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Everything posted by ncmomo3

  1. :iagree: It is excellent. I can cut a bagel a tomato and spread cream cheese with the same knife. It is fabulous.
  2. The girls and I are heading to Nashville (9hrs away:tongue_smilie:) as they are attending a Fine Arts Academy for nearly 3 weeks. Each will be participating in their instrumental area (piano, violin and flute). They will actually be broadcasting the final performance on DayStar. Keep an eye out for us!:D
  3. I lost my BEST pound cake recipe a couple of months ago. I'll give this one a shot. Thanks. ETA- just read it. It is a cold oven recipe just like the one I lost. Now I'm hopeful!
  4. AH! I hear you- those types of books are always fun.:glare:
  5. I'll play. The Last of the Mohicans. OH. MY. WORD. :ack2:
  6. I'm so sorry. I do have a good outcome to share. A friend had this, went through surgery and radiation and is now wonderfully healthy 3 yrs. later. :grouphug:
  7. 3 girls and nothing strapless. No spaghetti straps. I didn't buy it for them when they were tots or very young girls, that way there were no rules to change as they matured. When they are 18, then the decision is theirs to make.
  8. My MIL once told me that she couldn't have picked a better wife for her son than me. That was incredible to hear and has stuck with me.
  9. must...always...finish...book...driven by inner compulsion. :tongue_smilie:
  10. Just wondering - does the solutions manual show the problems worked out(and if so, all or is it partial) or is it merely an answer key. Thanks.
  11. I will be letting my girls read this. They too, love to play--don't like to practice. I've never heard it explained quite that way. Thanks.
  12. My dd practiced (and still does) about 45min/day, 6 days/wk. She just turned 14 and practices without being reminded about 1/2 the time. At 12, I was reminding her every day. A couple of yrs. ago when she was balking about practice and struggling with hard pieces, I did ease off for a few months and then gradually increased practice time. That seemed to do the trick. HTH.
  13. I do hope you will write those in a memory book. Too cute!:lol:
  14. Our poor, poor -doomed to a life of certain and unavoidable celibacy -kids. :lol:
  15. wow. Having read these responses, apparently I have been doing my kids a disservice. I guess I need to reevaluate. :sad:..slinking off to find a hole into which I will crawl.
  16. I've used LL 7 and 8 twice and will again with dd#3. It is one curriculum that was everything I could have hoped. I haven't used the high school levels, and won't as we will use TOG for lit. But, yes, IMO the 7 and 8 are that good.
  17. From the thread title, I thought my kids were at your house today. I hear ya and feel your pain.
  18. I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like ...victory. Yep-- need that a.m. pot of coffee.
  19. Me TOO!! I ordered LATE Fri. evening and it arrived at 11:00 am this morning. Unbelieveable.
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