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Posts posted by sassenach

  1. Funny story-


    When I was 9 or 10 I had a couple of neighborhood girls over to play. They were both about a year older than me. They said something about Santa not being real and I was so mad that I kicked them out of my house. My mom decided that it was probably time to tell me the truth. When she told me, I bawled. I was SO sad that Santa wasn't real, it felt like a death.


    I was public schooled.



    Do not worry, do not defend, do not engage. Pass the bean dip and move on. Family is forever and if your boys are such good friends, they have gained a lifetime of love. It's all good.

  2. My oldest wants to go and will be going in the next year or two. She's a total extrovert and has never loved hsing. I believe we have reached our hsing goals and she will do great in ps.


    Ds7 likes homeschooling and has never asked to go to ps. There are times that I think he would benifit by being pushed out of his introvert bubble.


    Dd5 wants to go and I am sure that she would love it. She has a queen bee type of personality and I think ps would be terrible for her character.

  3. My cousin is continuing to deteriorate. She did not take an overdose of Tylenol. She has chronic pain and was taking another type of pain medication. The doctor wanted to try to wean her off of that medication so he told her to take something else. She has been taking Tylenol daily but at the recommended amount. She didn't take more than the recommended dose. Her liver has shut down and now her kidneys are starting to deteriorate. There is a good chance that she won't last the night. She is on the transplant list for a liver but her chances aren't good.


    I'm in shock that Tylenol can do this. I know that I take Tylenol PM more than I should but now I'm throwing all Tylenol out. It is just too risky. Does anyone know if Ibuprofen is safer?


    My guess is that whatever she was weaning off of also contained acetaminophen in it. So even if she was taking the right dose of Tylenol, she may have still been taking in way too much acetaminophen. I personally don't think of ibuprofen as any safer. It has it's own set of side effects, especially effecting your stomach. My son drank a whole bottle (new and large) of Tylenol when he was 4. The ER watched his Tylenol levels until they peaked and even though he took in more than 15 times his recommended dose, he didn't end up needing any treatment.


    I am very sorry. I pray that she gets a miracle tonight.

  4. I used if for 3 months.


    The positives-


    *I like the format of the shopping lists. Very easy to eliminate a meal and find the ingredients in the store


    *Most meals were palatable. Some were keepers.


    *inexpensive for what you get.


    *Kept me organized and saved me from the 5 o'clock panic



    The negatives


    *the ingredients were not as cheap as advertised, BUT (big but) we live in NorCal and didn't have any of the listed stores. I expected it to cost me more.


    *There were a few meals that were down right gross. I am NOT picky and if I can't eat it, that's a problem.


    *This is the #1 reason for me not continuing with it- Most of the meals are heavy in processed foods. Not surprising, considering that the goal is to create cheap meals. The regular meals were often high calorie/fat, the lowfat menu was just a ton of low fat substitutions (who knew that there was such a thing as fat-free half-and-half?).


    I am glad that I used it. I really needed help to get back on track and I was otherwise overwhelmed by life. It was super helpful for me to be able to tell my family that THIS is the plan and I'm sorry if you don't like it. Coming from a third party took away the complaining, because I wasn't choosing to feed them that meal, it was chosen for me. I did walk away with a few new recipes (maybe 5) to add to my rotation. I'm back to doing my own meal planning, but if I ever find myself in that same place, I would do it again.



  5. OK, I just asked the same question on MFW board , asking the MFW staff for an answer... I edited my post to sound as nice as possible and they removed my post !!!

    What do you think about that ?


    Now their silence answers everything to me.


    You can replace these books but I just don't feel comfortable using a curriculum that strongly encourages (through at least two books ) this movement.


    Which movement? Emergent? Emerging? Seeker? Those 3 words reference different things and I think it's important to be specific.


    As for the deleted post, while I do not think it "answers" anything, I do think it's a bummer. I hate it when companies choose not to answer these questions. They shoot themselves in the foot.

  6. Those are on the very top of my Christmas wish list. I've tried them on and they are super comfy. Really, it's just been the price that has kept me from getting them. Funny enough, it was the day before the summer homeschool convention that I had a chance to try them on. I SERIOUSLY had to talk myself out of spending school money on a pair. I had $300 cash sitting in my pocket and jeez were they cute!

  7. Ah, good question.


    While I graduated #9 in my class with high honors, I did skip a lot in senior year. But all the teachers like me, so I never got in trouble for it. Somehow, my parents never found out, either. They would've punished me severely if they had.


    Dh ended up at an 'alternative' highschool because he skipped so much. His daughter was born two months after he graduated. He had an 'interesting' highschool experience, that's for sure.


    I wonder if people who NEVER skipped class in school have that dream.


    I skipped class a ton and I've never had that dream. Funny how common it seems to be!

  8. Just want to say a big THANK YOU to all who responded. I really hope that dd is one of those girls who improves after her period starts. It does seem like she has become more and more tightly wound over the last 6 months. I started my period at right about this age, so I'm expecting something close to the same for her.


    Just to address some of the suggestions- I checked Love and Logic out of the library about a week ago. I have just barely cracked the cover, but it's encouraging to see it come up in this thread! As for talking about hormones, we have a very open relationship and have discussed everything at length. She understands, but it doesn't really help in the heat of the moment. If I think back to when I was pregnant, I can get her perspective. It didn't matter if dh pointed out my over the top hormonal reactions, I just knew how I felt. DD is the same. She knows it is hormones, but knowing is not really changing anything. Yes, PIA means pain in the @ss. :-)


    She's been amazing for the past 2 days- we got a puppy! I wish that could be a long term solution.


    Thanks again!

  9. I do not think I am going to make it. My previously amazing 12yo is becoming down right unbearable. She lives as if the whole world is against her. Every request gets a sharp reply, every innocent comment (from myself or her siblings) gets a snappy response. It's not always in what she says, but her tone is undeniable. She wants to go back to public school. Her going back for highschool has been the plan for awhile, but I am seriously considering just sending her back now. We always wanted our kids to be home through the middle school years, because of how socially brutal they are. We have great public schools (academically) and frankly, if she's going to be this horrible to us, I'd almost rather just send her on her way. That sounds awful, but I'm starting to wonder why I'm fighting to spare her the nastiness if she's just going to heap it onto us.


    The other thing that scares the crud out of me is that this child has always been so easy! So much easier than my youngest 2. I'm terrified that this is the easy version of a 12yo and the other 2 are going to kill me.


    Also, my burning question, does this get better? I really didn't expect the whole martyrdom of teenagehood to kick in until, I don't know, 14 or 15. So can a horrible 12yo become a more bearable 15yo?


    I am feeling just so defeated right now. I really don't know WHY I am homeschooling her. I am clearly making her miserable, and she is starting to return the favor. Sigh.

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