not attractive? My legs are pasty white and there is always some bruise on them. Since this is a rare night away, in a hotel room, after a night of partying, I was thinking of getting some sexy underthings. Maybe some garter action, but would it look silly with the dress on? Should I just get some self tanner instead? I think my legs would look better if they weren't so pasty. What to do, what to do?

  5. There is no way I'd willingly expose my kids to chicken pox. I had both mine vaccinated against it. At the time I asked my doctor if there were any benefits in vaccination over normal childhood exposure. She said the main benefit was that vaccination was meant to prevent the child from getting shingles in later life. Chicken pox is often a fairly mild childhood disease but the virus lays dormant in your spinal cord for life and can re-emerge as shingles when you are older. Shingles is a very painful and debilitating disease. My MIL has suffered from it and you wouldn't wish it on anyone.


    FWIW I had chicken pox at age 13 and it was absolutely horrible. My younger sister and I still have the scars.


    I've never thought of the shingles aspect. My uncle currently has shingles on his face (which is rare) and it has travelled into his EYE. He may have permanant loss of sight in that eye.


    Personally, there is NO WAY I would do that to my kids right before Christmas. I mean, talk about sucking the joy out of a kid's favorite time of year! Just wait.

  6. I totally get what you're saying. My grandmother never had a happy response to any pregnancy announcement, but she still loves all of my kids to pieces. My solution by #3 and 4 was to give her a quick announcement over the phone and then move the conversation along pretty quickly. My grandmother would start in on the "poor Shannon" type of talk, "but you already have your hands so full," and I would just change the subject to whatever cousin is currently on her sh&^ list and that would do the trick. Then I would avoid her for a couple of weeks. By then she would have downloaded to my mom or aunt and would be pretty much over it. I have REALLY thick skin though, so her not being thrilled really never bothered me. Good luck and CONGRATS!! (4th babies are FUN)




    OK, so I painted a picture of a mean woman. To be fair I should tell you some nice things too. MIL does love our children. We see them every few months and if we don't make it to their house, they will drive 5 hours to ours. She keeps the kids every year during our anniversary vacation (except that we didn't go on one this year). We all joke that she is Martha Stewart, she makes fabulous homemade food, makes everyone feel welcome and special. She asks to keep dd(8) for a week a few times each year. She really is a wonderful woman in every other respect except for the "no more kids" thing. Dh does say that she feels like she screwed up so badly with her dc#4 (and only daughter) that she wishes they had only had 3 dc. WOW!


    To answer the "crazy" question, she really ment it like we would be insane to have more kids. FIL has said the same thing. She does like to put a little "ha ha" at the end which is just a "I'm saying this horrible thing and want you think it's kind of like a joke" thing, but I KNOW better.

  7. My mom and her husband just purchased a trailer and I'm trying to come up with gifts that would enhance their travel experience. My mom mentioned wanting to get a crockpot, so that's on my list. Do you all have any suggestions for items that have come in handy? My biggest problem with my mom is that that they tend to buy what they need (and want) before anyone else has a chance to gift it to them. Even if it's something small, I'm thinking that several small things may work. Thanks!

  8. In Florida (where we used to live), 3-4 was average, but bigger families were not unusual. Here in California, people look at me like I have 3 heads when I tell them that we have 4. Truly, sharing that you have more than 2 kids will illicit gasps. It's so strange.


    All I have to say is that teens are dopes. They have no idea when they are being offensive (at least not on stuff like that, where they have no life experience).

  9. I had a very distinct feeling of restlessness for about a year before God turned our lives topsy-turvy and called us across the country. He had set 2 very distinct feelings in my heart. One was a restlessness with where we lived (even though our lives were close to perfect, including location) and the other was a need for physical beauty in my surroundings. This all started with a trip in October to the northeast. I was left with a strange restlessness for months. The following June, a series of events that was completely out of left field (and totally God) brought us to the decision to move back west. As we were sorting out where specifically to move, that need for beauty was still on my mind. Well when we drove into one of the possibilities, I was completely romanced. It was then that I realized that God had set the need for beauty in me so that I would know where He wanted us. We ended up in one of the most beautiful places in the country by that November. It was 13months between when the restlessness started and when it was fulfilled. I look back on it as my preparation period. By the time we got to the big decisions, God had me fully primed to do his will.


    So I would suggest praying and waiting. If He is preparing you for action, I think you'll know it when you see it.

  10. Wow, as the mom of a 100% gtube fed child, I was freaking out for you! I'm so relieved that you got the approval, but p*ssed that they even tried to deny something as vital as your child's food. Good job Mama!


    The GI doc called this morning to say that his original food was approved. I asked the reason for the change of heart. The insurance claims that they did not realize the food was for a tube feeding. My son has been on tube feedings for 7 yrs--4 with this insurance. So besides the monthly food supplies: feeding bags, other items and a feeding pump should have clued them in. They knew he was tube fed. They just weren't expecting me to be so aggressive. I told them how horrible they would look on a news report denying a special needs child his food.


    Ds does have Medicaid as his secondary insurance. But they denied the claim as well. The medicaid is the same company as our private insurance. I'm glad they came to their senses though. I wasn't sure where to turn next. My son's food is about $1500 per month. I would never been able to afford it.


    Thank you all for your advice, prayers and good thoughts. I appreciate it greatly.

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