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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I'm doing much better. I'm almost back to normal. I still get a little tired if I try to take on too much and I still can't hear out of my right ear, but I feel SO MUCH better than I did. Thanks for asking. :) It really was. About 3 weeks for all of us! :eek: Amen! God is good. :) Thanks Cat. He started back to school on Monday. When he gets home I should post an updated pic of him so ya'll can see how much better he looks. He's back to his happy smiling self again. :)
  2. He's back to his normal happy self again. He's back to eating normally and is slowly re-gaining the weight that he lost. Your prayers were really a turning point for him in his illness so thank you so much to all of you who took the time to lift him up. My momma heart is so grateful to each and every one of you. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Blessings, Jennifer
  3. Do you ever freeze the juice? You can juice your surplus lemons and then pour the juice into ice cube trays and freeze it. When it's solid, transfer the lemon cubes from the ice cube trays to a ziplock bag and keep them stored in the freezer then just take the cubes out as you need whenever you need fresh juice. :) I do that all the time with lemons and limes and it makes great lemonade. :) HTH.
  4. It probably won't. Who wants a censored version of Huck Finn? I hope it backfires on them and they don't get the idea to mess with any other classics. :tongue_smilie:
  5. I agree this is totally stupid, but apparently it's only going to affect one version. New South Book's new release.
  6. My first born, dd 13, was extremely difficult to take care of. Even the pregnancy was hard. It's good that she was my first because she required so much care. I knew that babies were supposed to be difficult to take care of so I figured that it was just the way it is when you have kids, it wasn't until later that I got around other moms with children that I realized just how high maintenance mine was. My husband and I would go back and forth about when or not to try again. DD was just so difficult, but when she was 3 we decided that we should try one more time so she could have a sibling. I got pregnant as soon as we started trying and ds was born 9 months later. It was a night and day experience from the one I had with dd. The pregnancy was much easier, the labor/delivery too, he slept good (dd screamed from 11pm til 6 or 7am every night for the first 5 months). He was a sweet baby, but later on we noticed he had a lot of delays, his speech was not developing, he walked really late etc. Both of my children have since been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum disorders. My dd is Asperger's, ADHD and OCD and my son is profoundly Autistic. But really, in spite of everything and how it makes our day to day lives a lot harder, I wouldn't change them for the world. I love my kids to death and they have brought so much to my life. I really long to have another baby and I always wonder who I am missing, but I know how hard my life is already and so I don't try to have any more. I just keep thinking that if I were to have a third and they were special needs I don't know how I could manage. I sometimes feel like I'm barely hanging on with just my two. :eek: :svengo:
  7. :bigear::lurk5: I'd love to hear some suggestions as well. I like reading biographies from missionaries. Some of them read like action packed adventure stories. I liked Audrey Hepburn's biography as well. It was fascinating to learn that she actually smuggled papers for the Resistance in Holland during WWII.
  8. I seriously don't know. When I was a kid my next door neighbors had a mango tree. They never ate them. Never gave them away to anyone and wouldn't let us have any even though we loved mangoes. They would scream at us kids if we tried to climb their tree. They just let them rot and fall to the ground every year and no one got to eat them. :glare: I don't think so. Avocado trees are HUGE! Tall and wide with a huge canopy. They are also tropical. Unless your friend has a serious greenhouse I don't see how she could do it. They need lots of sunlight, heat and space.
  9. That's so great! I always love it when it catches on and they can read to you. They really own it after that. Thanks for sharing your wonderful news. :)
  10. Well, historically speaking, many great civilizations had their rise, golden age and then fell. I don't know if America can be lumped in with Rome or Greece, but I think it's safe to say that regardless of size and influence, it would be logical for America too to decline.
  11. Wow!! That is gorgeous!! Your husband is so talented. What an amazing gift. :) Beautiful.
  12. :iagree::iagree: My mom and I were once watching a program on PBS about the Calusa Indians and they were showing photographs of some people in the tribe (which is now extinct) and we both gasped when they showed this photo of an old woman who was a dead ringer for my great-grandmother (my mom's grandmother). She looked exactly like her! And the kicker was, my great-grandmother was born in Key West (which had been Calusa territory) and lived there until she moved to Tampa as a teenager. After we saw that we were wildly curious to find out if she had Indian blood in her, but there was no one to ask and no way to find out. I guess we could do a genetic test, but even if it were true, the story is lost and it would have been fascinating. Well, to us at least. :)
  13. sounds like it might be the culprit. I'm sorry you're sick. Get lots of rest and drink lots of fluids. Feel better. :grouphug:
  14. I would suspect it's a virus. I had something similar but in the reverse order of symptoms. I started feeling just really tired and achy, then sore throat, then fever and vomiting and full on flu symptoms, after a week of that it moved into my right ear and I had intense pain and my ear drum ruptured. I started on anti-biotics when it moved into my ear, but the symptoms all persisted even after I had finished the course of medication. It was just a nasty flu virus that was very tenacious. It's been three weeks now and I'm still not 100% from it. It's apparently going around too so I wouldn't be surprised if that's what you had. I hope you feel better soon. :grouphug:
  15. :iagree::iagree: Definitely hide the denims. lol I agree that that machine looks really small. I don't have super extensive experience hand washing laundry but I have some. Where I live is part of "hurricane alley" and so I've had to do my fair share of hand washing all of our laundry when the power has been out for weeks at a time. For me, I just use a big tub with a washboard that I bought at Ace Hardware years ago. I use bar soaps that are specifically for laundry like Octagon or Fels Naptha (Octagon is better though) and just wet the clothes, soap them up and then scrub them on the wash board. Once all the clothes are washed. I rinse out the tub and fill it with water and start rinsing them out. Once all the soap is out, I wring them by hand and line dry them. My husband is from the Caribbean and a lot of people there don't have washing machines. They use a two basin wash tub system that has a shelf. It basically looks like two sinks side by side. Kind of like a kitchen sink, but the basins are textured and not smooth like metal or ceramic sinks. It's much nicer than my set up, but it's also more permanent and I only need to wash by hand when the power is out. If you have a double sink in your kitchen though you can always do the laundry in there too and just use a wash board.
  16. LOL But can you imagine if they had been? You and your dh would be distant relatives. That would have been amazing. :) Great story. Thanks for sharing it. :)
  17. LOL That's awesome though. I love Edgar Allen Poe. His stories were so scary and creepy. :) I always loved Tell Tale Heart.
  18. I wonder if the Catholic church keeps records like that. All of the records would be in Spain though. But I know exactly where they were from in Spain. So it would be easy in that regard, but getting there to do the leg work is another matter. The oldest document that I've seen is a letter sent to my great grandfather's mother in Cuba from her mother in Spain talking about my great grandfather's Saint day. That was dated in the late 1800's.
  19. Indeed! Everybody has a story. :) Thanks for the information. I guess I would have to go to Spain to find out anything further. My grandfather and grandmother were first generation Americans too, my great grandfather was born in Cuba of Asturian parents but he left to come to America when he was 16 and brought his family over one at a time from there, except for the ones that wanted to stay in Cuba. They are still there today.
  20. Wow that's amazing!! How were you able to trace your lineage so far back? What documents did you use? I only know my heritage as has been passed down to me from my grandfather and great-grandfather. They used to tell us stories when we were kids about our family and where we came from. We are mostly Spanish blood with a drop of Cuban and a drop of French that came from my grandmother's side. Family legend says we are descendant from the first king of Spain. King Pelayo of Asturias. My family name is Pelaez. My family were all from Asturias and only left in the late 1800's and from there went to Cuba before coming to America. I still have some relatives in Spain, half of my family is still in Cuba and the rest are here in South Florida, but I don't know my family history any further back than the middle 1800's other than the legend of being descendant from the King. How do you go further back? I can't imagine being able to trace my history back to 775.
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