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Everything posted by luuknam

  1. Okay, but he's constitutionally ineligible to be *elected* President, not constitutionally ineligible to the office of the President. I.e., if he gets there some other way, there's no conflict, therefore, he'd be eligible to run for VP. Or, at least that's how I read it. Not that I think him running as VP would be a great idea. Nor Oprah. I like Reich, but he's getting too old... Saving Capitalism is a great documentary though. I really do wonder who on earth might run.
  2. I feel like the word Protestant is used a lot more often in NL than in the US. I could be wrong though. ETA: iirc every primary school I attended billed itself as a Protestant-Christian school - I don't think they got specific about whether they were Dutch Reformed or Continental Reformed (the two main branches of Protestant Christianity in NL).
  3. I think it's related to the raw foods movement. That said, when I hear "raw water" I think of raw sewage, and that does not make it sound appealing at all. Unlike raw foods, which makes me think of uncooked carrots and the like, which, well, I happen to prefer cooked carrots, but I don't think "ew!" when I think raw carrots.
  4. When I lived in rural Thailand we drank the rainwater too. It was safer than the tap water, which was for showering and flushing the toilet etc. I would not drink bottled raw water though - that sounds dumb.
  5. I'm working my way through LOF Linear Algebra, and DW has decided to dub it "Life of Dread". Anyway, that was just a random funny. Do any of your curricula have nicknames?
  6. A PP thought the same thing, but apparently the board software doesn't (her posts do have two spaces). Of course, it's also possible that it depends on your device or browser etc. Your space bar is the same size as the period? My period is right next to the space bar too, but the space bar is way bigger. It's very similar to this one: http://i-cdn.phonearena.com/images/reviews/142157-image/Samsung-Galaxy-Note-3-Review-064-messaging.jpg I do use the actual period though, not the double space bar, or, predictive text... it will suggest a period after certain words.
  7. I hate to break it to you, but, I'm counting only one space after each period in that post.
  8. Texting is a relatively new way of communication that became really popular when I was in high school. Therefore, I'm going to claim that Millennial title and declare that whatever I text goes. Period. No old fuddy-duddiness about it. I would not take texting advice from a tween, tbh. They're still at that age where they're discovering all the neat features of stuff. Just like someone who encounters PowerPoint for the first time and goes overboard... ETA: the more sentences I text in a single block, the more likely it is that the last one will have a period. I also can't stand Twitter. Who can say stuff in 140 characters? (I know that they've got more now, but still...)
  9. Some years ago, my mom booked a hotel room in a hotel right next to Houston's busiest airport. I was like :willy_nilly: , but we actually couldn't hear the planes at all... I guess they had the sense to build with great soundproofing because of the location. I do think we had the top floor, and the top floor was probably less popular because of people assuming being right next to a busy airport would suck. Anyway, ymmv and all that, just wanted to throw those thoughts out there.
  10. So, I searched Amazon for books with the terms "current events" and ordered them by publication date... which meant I had to go to about page 27 or so to not be in pre-order territory: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_pg_27?rh=n%3A283155%2Ck%3Acurrent+events&page=27&sort=date-desc-rank&keywords=current+events&ie=UTF8&qid=1515268695 Most results aren't relevant, but, some finds published in about the past month: https://www.amazon.com/Not-Normal-Progressives-Trumps-Election/dp/197963467X/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 May or may not be your cup of tea wrt political slant, but seemed appropriate to assignment iiuc. https://www.amazon.com/Eruptions-Popular-Anger-Economics-Development-ebook/dp/B078SGDBTL/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1515268846&sr=1-1 Looks like a tougher read (this one is about Arab Spring and its aftermath - the aftermath being current events, right?). https://www.amazon.com/Vanilla-Not-Only-Flavor-Re-Education/dp/1979173281/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 Current events poetry (again, may or may not be your political slant - I'm not really picking a political angle here, just what Amazon has listed for current events that was published in about the last month). https://www.amazon.com/Controlling-Cyberspace-Politics-Governance-Regulation-ebook/dp/B077KF6YXM/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1515269025&sr=1-1 Probably a tougher read too (probably relevant wrt net neutrality and the like... not sure). Anyway, if you have a topic that interests you, you could probably find better results by searching for that topic and sorting by publication date - the above is just to show some examples of things that might work.
  11. E.g.: https://www.amazon.com/TIME-Year-Review-2017-Editors/dp/1547841028/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8
  12. My high school history teacher once said that according to some historians, anything more recent than 30 years ago is too recent for historical analysis, and is current events. So, no, not anything during your lifetime (nor my lifetime). That said, for what you describe, I'd aim for things within the past 5 years. You can find a fair number of books about things within the past year even. Ongoing things tend to be great - like, the Israel-Palestine conflict... I don't know what books have been published about that recently, but it's an ongoing issue. Likewise, there should be books about Syria, or you could even get the coffee table photo book What Happened Last Night in Sweden (okay, that one doesn't sound appropriate for the assignment, since it's mostly photos, but, it was published in Sept iirc, and has to do with Trump's tweet in Jan or Feb, and then the actual attack that happened in April). There are probably recently published books about North Korea's nuclear ambitions as well. You could probably already find some book recapping 2017 overall.
  13. I think that that far out, they can basically say "yes, we'll probably have weather of some sort". Right?
  14. Oh, and 53 on March 31st and 56 on April 1st. As if they can accurately forecast that far out.
  15. Hey, we're supposed to hit 50 on Thursday as well. :party:
  16. Car wouldn't start last night, probably because of the cold and because the only reason it'd been driven the day before was to move it across the street.
  17. If that's too much to ask, anything >32 will suffice. That'd still be something like 35 degrees warmer than it is atm, and warm enough to melt some snow.
  18. Can we have some of that, instead of trying for a record low? Any record high will do, i.e., it doesn't have to be 72 - I'm not sure what the record high for today is, but for most days in January the record high is somewhere between 61 and 65. I'm even willing to settle for a near record at just 60 or so.
  19. Btw, this just means "Me too. I want to eat rice*". *eat rice is just generic for eat a meal. Something to do with rice being really common at meals in Thailand. #alsohardlysurprising
  20. The kids don't like Thai, and will whine if we go to a Thai restaurant. #notfair Also, the Thai food here isn't as good as back home in the Isaan. #hardlysurprising
  21. ฉันด้วย ฉันอยาà¸à¸à¸´à¸™à¸‚้าว
  22. I haven't had any problems with Chase, other than that they're over an hour driving away, to the middle of nowhere (or 90 minutes to Rochester, but why go there?). I'm not sure what "writing physical checks to get cash for pocket money" means. I've gotten money at a bank a couple of times in my life, iirc, and I don't think I wrote any checks for that - just signed w/e they made me sign (it's been 5 years since the last time I did that though - not amused I had to drive over an hour to get cash, but we'd just moved here and needed a new mattress and it turned out our cards had expired the day before and the new cards sent to the previous address). Generally, I get pocket money by using my debit card and selecting the cash back option at the grocery store. Most stores allow $40-$60 back, if I want a lot of money, Walmart lets you get $100 (there are a few stores that charge you to get cash back - don't use those). Or, super sporadically, I use an ATM (I recall using one once in the past 10 years or so in the US, which was when we needed cash stat to rent this place). Generally speaking though, consistently selecting cash back at the grocery store will leave you with oodles of pocket money (I do that less than half the time).
  23. Wow, that's quite ambitious, 5 hours in a year. Personally I'm not sure I'd be able to get 4 hours this year. :lol:
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