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Wendy In KS

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Everything posted by Wendy In KS

  1. Death by Supermarket, Not on Our Watch,Endangered Minds and listening to The Omnivore's Dilemma. So basically, I'm reading about actual death and atrocities in Africa and how I'm potentially killing my children's bodies and brains by factory food and television. Ya know- light reading :D Actually, I'm learning a lot, and I'm enjoying exercising my brain! I tried to get into Love in the Time of Cholera, but I just can't sink my teeth into it. And I've also tried reading A New Earth just to see what all the hubub is about it, but I just keep picking up other books instead. Crunchy Cons is on my "short" list. :001_smile:
  2. I went ahead and did it! :D Dh and I were having a date night, and we had some time before we went to dinner, so I said, "Hey, let's go get my belly-button pierced!" He was so squeamish about it :tongue_smilie: I am still about two pounds away from my "goal weight for belly piercing", but I wanted it to heal before Lake swimming this summer, so I had to compromise. Now, I've been working the body brushing and collagen lotions to help make my belly look better. Right now its still "for dh's eyes only", but hopefully by 4th of July, it might peek out of a bathing suit ;) So...thanks for the pants-kicking to go and get it done!!!
  3. Or at least, if he did, I didn't know it. I got mine done at 8 because my mom wanted our pediatrician to do it, and we were getting ready to move across country. My dh never really expressed a care with our older two dds, so I got them done when I took them on vacation (with grammy) to Mall of America. My dd (then 2) really wanted them- to the point of stopping in every store begging for earrings, and her older sister (then 4) wasn't too sure, but I convinced her with a lollipop :D When dd#3 came along, I decided I wanted to get hers done a lot earlier. Dh wasn't thrilled, but relented, saying "I just don't want to be there". So, last summer when she was six months old, and I was in Florida (once again, with grammy ;) ) we got them done. I don't think he cares now, but he never gets involved with any of the care. Which is fine with me- :tongue_smilie:
  4. My dh was there for all five of our births, but he wasn't the only one. My mom and my mil were both also there, as well as a couple others for some of the births (once my sister, once my aunt, etc). I love my dh dearly, but honestly, he was more of hinderance to me than help. Not that I wouldn't want him to be "there", I just wish we had enough sense (especially after the first couple) to say, "Hey, maybe you're not the best labor coach, let's let someone else take the reigns." Of course, his mom and my mom both did at different times during the labors, but I know they felt more like they were intruding, when actually, I was relieved. My poor dh couldn't keep track counting for me any of the times and never knew the right thing to say. What we both found interesting was that with each birth, we both became more squeamish. So, by the fifth when my doctor *insisted* that dh cut the cord, he was not so excited. :tongue_smilie: I wouldn't want him banished to the waiting room, necessarily, but I think we went so far one direction (men being banished) to so far the other direction (looking down on husbands who weren't actively participating- not saying anyone here is doing that) that its okay to reach a balance and let everyone make the appropriate choice.
  5. In addition to my ears, I got my belly button done between child#2 and #3. It actually fell out about a month after I found out I was pregnant, so I just let it close. You can't really see it anymore. I am planning on getting it done again soon (hopefully the next couple weeks!) because I am just two pounds away from my "belly-button goal". I've always wanted an eyebrow ring, but I dh doesn't really like that look, and my nose is too itchy for a nose ring. The idea of piercing my tongue just freaks me out!!:D
  6. When I come up with enough courage and enough money. We have five kids (and are done!), so I want to get either a heart or star design with their five birthstones involved. I'm not exactly sure of the design, but I have an amazing artist friend who said she'd help me. It will probably go on my shoulder.
  7. My ds (5 1/2) goes to the local public school for speech therapy. She is a wonderful lady and has done wonders with my son in just a few short months. She has said that the district doesn't recognize "R" as a sound a child should have mastered until second grade. She's already working on it with my ds (along with ALOT of other sounds), but she told me that it is one where they can literally wake up one day and say it right. Also, if that was his only sound, he wouldn't be eligible for therapy until he was in second grade.
  8. Four problem-free inductions. THe only issue I had was with one of my epidurals, the resident who tried doing it messed it up, but once the doctor came in, I was fine. All of my babies were perfect at birth, and I don't think I experienced a more/less painful birth than any of the other inductions I've witnessed. My first induction was on my doctor's wishes (my first baby was over nine pounds, and he wanted to make sure my next wasn't quite so big). The other three were my choice. It worked out well planning for the other children's care and my husband's time off. I'm not against "natural" childbirth by any means, I just want to say that inductions are fine too. :D Do whatever you feel right- remember its your choice. All that's important is that baby gets here safe- that can be accomplished either way.
  9. Meant to say- someone will be kicked off tonight. My guess is Sayesha, Brooke or Michael Johns. I was very disappointed with David Cook's performance, very surprised by Kristy Lee Cook and Jason, and confused by David A. We didn't think it was that great, but the judges seemed to love it. :confused:
  10. Mindy- I wasn't meaning to come down on you- I have a very cynical husband myself, and we were discussing the validity of these celebreties last night. BTW, I would *love* a pimp mug!!! What a way to start the morning!! :D About Miley Cyrus, we wanted to hear Simon critique her- yikes!- her singing last night was not that great! And Terri Hatcher was singing about a cheating boyfriend because before she came out she "caught" her husband from Desperate Housewives with Carrie Underwood. I was actually impressed that she came out and sang- especially such a strong song. She didn't sound as awful as I expected- and the poor thing looked so nervous! It was a little weird that they had her do the whole thing, but I've got to give her props for doing it.
  11. I really didn't see it as "self-important people patting themselves on the back and telling the world how much they care". I think those that were there for "celebrity status" kept it light (like Terri Hatcher and Ben Stiller-at the beginning). You could kind of tell that it was like-hey, we're here to help get you to give money (like the wrestlers). Those that came out and actually spoke more-or got the video pieces- were the ones who actively show they care- Brad Pitt, Annie Lennox, and Bono. As far as the "gives back". Its title is "Idol Gives Back". So, I see them as meaning- "Hey, we realize we're considered a mass-money making pop culture phenomenom, but we're going to show that we can do something worthwile and give back to the world." Also, there were a lot of corporate sponsers that are "giving back" profits to help these charities. And the ending :confused: We actually really like the "Shout to the Lord" performance, although it did feel a little out of place. We weren't too surprised though, seeing as three of the top eight are pretty religious. Now, I'll preface my thoughts on the Ben Stiller ending by saying, my dh and I are pretty liberal in our humor. We don't take offense to much. That being said, we thought that bit was just awful. So, totally inappropriate for a family show about doing good in the world. We just cringed watching it, and we were glad we had sent our girls to bed already. Last thoughts (never knew I had so much to say about American Idol)- we love Jimmy Kimmel, but his skit was pretty bad. We don't get the whole obsession with Simon's chest. :001_huh: And it is embarassing to watch someone get ripped like that- you could tell Simon thought it was getting old. Just my $.02
  12. All of the main people- Ryan, Paula, Randy, and Simon are donating their paychecks (I think for the week) to the causes. Plus, they've given a lot of time to go and visit these people and causes. I am not usually one for telethons, but I think that this show reaches people who need exposure to the needy causes in the world and might inspire them to volunteer (not just necessarily give money). Also, I think it gives families a good opportunity to talk about helping others and to count their blessings. At least that is what its done for our family. Here is an article in the NY Times about the money that they received last year and the work and causes it supported (and is still supporting). http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/07/arts/television/07idol.html And hey, now they're singing from my favorite musical (RENT), so I can't complain. :D
  13. making money - DH paying bills - ME budgeting - ME mortgage/loans - ME home repair/maintenance - BOTH banking/investments - ME taxes - ME car care - DH health insurance - ME scheduling (making/keeping track of) - ME phone calls or correspondence re: all the above - ME teaching/school work or homework - ME discipline (planning and implementing) - BOTH spiritual guidance (who actually carries it out, not just the "head") - BOTH kids mornings - ME kids bedtimes - BOTH but more often it is DH transportation for kids - ME grocery shopping - ME laundry - ME eating at home - BOTH, but mainly me due to time during the week eating away (pack lunch, etc) - ME daily chores/cleaning (really need sub-categories!) - ME except for the kitchen after dinner sometimes or if we're getting ready for company lawn care/snow cleanup - DH garden or bed maintenance - n/a
  14. I've been trying *so* hard to change our grocery habits to be more frugal and healthier. Not an easy combination. I found some of the things we love to eat on amazon.com in bulk. The prices seemed okay, but then I saw their "Subscribe and Save" where you get an extra 15% off and free shipping when you place an automatic renewal order (which can be for as long as every six months). Does anyone do this?? Is it really a good program?? Also, if you do order from them, what have you found to be the best deals?? The products I'm looking at are: Annie's macaroni and cheese, EnviroKids cereal, Kashi crackers, Pirate's Booty, etc. Our kids just seem to be constantly hungry and they're eating healthy food. I know they are active, growing kids and need a lot, but everytime I turn around, our shelves are bare! TIA....
  15. You need to strength train your legs as well. Most aerobic exercise will not build muscle in your legs. Honestly, as much as I love a glass of wine now and then (just too cheap to buy it), I would try to limit it to every other night and then maybe just on the weekends. Just my $.02. But like someone else said, you probably won't be able to lose those last pounds until you are done nursing.
  16. He is as anxious to get home to us after being out of town all week, as I am for him to get home!!! And every night, he'd call saying how much he misses us. :001_wub: And, he knew when to shut up when he started saying, "I don't know what to do tonight, I have to find somewhere to eat dinner out, then I have nothing else to do" :001_huh:
  17. This was a dentist whom I had seen for over 10 years, since I was in grade school. My parents still went to him for checkups, my oldest daughter went to him. When my 2dd went for her first appointment, she did fine with the girl who cleaned her teeth. When he came in for the exam, she didn't want to open her mouth. I came in from the waiting to room (with baby on my hip) to try to talk her in to it, and he started yelling at my dd (she was all of 3 at the time). He told her "Mommy's going to have to leave the room since you won't open your mouth!" I specifically said I wasn't going anywhere. He flipped out finally gave up and said, "I'm sure she's fine" and stormed out. :confused: We left in such a huff, we ended up leaving a Care Bear behind. I made my dad go pick it because I vowed never to step back in that office again. I was so furious! :cursing: This was a guy who was always so "Mr. Rogers" like, and he was yelling at a three year old! Needless to say, we switched dentists, and now my kids look forward to their visits with their new dentist. They love him so much that when we found out he was going back to school to be an oral surgeon, my oldest said, "Yay! He'll be done in time to take out my wisdom teeth!" As far as policy goes about being allowed in the room- when my oldest dd had to have a tooth pulled, I wasn't allowed in the room- I was told it was for insurance purposes because the room is considered an "operating room".
  18. I log in daily to track my calories and record my exercise. It has helped me tremendously because I can "see" what I'm eating. I usually only log what I eat until dinner time because those are easy to record (whereas a dinner I make might be more difficult). But, then I base how much and what I eat for dinner on what my totals are for the day so far. Also, it is great support, to read through the message boards, or to look at people's Sparkpages. You can see the transformations that dedication result in! Also, I use it as a resource to find new exercises, recipes, and to answer questions I have.
  19. It requires *alot* of work to bulk up. That is a common misconception among women- that weight lifting will increase your bulk. Bulk is formed by testostorone, so unless you have a hormonal imbalance, you shouldn't have a problems. Also, your abs are like any other muscle, you should rest a day between workouts. Disclaimer: I am by no means and expert, but recently I have been do a lot of reading about weight training/losing weight. Hope this helps!
  20. But we're kind of a weird story. We were high school sweethearts from differents high schools. We starting dating mid way through sophmore year. At the end of our junior year, we found out we were expecting. We both finished high school, but our senior years were definitely not "typical". We are both anxious to go back to our 10 year reunions this year. We now have been married almost nine years, and have 5 kids :D My MIL keeps telling us we're going to win some type of prize for most kids? :confused: We are really just looking forward to catching up with some old casual friends, and seeing how many people haven't changed, and showing people how different we are (and that we've made it so far- nobody thought we would). Side note: We went to totally different high schools- his was much more "ghetto" and mine was a rich, academic school (though both were public schools). It should be interesting to see how our different our reunions (and the attendees) will be.
  21. I have lost 22 pounds since last October! I love Sparkpeople!! Everyone come join the WTM team!! :party:
  22. Then I would suggest taking her to the hairdresser and having them thin it out. This usually involves a comb with a razor and they run it through the hair, and it gets rid of some of the bulk. I have this done with my hair (and my hair is only shoulder length, but really thick). I am taking my 10yo dd to get hers done because she *still* won't take proper care of it. When my 10yo was younger, I convinced her it would be fun to get it cut off, so we could watch it grow again. If you are still washing her hair, I would buy some adult conditioner. Just make sure not to get it in her eyes. The kids stuff never worked for my dd. Also, keep a comb in the shower to brush out the conditioner. Good luck!
  23. My daughter is technically in fourth grade, but we've always been behind in science (ala WTM style). This year she has made it through the first book of Adventures with Atoms and Molecules doing the experiments and definitions. I have also had her read through pages in the Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia and do narrations on pages about atoms, the periodic table, and a couple other chemistry topics. I really want to move her on to Physics for now through the summer, so she can be back "on track" for her fifth grade year. Does this seem like enough Chemistry? :confused: Thanks for any opinions and suggestions! Also, what are your favorite Physics resources? Wendy In KS
  24. I had to chime in here. Being a former waitress at a fairly nice restaurant that also offered "to go" service, I felt I needed to chime in. At the restaurant I worked for, the "to go" people were paid more than servers' wages, but still not minimum wage. The restaurant is providing you a service by having these people prepare your food (the cooks cook it, but someone has to take your order, bag it up, make sure its correct), and that requires another person or two on the payroll. The only way this service is profitable to a restaurant is by paying this person less money. So, I feel, you are not only tipping because of the service you receive, but also because of the service being available at all. Otherwise, the cost of meals would need to go up to help cover the service being performed, and I'd rather give an extra couple dollars to the teen working afterschool, then pay more for my food. I know it all evens out, but it makes a difference to me. This of course, goes only for place where "counter service" isn't readily available. I always tip at least 20%, more if they are extra attentive or if my kids made a big mess. I want my server to get at least a 15% tip, and most places require tip-outs to other aspects- at my restaurant we shared our tips with the hostesses and the bus boys. The only time I will tip less than that is if the service is just awful, which would really just include a bad attitude on the part of the server.
  25. After five kids in 9 years, I needed to lose weight badly. We rejoined the YMCA in October. I've been faitfully working out at least five timmes a week since then. I started out at 198 pounds last April about 4 months after my daughter was born. In October, I was at 187. I'm currently around 170lbs. My husband and I have started weight training and working out together two-three times a week. I go work out or take a class on the days we don't go together. I am not so good at watching my eating- this is my problem. I'm trying to be better about this. I am about 5'7" and I'm in pretty good shape- I can keep up with step classes and run on a treadmill. I'd like to hit my goal by the end of May when I have my ten year high school reunion. Once I lose ten more pounds, I'm going to get my belly-button repierced :D 170/170/150
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