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Everything posted by HSMom2One

  1. This is excellent. I want to encourage you and your dh to communicate with this family in complete honesty, just as this poster suggested. If you don't, then they and their daughter will not have the opportunity to grow in an area that is desperately needed. If you remain silent, then they will think that this kind of behavior is acceptable. Chances are that even if they hear the truth, they will ignore the facts, but at least you can help provide them with the opportunity to face it and learn. It would actually be doing them a favor in the long run. We are in a kind of similar situation, so I also feel your pain. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you pray for God's wisdom going forward. Blessings, Lucinda
  2. I don't see it on our resource lists. Maybe it is on the alternate list. If I find it I'll let you know. Blessings, Lucinda
  3. I purchased a used set of the Redesigned TOG Yr 1, and am not a bit sorry. Like another poster said, using the printed version helps you get better acquainted with the program. As a person that prefers to read paper text over digital text, I appreciate having the book in front of me. If it were up to me, I'd rather have the print ultimately up ahead, but most likely won't order it because of the costs involved. (I expect that I will have to print out the pages that we will need so I can still have a hard copy notebook.) Along with this, I think that the price has to be another incentive. Most used copies are at a savings, even though TOG materials have great resale value. With this, at the very least you should be able to turn it around and sell it again if you choose to and still get a good amount of return on your investment. Blessings, Lucinda
  4. That is encouraging, Christielee! I'm glad to hear from another mom that is taking the plunge too. It could be scary, but frankly I'm very ready for the changes and I know dd is too. Last year was good, but it could have been more stimulating. I think that our study of the ancient world with TOG and SOTW is going to be a wonderful experience. Good luck to you too! Blessings, Lucinda
  5. I am stoked too! I hope that we stay stoked for many months, not just at the beginning. Once the newness wears off, it will be important to stay enthusiastic so the children will enjoy learning. I teach part-time at a classical Christian school, and we have a saying that "Joy is not an option" in our teaching. I have thought long and hard about this, and realize that my attitude toward what I'm teaching makes all the difference in the world to my students at school as well as dd at home. Today I am opening all the books, touching them and admiring them. What a great time of the year! Blessings, Lucinda
  6. Except for some additional resource books for TOG that I will buy with each unit, I have finally completed my shopping for the year. We are using all new programs for 5th grade with the exception of LFC, which has been working out very well for us. Dd needed a change in LA especially, so we are taking a whole different approach. Also switching from MUS to TT. We don't start school until 09/14, so that is one reason I've waited until now to get this all pulled together. Has anyone else gone to a whole different choice of curriculum this year? Is anyone still shopping? Blessings, Lucinda
  7. We started out with Prima Latina and dd got bored very quickly. The chants were fun at first, but the whole thing is rather drab in appearance and the presentation. So then we switched to LFC and she suddenly discovered that learning Latin was fun. We buy the mastery bundle which includes and activity book with fun games, DVD instruction (a must for me since I've never studies Latin), CD's with chants, a reading book in Latin for midway through the book and beyond, and of course the main Primer workbook. DD is getting very strong with her understanding of Latin and I am very amazed at how it has come together for her. She is actually ahead of me and often sits me down and teaches me! Blessings, Lucinda
  8. I am an older mom with two sets of children. The older three were all tummy sleepers, and they are still alive and kicking. My youngest child slept both ways, but most of the time on her tummy. (She also co-slept with dh and I, and we did not roll over and smother her -- which, according to some folks, was just a stroke of luck.) Do you ever wonder what our ancestors did when they had to go with the flow and figure these things out on their own? There must have been terrible casualties back then LOL! :001_huh: Blessings, Lucinda
  9. You all give me hope and encouragement. It would be so easy to give up and quit, but thanks to you I want to keep going. I'll report in again tomorrow for the accountability. Anyone else that needs to do the same, this is a great place to do it and you are among friends. Blessings, Lucinda
  10. This sounds so delicious!! And it is so simple....even better! I can't wait to try it. Thank you for sharing. Blessings, Lucinda
  11. Well, I have to say it was very rough, but I persevered. I did have to cut off just short of finishing due to a late start and having to be at an appointment. But I feel satisfied that I did my best. The pain is great in my thighs still. <<sigh>> Blessings, Lucinda
  12. Since posting the other day about my first experience with the Shred workout Level 1, I have been walking around like an old woman! I'm amazed at how my front thighs feel even still. But even so, I am determined to keep going. Today I will work out again, even though I'm still very sore. And I will be using my upright piano to do a standing modified push-up. If anyone would like to use this thread for the purpose of accountability along with me, please feel free. I am planning to do the workout 3 x per week, probably M,W & F to begin. Hopefully, as I get stronger I will want to do it more often. But at this time I want to start out right and not burnout. After I do the workout today I'll post again to confirm it was done. Here's to good health and lost, unwanted pounds my friends!! ;) Blessings, Lucinda
  13. Crock pot pork chops with pepper jelly, basmati rice and fresh from the farm mixed veggie saute'. It was delicious! <burp> :o Blessings, Lucinda
  14. Oh, this is me tooooo! Its as though I've found soul sisters here! Its somewhat humiliating to admit these things, but since this is the INFJ Cafe I feel strangely "safe" being so transparent. Do any of you here happen to be divergent thinkers? I know I am...constantly multitasking, going from pile to pile, sorting, sorting, piling for later, piling again....things do get checked off the list, but the list is never finished. Then I get into planning, writing, drawing or anything creative and and get zoned in. I can accomplish a lot, but likewise I can sit in that little corner for a long time planning on how I can become more organized. I have wondered often if something is wrong with me, but upon reading a book recently titled, The Creative Call, I found that many creative people are this way. It really made me feel better -- actually gave me hope! Blessings, Lucinda
  15. Sandra, I think this is primarily a weight loss workout. Jillian Michaels undoubtedly has something out there for you though. You'd just need to google her name. And I did see a "Biggest Loser" workout advertised through NBC.com that is called "Sculpt". I don't know if you have that TV program in Australia or not, but its pretty popular here in the U.S. Blessings, Lucinda
  16. I was wondering the same thing. I don't want to die!!! Blessings, Lucinda
  17. Dd wants to learn Spanish too, but I'm having her take another year of Latin first. I have no idea which curriculum we'll choose for Spanish, but now we are going with LFC. Blessings, Lucinda
  18. I have consistently tested out as an INFJ in "unofficial" online tests and having read some about the MB personalities, I am certain that it is the correct choice. In my younger years I was much more an extrovert, but it changed as the years go by. I do love being around people, but I find myself needing more and more alone time. By the time I'm 80 I expect I'll nearly be a hermit! Blessings, Lucinda
  19. I understand what you mean. I suggested the Methodist denom because as a whole it is pretty much what you described, and no wonder -- John Wesley was an Anglican priest throughout his life. His theology is thoroughly routed in the very things you believe in. There are so many people struggling with church these days! My family has been Free Methodist for many years, but we have been attending a home fellowship for the past year rather than a traditional church. The people in our group all share a passion to follow the Bible's teachings, yet none of us have found a church that seems to be following that in these days. Too many churches are trying so hard to be "seeker friendly" that the truth is watered down and weak. It can be very discouraging at times. Hang in there, and keep your eyes on your Father. He gives wisdom and direction to those that seek it, and it sounds like you certainly are doing that. Blessings, Lucinda
  20. I would give anything in the world to be able to pull the plug on our tv set. I HATE the influence it has on my family! The problem is that my dh will hear nothing of it. He watches it to relax every night, and sits mindlessly in front of it until bedtime. The best that I can do is limit the amount of screen time dd has (computer and tv) and keep my mouth zipped when it comes to other members of my family, which includes my dm (age 79 who lives with us). Blessings, Lucinda
  21. Would he be able to tolerate Ezekiel bread? This is found in health food stores in the freezer. I am wheat free, but can eat this bread because it is made with sprouted wheat that has not yet produced gluten. Just a thought. Blessings, Lucinda
  22. Chris, I wonder if you might appreciate looking into the Methodist denomination. Although a number of United Methodist congregations are liberal with homosexuality, there are also a number of more conservative ones. If you read about the history and polity of Methodism, you may find that you fit right in. Blessings, Lucinda
  23. Our 5th grade plan is posted below in my siggy. This is our first year with TOG, and so we will be studying Ancient History as the spine of our unit studies. We are adding the TOG lapbooks because she needs plenty of hands-on projects. We'll be changing all of our curriculum this year except for LFC, and I must say that dd and I are really excited. Blessings, Lucinda
  24. Wow - this is awesome! :hurray: A little encouragement sure does go a long way. :) Tonight I am still feeling results from what I did to my body. My thighs and my arms are feeling a little burned and utterly exhausted this evening. I know I am going to sleep like a baby tonight! My daughter just came up to me to ask what my plan is. How many times per week will I do my exercise, she asks. My thoughts were to do Shred 3x per week and ride my bicycle a minimum of 3x as well. That is a lot more exercise than I have been getting. Do you all think this is enough, or should I be doing the Shred workout more than that? I want this to make a difference. Am I approaching this realistically? Blessings, Lucinda
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