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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Oh nooooooooooooooooooooo!!! I love Chargers too! They're awesome!! I hope your dh gets you one. Then we need pics for sure! :) Wow! I have to give him kudos for being able to sell them. I wouldn't be able to do it. I'd want to keep them all. Well, the 69 Camaro at least! :lol: Nice!! Fastbacks are awesome. That was so sweet he sold it to get you a minivan. :) That's love there! :)
  2. Oh!! :eek: Thank you so much for the warning. I had no idea. Doh! Thankfully I didin't click the link. :) !!Pero que sneaky son algunas personas!! !Epa!
  3. Wow!! :eek: :svengo: You win! hehehe That thermomix looks amazing though. :iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree:
  4. There was a movie about it that I saw awhile back. IIRC they were what one would describe "old souls" and marched to the beat of their own drums. Highly sensitive and artisitic. At least that is how I remember the movie portraying them.
  5. Yeah! You'd think he'd remember proposing. Sigh. :grouphug: It it's any consolation my dh's proposal was, "so what do you think about signing up for pre-marital classes?" No joke. He never actually proposed, no engagement ring and I bought our wedding rings. I guess some guys miss the whole romance thing. ;) :D hehe But at least he appreciates muscle cars. ;) :D :auto:
  6. Welcome. This is an attempt to have a discussion about the health care bill that was just passed this week. There have been past attempts at having a discussion about this same topic that didn't go so well so the original poster was attempting to bring it up again with the hopes of discussing it. Hope that helps.:)
  7. Probably OT, but I was a bit shocked by this statement in the link you provided under the heading What about the ethical issues of abortion? “Some anti-choice advocates, however, are doing their best to force their religious convictions on the entire country. Not only do they disapprove of abortion for themselves, they seek to decide this very personal decision for everybody else. Neither a church nor a government has the right to force a citizen to follow a particular religious or moral path.” I'm really surprised that language like that would appear in that pamphlet. Not everyone who is opposed to abortion is so on a religious basis. Many do see it as an issue of the rights of the unborn regardless of their religious affiliation. And the whole "forcing a citizen to follow a religious or moral path" seems way off base in a pamphlet about abortion. Such broad brush statements that skirt the issue.
  8. Bummer! I can't understand why anybody wouldn't like them. Just the sound of their engines opening up makes me go weak in the knees. :drool5: LOVE THEM!!
  9. LOL he was probably softening the blow. ;) :) Just out of curiosity... what type of car did he get?? (please say a 1971 Camaro SS, please say a 1971 Camara SS :D )
  10. Yes, she was 12 at the time of that report. It blows me away that she is completely self taught! What a gift!! I wish I had it. :) Glad you enjoyed it. :)
  11. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Praying that it is nothing serious.
  12. No, but I WISH he would. Fixing up an old American muscle car is a dream of mine! :drool5:
  13. This girl has an amazing talent and gift and she plays piano too!! Amazing! :) Enjoy. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmm-0-Rdxo8&feature=related
  14. Maybe a music class or co-op?? The social aspect of it might make it more appealing than one on one lessons with a teacher?? My dd isn't much of a music lover either. I was teaching her one on one at home and she was very bored. She played well, but she really had no interest in it and only did it because I required her to do it. Since that time I have started a small co-op class in my house that meets once a week. My dd absolutely loves the class. She gets excited when the kids are close to coming and enjoys talking with them and socializing with them before and after class. She knows that she has to practice during the week in order to be prepared for class so she does it with the motivation of being with the kids. :) HTH
  15. Hey! Hillsborough County!! I have tons of family in Tampa too! Welcome Dolly! :) Glad you've joined the gang. :) Blessings, Jennifer (in Broward ) :)
  16. This is what was taught in my public schools in South Florida too. This thread has been a very eye opening and educational read for me. Thanks. :)
  17. I got a couple of snapshots of little Max when Molly flew out for a minute. He's so cute! :)
  18. I think it is to force us to improve our math skills. It's amazing how I can accurately calculate how many times I can hit that button while half asleep and still get up on time. ;) :D
  19. Wow!!! :eek: I'm so sorry to hear that. I've decided on a Maytag. I'm going to wait until April though since apparently the gov is doing a cash for clunkers type rebate thing for appliances. My state is giving a 20% rebate on the purchase price for a new energy efficient appliance! Your state will probably have a similar type of program. I found mine accidentally by Googling Maytag rebates. :D
  20. I started playing cello when I was 12 in 6th grade. I always loved cello and chose that one. I liked the sound of it much better than the violin though the viola is nice. I had to lug it around to concerts, but I don't remember it ever being a bother. It's usually just a walk from the car to the building. The cool thing about cello too is if you play it you can play bass really easily so it's like getting two instruments for the price of one. :)
  21. Awww! I missed the hatching, but I just saw little Max! :) He's SO cute! :D :hurray:
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