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Everything posted by luuknam

  1. Right, but you said you didn't get why folks pay for Prime. I gave a reason why some people do. In 2015, we placed 72 orders for 99 items. That's a lot of stuff to try to keep track of camelcamelcamel prices and shipping costs.
  2. FWIW, the Wayback Machine seems to only have the first 37 pages of this thread. Better pay your dues (there should be a big banner at the top of the page asking you for a donation): https://archive.org
  3. On the TV (at least, on the Netflix app on Apple TV), if you click on the magnifying glass (for searching), and then type 'German', then in the left-hand column there should be a list of options: German, German-Language Movies & TV, German-Language Movies, German Movies, German TV Shows, etc. You can also try this with 'Austrian', etc.
  4. Thou shalt not eat Pokémon. That said: https://www.amazon.com/Pokémon-Cookbook-Easy-Recipes-Pokemon/dp/1421589893
  5. I pronounce all the foreign place names etc in America wrong*, because I use the phonics of the language they originated from but it turns out to be Americanized, OR, alternatively, when I decide to do my best guess at how it's Americanized, it turns out that that specific one does still go by the phonics of the language it came from. *Huge exaggeration. Btw, I did teach DW, who is from Corpus, the Spanish word for 'yellow'. Me: like that place in Texas. Her: huh? Me: Amarillo. Her: that means yellow?!? (btw, I did know that that's pronounced differently in American and in Spanish, but it was just funny that it had never registered with her that there was a major city in Texas named Yellow. She had Spanish in elementary school because she lived in Corpus, and doesn't really remember any Spanish).
  6. If you want it to be. It's your fork, you get to name him/her/it/etc.
  7. Paint dead people. Those should hold still... :leaving: I got married at 20. Today was actually our 13th anniversary. Well, before it turned midnight, it was. And DW had to work all.day. I'm so done with this project. The deadline was yesterday (as in, Friday), but her boss felpfully got it moved to tomorrow (as in, Sunday evening). :banghead:
  8. If it could have hit a major artery or vein or w/e, do not remove it, and call 911. I once read about a woman who fell on a knitting needle. It impaled her heart. They managed to safely remove it at the hospital. http://abcnews.go.com/2020/story?id=8071664&page=1
  9. Kind of like a poem... Boeja! Boejé! Boejoe! Boejé Boeja! Boejoe! Boejoe! Boejé! Boejé! Boejé!
  10. I remember my childhood phone number from before they changed area codes sometime in the early-mid 90s. But, it was really easy... it was in the form abcba-ccbbb. We got quite a number of people dialing the wrong number by pressing one of those numbers too many times.
  11. Well, that sucks - I would expect that IF you can find some other way to get flood insurance, that it will cost a LOT more.
  12. My spreadsheet was 68KB - since it's a spreadsheet, it really shouldn't use much data. Of course, the exact size will depend on how many items you ordered, but still... Without Prime you only get free shipping if your order is $35+ now, iirc. Way too stressful trying to make sure to hit that number, especially when items vary in price day-to-day (I use camelcamelcamel a lot), so, trying to get the cheapest price for an item, but then having to add something cheap to hit free shipping, or pay shipping canceling the low cost of the item that day, or argh! Not worth it. I overthink everything, and Prime is worth the peace of mind of not trying to optimize item cost vs shipping cost. Plus, shipping is faster, and sometimes they'll let me select a slower shipping speed in exchange for a credit towards an ebook (they also try to entice me to select a slower shipping speed with other offers, but I don't care - if they offer a pantry discount or w/e they can just get me my stuff in 2 days, even if I won't need it right away).
  13. $7576. But hey, that's only like $250/person/year, right? ETA: DW occasionally orders something on her account, but that's pretty rare - I'm pretty sure that the vast majority of purchases including stuff for DW are included in this number.
  14. Alabama - Netherlands. 4683 miles, or something (I googled the distance to nearest big cities).
  15. Btw, one of them was a book on how to potty train your autistic kid. He's potty trained now, and has been, since, uh, Dec 2011. The order was May 2010...
  16. I'm sure I've ordered stuff from Amazon pre-2010, but that's the first order listed. 8 different things, all for toddlers, some special needs. ETA: that first order was 8 things. There are other things I ordered in 2010 as well.
  17. I used to know on my laptop, before they updated the software to the next major version. And now I don't. At least I can use accents etc again... for a brief time I lost that ability too.
  18. Te gustas, tu? ETA: Cómo escribir ? upside down on ese keyboard???
  19. Wrt Aïcha, I first heard that song when my mom was contemplating studying music theory at the university and we went to a sample lecture, and the lecturer discussed that song and Raï music in general. Then a few years after that someone translated the song to English and it was a hit for a bit.
  20. Here, for a different song by someone else in more than one language: Me gustas tu:
  21. The bars are still bars even if they're made out of gold (as in, the bars of a cage). Here, the English translation, along with the original lyrics in French, and, indeed Arabic: http://www.arabicmusictranslation.com/2013/12/cheb-khaled-aisha-aicha.html
  22. Yes, that's French, and I had to go back and edit the post because I forgot the t in sont (I think there's supposed to be a t there... I *think* I spelled it correctly now). Some of the song is in French, some in Arabic (I think - my Arabic is non-existent).
  23. Des barreaux sont des barreaux même en or... Squillion points for who gets that one.
  24. It was meant as a joke. My English is pretty decent without drinking as well. I doubt drinking improves my English.
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