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Kat w

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Everything posted by Kat w

  1. Ah, I disagree vetting the way from text book for the kids. There is SOOOOO much more to it. Maybe you should get a hig. Not gonna fight. And maybe more should have open minds instead of immediately going to offended and defensive. And, maybe you haven't learned all you think you have. Get a hig...mayb you have I don't know, still haven't read all of your confrontational comments :)
  2. ^^^what she said lol. Janeway, I didn't read all of your post, I will later, but, I am not liking for a math fight. That's great you learned the SM math way. 99% of the population wint tho. They won't understand the difference. I wasn't attacking you. I was talking to op. I have talked with many moms in person Nd in the boards about Singapore , at least 15-18 or so, several failed at it, why? You may ask?? The ones who failed didn't use the hig. How else would one learn the Singapore way????? You obviously found a way and maybe said how in ur post I didn't read all of, but , I say again. Most people won't know how to seek that our or more to the point . won't even know there IS a difference. You ma'am, are most certainly the minority. Congratulations , you did well by your kids . most of us wouldn't be able to learn it another way so...yes sure. Not all but I repeat. You ma'am are the minority there. Nature girl. Well said :)
  3. But, fwiw, my husband started my ds12 SN...very SN on dulio. That's not the correct spelling. But you get weekly updates sent to your email on their progress. They track it for you which, is very nice. There's another one he uses. I need to ask him what it is. It has pictures to go with the words. I'm shocked how much he can do.now, let me quality that. He doesn't know a ton. But, he knows some and can remember small amounts and very basic things. It's definitely something to build on. It's good your looking early for it. It takes out kids longer to grasp a foreign language for sure. We have only been working on words. One day I sure hope to try the grammar portion of it, but that's a very weak are for him anyway. So, ...maybe no lol.
  4. How about asl (sign)? My son learned it at an early age to communicate. He was non verbal. The colleges here count it as a foreign language . I know homeschool kids who got accepted with asl. And it's fun :) with it using your hands ....I hear from some moms with dyslexic kiddos that works well with them. Maybe check your local and /or state colleges to see if they accept it. I think most state colleges are accepting it more and more. And,...did I mention? ..it's fun lol :)
  5. I'm going to check this out today. Anything in a computer screen my sin diea very well with. We use khan and he loves it. Dies well. Is behind...but you can type the numbers in etc which really works for us. We just need so much review we wind up doing several programs . And the math facts, they are just not committing them to memory. Thanks, I'll try that app today :)
  6. As far as leaving out the algebra problems....that's what I meant about rearranging . they did add thst layer but it wasn't that much later. Singapore teaches so much so early that there's already enough to grasp much earlier than American math programs and the algebra taught in SM is still earlier than any math program I've used it heard of.
  7. That's a great point naturegirl. If you don't use the hig you will teach how you know. That's every single time I have heard a complaint on SM, that's been the reason behind it. They hig wasn't used. It teaches you ( and scripted) how to teach the Singapore way. That was a very important point to make. It makes the difference in success or failure with SM.
  8. PS...reading aloud. You read a page. They read a page etc.
  9. What pp said. We did same thing and my older ones are all grown. They still remember the sweet times of the bf passing the book around taking turns, including me. The shared reading approach is recommended by many. They still remember what they learned too. Just do it like its a small class lol.
  10. Yes, a very small help would be huge for him. This is my youngest . he currently isn't on med. But would definitely benefit from it. His APD is severe. I fel so bad in the earlier years he got in alot of trouble my thinkin it was a behavioral issue. Guilt plaqued a little :/ This is the one thst I asked you about reading comprehension . he could fly his eyes over the words but have absolutely.. No...idea what he had read. Testing showed it was language deficiency /APD and ADHD.
  11. Also, fwiw and anyone reading that it may benefit, we always make our own flashcards when possible. It gets them writing (visual) and helps them remember better. I ven did this with my big kids. I find it helps them in cementing the info. Thank you for posting what she recommended , helps me alot :)
  12. We use workbooks where we can only because my boys need to write it also and it helps them practice reading and following written directions. That's just us tho.
  13. Crimsonwife, I asked you in your post just now ( the link you provided) if the Gander portion of the Gander Amazon store was different than regular Amazon. I've searched Amazon and found nit much ir nithi g at all. Pls help lol. I dunno what I'm doing electrically.
  14. Crimson wife, if possible, could you pleas provide a link to the Gander Amazon store? It sounds different than regular Amazon. I have searched Amazon for certain manuals but doing none. Is the Gander part different? Pls send link. Electronically challenged over here :/ Thanks
  15. Sorry thpos. On old phone and...it's not letting me edit. Ugh. Sorry
  16. I believe, not 100% sure sosomeone please correct me if I'm wrong. But, I believe veritas press simply sells his books. I don't think he is at the helm. I think shying away from VP would be throwing the bath water out with the baby. And to someone's question about didn't Doug Wilson used to be opposed to homeschooling. YES! he did. It was r.c. Sproul Jr influence on Jim that "changed his mind". We know RC Jr an know this to be true. We are redormedalso and Doug Wilson ha for many years been one that many reformers have stayed away from.
  17. The colleges here both comm. Coll and universities do not allow citations from Wikipedia. I have heard they have made an effort to be more reliable. Not sure in that tho, only hearsay fir me.
  18. I did and do beautiful feet ( literature based) and add in a program like abeka or bju to take turns reading the text and working the fun activities :) Science , Sam exact thing. Bf has history if science and most if the books to read are in the libraries. Then...an abeka or bju text taking turns reading aloud the pagea and do the VERY fun activities guides :)
  19. I would say Fll And easy grammar for practice sheets. No colorful distractions on the pages and very straight forward and to the point. Another that I use with them is the Charlotte Mason eng. I still use my old English for the thoughtful child. Very sweet moments between mom n child :) it's gentle yet amazingly affective . you can flip flop days, like one day fll and ea. Gr. , next day Charlotte Mason and practice on lined paper. Mix it up a bit. I truly believe the Charlotte Mason books will help and soooo sweet :) We curl up together on the couch and have fun times with it. Easy grammar to simply practice . I use fll as the spine and pull in the ea. Gr. To coincide with that. Charlotte Mason is done in order of the book. But not on the same days as fll as she really made that a Charlotte Mason type of book. Love them both and was first grammar we had without tears and they love the mommy time they vet :)
  20. Noreen is right. I researched SM extensively on their scope and sequence charts and read many articles on it. California worked with the publishers to add the review , change some of the sequences in which they taught etc. Singapore pushed back on alot . and that's where they landed. More review and a slight change of sequence plus, the metric system . California had them add in the customary system an first .
  21. Fwiw, I would be very hesitant to assign every other problem or akip one in Singapore . any other math program? Sure, but not SM. BC it is based in the 4 step approach, they will miss something. Or, not master it the way we think. It's a mastery based program that's why it assigns so many problems per concept. They don't go back a review ( except at end of CH. And u unit) . I made this mistake with Saxon when my big kids were young. I had a friend that was asasigning every other problem BC sh thought it was redundant. It was in fact not lol. They had holes later and we had to go back and fill in. I would trust the Singapore program. It is a great one and tried n tested. The sigaporians ( I'm sure that's not the appropriate name lol) score consistently in the top few in the world in math and science .
  22. Vonbon, yes this is true. Level 2 is for 3 Rd grade. , leve 3 is for 4th grade, And so on. It even says I in the separate practice books rhy sell for it. Which was good for my boys to see that it was a level and not the grade. I recommend those practice books. Alot of the info is presented in a different way. It helps to cement or master the concept.
  23. Yes, if you look at what workbook pages are assigned per day , it's spread out over those days. That's how they achieve mastery. Doing that concept in the workbook over several days. Those days are practice and "cementing" days. I wouldn't want to do all the sheets in a day or 2 when it's assigned ( see notes on the lil pencil in textbook) over several days. They won't or probably won't acheive mastery that way. We also use the practice book , but use it for review of previously learned concepts ( we need lots of review over here). You can also buy the word problem book and use that as practice for those days too.
  24. OhE, I'm so glad you shared thst about the meds helpin APD. I did not know that. Noone mentioned that to us. Oh, this chickey is making appt about that. My youngest lil guy , whew APD , just, don't even have words for it. Si encouraged to hear this . thank you for sharing. I agree about the dual enrollment being better fir them than the HS setting, I would add, pleas go the community college route instead of straight to university. The class sizes usually max out at about 30. And they get LOTS more indivualized help from professor .. Not to mention, less noise ,chaos, smaller building to navigate, etc.
  25. Oh. Yes , I see, if your homeschoolingy. They will blame it on what you're doing wrong lol. If That's the case, yes, you may need an advocate but, they will do the bare minimum and here's partly why. Money. It's about the funding. When we enroll our SN kids in ps...they vet almost triple the money between fed n stage sunsidies. When you don't enroll bit want the services that your tax dollars pay for? They no likey lol. They are alsmot bitter and insenced that you are " wasting" there already stretched thin therapist. So, of say, try the PS, but KEEP your private therapists too . we enrolled in ps and still kept our private ones .et us know how it goes :)
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