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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. hehehehe Glad I did something right even if I was a little too loud in the beginning. :blushing: hehe
  2. :lol::lol::lol: I know!! In my family, when we're all together, you probably couldn't even hear a bomb go off outside! hehehehe We can never talk to the person next to us, no way! We ALWAYS have to talk to the person across the table from us so we all have to shout to be heard. We've always been that way. Fortunately though my family live in a Latin neighborhood so everyone is the same way, but I can only imagine if some of the quiet folks ever went to a dinner at my family's house. :eek: :svengo: They'd probably need cotton for their ears. Or maybe some nitroglycerin pills to ward off a heart attack! :tongue_smilie:hehehehehehe :lol:
  3. I believe it. I always thought of Japan as a quiet and peaceful place. I'd love to go there sometime. :) Not to derail the thread, but I had to share with you a funny that happened to me when I went to Europe. I was in West Germany in a restaurant and I was just talking in my normal speaking voice to my friend across the table from me and I realized that people were looking at me. Then I realized how quietly they were talking. The tables were relatively close to each other and I noticed that I couldn't even hear the conversation of the people sitting on either side of me, so I tried speaking as quietly as I could and I was still too loud. So then I started to whisper and even my whisper was still too loud. I don't know how in the world those people were not only able to speak that quietly, but to have a whole conversation! I was truly amazed! How do people learn to master speaking that softly?? I couldn't do it! :lol:
  4. We are too. My whole family is loud. My mom had a non-hispanic friend when she was in school and brought her home one day to play at her house and when they walked up to the front door the girl could hear my grandparents inside talking in Spanish. She looked at my mom a little worried and said, "What are they fighting about??" My mom was like, "what?? They're not fighting. They're just talking." Yeah, my family is THAT loud. Sorry if we offend you quiet folks. :grouphug::grouphug: We don't mean to. It's just cultural I guess.
  5. Here is some Genesis. I know that Hold on My Heart and I Can't Dance were made in 1991, but I wanted to include them here anyway since it's close enough to the late 80's :D Enjoy. :) Tonight, Tonight, Tonight Mama Land of Confusion Throwing it All Away Hold on My Heart
  6. Yeah. I miss polar cups too. I grew up in Ft. Lauderdale, but all the rest of my family lived in Tampa so we went there often to visit. In Ft. Lauderdale we used to have Polar Cup Trucks that went through the neighborhoods and sold polar cups just like how ice cream trucks sell ice cream. Oh my gosh those things were SOOOOOO GOOOOOD especially on a hot day which you know we have in abundance. ;) They quit doing polar cup trucks ages ago, but they used to still have a free standing polar cup store in Ft. Lauderdale that you could still go to and get them, but that one eventually closed too and has been long gone for years now. I miss those so much. :(
  7. Oh yes I know the Columbia is still there it's the University restaurant that I was talking about. That one apparently closed. :( Too bad. I remember going there since I was a young girl. :(
  8. You can go visit my family if you want to. :D just kidding. There are some good restaurants there as well if you like Cuban/Spanish food. We always used to go to the Columbia restaurant and.... oh bummer! Apparently the University Restaurant isn't there anymore. :( What a shame. We used to eat there all the time. Well, the last time we went to Tampa a couple years ago, we had a family reunion at La Teresita restaurant. Their food wasn't bad either and you had a lot of choices. Ay, I wish I could have sent you to the University Restaurant instead though. I'm so bummed it's closed down. :( Have a nice time in Tampa. The beaches on the Gulf side have TONS of pretty sea shells and lots of sand dollars too. The sunsets are beautiful. I'm sure you'll find lots to do. Enjoy. :)
  9. I do. I think my dd will appreciate it when she's grown if she doesn't already. I teach a class of 8th grade girls at my church and dd is in my class. All of the other girls either go to PS or Christian school. My dd hears their complaints about homework, and test anxiety and problems with teachers at school and I think she realizes that she has it pretty good. That and that we spend a lot of time on developing her talents in things that she loves so I think overall she is happy that she is homeschooled even if she may not ever "voice" it. :)
  10. oooh that's really a hard question to answer. It's a toss up between my mother's palomilla steak with my grandma's black beans and rice or the arroz con pollo that my uncle made at my grandfather's funeral. Either way, it would be homecooking for me. I've never been to a restaurant yet that can beat home cooked Cuban food for yumminess. :D
  11. Yep, she's getting it. :) You'll be at over 3,000 posts in no time. :D ;)
  12. Ugh i know! I can barely keep up reporting them!! :eek: :svengo:
  13. :lol: :lol: :lol: That's classic. hehehe Not to mention the whole debate between florescent lightbulbs versus incandescent. hehehe
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