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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Anyone with Rosacea? Well... I don't have Rosacea, but I do have diarrhea. Can we still be friends??
  2. OOH OOH I found it.... Die Gesellschaft zur Förderung beruflicher und sozialer Integration (gfi) Was that it?? :D
  3. ROFL! T.E.D. hehehehe I like that one! Oh, Tina, don't even worry about it. I'm only feigning being hurt! ;) I've been here long enough to know how quickly stuff gets buried, especially in the general boards. And I understand if a thread it hot it's hard to get to everyone's replies, but sometimes I can't help but wonder if I have B.B.O. (Board Body Odor) or something?? :blushing:
  4. hehehehehe I'm so familiar with the sounds of crickets I can distinguish between the species!
  5. Yes, you have quite an impressive run, but I still think I am the winner hands down. I have so many embarrassing thread killing examples. They go so far back that some of them have been expunged from the record even!! Yeah! That bad! :glare:
  6. LOL I feel your pain. I love it when I'm contributing to a thread where someone has asked advice and the OP quotes and replies to everyone else in the thread except me! They quote the person who posted right before me, right after me, but little old me??? nada! :glare: hehehehehehe I think I am death! :001_huh: No wonder nobody wants to hang out with me! hehehehe :lol: :lol:
  7. hehehhe I know, believe me. I had many many more threads I could have posted as examples to Dolphin's challenge. :001_huh:
  8. LOL I missed that one. Must have been while I was on my "board break" :D That thread is nuts! hehehe
  9. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh my gosh I can't even breathe I'm laughing so hard! hehehehee :lol::lol::lol: Yeah that's me.... Dr. Death! Where do they go??? On the boat with Gracchus of course! :D
  10. This one was just painful. I was so excited and only one other person even commented. Epic Fail! This one I got reamed for bragging about how nice the weather was here in Florida during the winter AND killed the thread. hehehe This one I was trying to give something away for free to the boardies because I knew I couldn't use it, but didn't want to just throw it away. NOT ONE SINGLE REPLY!! Feeling like a leper now! :crying: This one I asked a question and never got an answer. D'oh Dissed again! Yet another thread fail! and another and another and another Okay this is truly embarrassing. Should I continue or just declare myself the winner?? :D I'm sure my Kafkatime idea will prove to be a big fail too, but it hasn't been a full month yet. Just wait and see. I can hear the creaking of the coffin already! :D Jen, THE REAL THREAD KILLER!!!!
  11. LOL you're on! May take me awhile though. I have so many threads to choose from! :p I hear there is actually a wanted poster for me Dead or Alive for being a serial thread killer! :D
  12. :iagree::iagree::iagree: with Justamouse. I am so sorry for your loss honey! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  13. Do you freeze cheese? **in my best Dr. Suess voice** Do I freeze cheese?? Yes I freeze cheese. Freezy, Squeezy, Cheesy freeze cheese is the bees knees!
  14. hehehehe I thought Rosie was going to clobber me with a boomerang! hehehehe ETA: I'm SUCH a dumbarse! I didn't even realize that you had started a thread Dolphin! hehehe For some reason I was thinking you were quoting Rosie's calling me out to empty my inbox. I had forgotten the title that she put in her thread so I assumed it was the title you were using! D'oh. I saw your thead! Accepted your challenge and think you should just declare me the winner right now! :D hehehe
  15. hehehe I hope your dh does get an account. I'd love to see his contributions to the forum game :) :lol::lol::lol:
  16. "Manning up" my boy? I suggest you start with these. This should give him a good foundation. :)
  17. If that's the case then I wouldn't have a problem buying in that size if I had the room to store it. :)
  18. I wouldn't, but that's because I'm always paranoid about weevils and buggies getting into grains. I do buy 20 pound sacks of rice, but only because we eat rice pretty much every day and I go through it pretty quick. They sell 50 pound sacks, but I never buy them for fear of bugs. I've just had to throw too many things away when I buy them in quantities that are too large.
  19. Awww I'm sorry ladies. I was trying to joke with you ladies and be a little silly, but I think I'm just coming across as annoying jerk! :tongue_smilie: I didn't mean any harm though. :grouphug: And OP, those pictures really are lovely. :)
  20. If you don't believe in marriage until death then you're silly! How can you marry someone if you're dead. You can't even say your vows! Plus, that would be a really dull marriage with no conversation. Just sayin....
  21. That's cool how you can see your computer screen and window like a split screen. This is my view. This is my pool. :) and my hometown beach. Ya'll are gonna start throwing snowballs at me now! :p :D:leaving::auto:
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