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Everything posted by luuknam

  1. So, you could talk to her about it, or you could go do her puzzle, or you can go feel resentful indefinitely. It's not asking someone else to mind read. It's like as if they bought you some yummy candy, and then finish it off when you're busy doing something else. Just because you shared some of it while you were having some, doesn't mean that it's okay to just help yourself anytime. That's not cool, and a teen should know better.
  2. Okay, DW says she's leaving now. I'll let you know when she's home.
  3. Slaap, Jeantje, slaap. Daar buiten loopt een schaap. Een schaap met witte voetjes. Die drinkt z'n melk zo zoetjes. Slaap, Jeantje, slaap. Daar buiten loopt een schaap. (Sleep, little Jean, sleep. Outside there walks a sheep. A sheep with little white feet. That drinks its milk so sweet. Sleep, little Jean sleep. Outside there walks a sheep) (sheep would probably be better off in a stable as well, despite wool. at least we know why its feet are white. SNOW)
  4. Under ideal circumstances, DW should be able to get home in just under 15 min, iirc. Under current circumstances, how long to call in the cavalry?
  5. Oh, and apparently the weather service's "travel is strongly discouraged" didn't make an impression either. And I don't think the weather service had bicycling in mind when they wrote that.
  6. Not that 6 inches is a ton... unless you're bicycling over unplowed roads (the roads may or may not be plowed - they do plow them, but especially with the high winds it doesn't take long for them to seem unplowed again).
  7. Ugh, nope, DW has decided that she's getting ready to leave work. Somehow blizzard, 45mph, zero visibility, and snowfall totals for today being: Chance for less than 3 inches: 24% Chance for more than 6 inches: 32% didn't convince her.
  8. No kidding. Btw, yesterday evening we got snowed on when it was 11 outside, for those of us keeping track ( = Renai).
  9. Maybe I should try to convince DW to sleep at work. Tomorrow's weather should be a bit better.
  10. Looks like DW will be working late again... she decided to bicycle to work this morning, but now there's a snow squall till 3pm, and a blizzard warning till 1am, i.e. she should not leave work before 1am-ish. Also, it's 17 feels like -13 (note the negative sign), and by 1am it'll be 13 feels like -11. Ugh.
  11. Edpo: Word of the day: Bombogenesis: when the pressure falls by 24 millibars or more within 24 hours. This tends to signal the development of a strong storm system. https://weather.com/storms/winter/news/2018-01-01-east-coast-snowstorm-bombogenesis-early-january-2018 (if I'm looking at the pictures correctly, this should not affect us - I just thought that word looked really funny)
  12. I'm not sure what our library system does, but maybe y'all's libraries should inspect all CDs upon return, and charge people for scratched discs, just like they charge people for books that are ripped to shred or w/e.
  13. Sounds like someone needs to complain to management, or collection development, that it's past time for weeding. I've had issues with 2 audiobooks, iirc. I think one I ended up checking out the book and reading most of the stuff that was on the first disc out loud (the other discs were fine) and the other one I just had to do without half of two chapters of SOTW1, which wasn't an issue, because we had the book. That said, I do sometimes look at the discs before checking them out, especially if the box looks old and/or worn.
  14. That's risky... most people break their resolutions before February... (just don't break them on me)
  15. Apparently I'm in whatever the farthest west time zone is. Or more likely, it's already Jan 2nd in places. Oh well.
  16. I can promise you it can snow at 27F. But, I decided to look it up to see at what temperature snow becomes impossible, and the answer is... absolute zero: https://www.accuweather.com/en/features/trend/too-cold-to-snow/6953983 (it does say though that most heavy snow tends to happen when it's 15+F, and that below 0F snow is rare).
  17. Broccoli and I wish we were in Hong Kong at the time they did their fireworks - we just watched it on YouTube, and I was impressed (I'm not easy to impress wrt fireworks). We just watched it because Celery said he was going to go to bed, so I thought I'd do it now, but he didn't even stay and watch a single moment - I guess he was too tired out. Guess I'll have to replay it tomorrow.
  18. The New Year is cancelled because of the predicted record cold temperatures. And because we all love 2017 so much. (at least *some* local places have cancelled their ball drops etc)
  19. That's why I said I know what it normally means.
  20. Which literally means "respond if it pleases you"... which apparently, it didn't. (and yes, I know it normally just means "please") So, anyway, where's the party at?
  21. I think her point was that if she'd waiting until 30, she wouldn't have married a bipolar person, because she would've been older and wiser. Of course, who knows what would've happened if she'd waited. She could've done other life-altering things in her 20s, like be date raped by a guy with HIV, or become permanently disabled in a car accident driving home from a bar (being the drunk driver or just being hit by a drunk driver on the road), or who knows what. You don't know what would've happened. And no, of course it's possible that life would've been completely great - I'm not saying that the alternative life would've been worse - you just don't know. ETA: also, no guarantee that she would've been wiser at 30. ETA2: I don't think it's always a mistake to marry someone with mental health issues... so long as they're taking their meds, getting their therapy, w/e.
  22. Personally, I don't think we can ever really know whether something was a mistake or not, since we don't know what would have happened otherwise. Maybe things would have been better. Or maybe things would've been worse*. *Yes, there are some exceptions to this... if you happen to have married some seriously abusive guy who permanently locks you in the basement and tortures you every day etc, then things probably couldn't really have been worse. But, for the most part, we don't know what the alternative life path would've been, and "the grass is always greener" just isn't.
  23. Sounds like you need new friends. Or new family (not sure who is making these comments, but they're toxic).
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