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Everything posted by NanceXToo

  1. It took me a minute to figure out what you were talking about. I was like, did I go back and look at what links? And then I just saw what you were talking about, where I said I would go back and look at links you'd posted in the 80's thread. And then I was like, er, oops, I don't think I ever did go back and look at them LOL. So, I just did now hehe. That first one (do YOU remember which songs they were?), the Peek A Boo one, I don't think I've ever even heard! The second one, Jump, was like my very favorite song ever in sixth grade haha. I had a huge crush on David Lee Roth back then. Of course, you didn't post the Bon Jovi one specifically for me, but I loved him, too, back then and for quite a few years thereafter! :D
  2. Yeah, those indoor play places can be pretty expensive! The kids love them, but they add up fast! Especially since so many of them will be X number of dollars for X number of kids and then they add on per kid for additional kids. That's why lately I've been trying to find ways to combine birthday parties for my kids, even though one's a boy and one's a girl and even though they're five years apart...I've just been finding things that would be fun for both of them and inviting family and friends from our homeschool group that we're especially close to who have kids both their ages. So far it's worked out! Or we'll try to find a place that has a base rate no matter how many people you invite. At least next year your remodeling will be done and you can go back to a more low key thing if you want! :D Enjoy your party!
  3. I see I already posted to that thread. Quite a funny post if I do say so myself! :D At least I am in good company! :cheers2:
  4. Email the organizer and ask if A) there's any way they can add on one more family or B) they can let you know if anyone drops out as you guys would like to go. It might still work out, if you guys want to go.
  5. Awesome! I get the warm fuzzies when I hear that! :D I am glad you guys are loving TT as much as we are! Hey, I love the 80's too! hehe. I don't really ever go to the city per se (despite having grown up on Long Island) but that's not to say I couldn't, it's about a 3 hour ride maybe, let me know when you are going to be there and maybe we can meet up! ETA: And darn it, Ibby, don't let me kill the GFI thread haha
  6. Well, I have had one. Although not completely by choice. And maybe I'm not in your demographic as I was never Christian. I was raised white, middle-class, Jewish. I was 16 at the time. I got pregnant, and my mother made the decision that I was going to have an abortion, and she made the arrangements and took me to have it done and while I did feel some guilt, I was also only 16 and overwhelmed and went along with it, even though I guess I probably COULD have resisted and that she couldn't have FORCED me. And then a year later I got pregnant again. And she once again tried to insist that I have another abortion. That time, I refused. There was just no way I could do it twice. No way. And she told me if I was going to make the grown up choice to have a baby, then I could leave her house and go be a grown up and do it on my own, and she pretty much kicked me out on the spot. As it turned out, I had noticed in the yellow pages (while she was looking up abortion clinics) that there was an ad for something that said alternatives to abortion, and it was some Catholic anti-abortion agency, and I called them for help, and they helped me find a group home for pregnant and parenting teens (after having me sit down and watch a graphic film about the process of abortion), and they (the group home) really helped me with a lot of things. A place to stay for a year, getting into my first year of business college, getting a driver's license, parenting classes...my life turned around there, and that second baby she would have had me abort is now 20 years old. I still wonder from time to time what the first baby would have been like. Was it a boy? A girl? S/he'd be a legal adult now. Doing who knows what with his or her life. Sometimes I still wish I would have refused to do it even then, even at 16. But then I guess I wouldn't have my oldest daughter now, everything would be different, it's so weird to think about. And I hadn't noticed the yellow pages ad that first time, would she have kicked me out at 16 like she did at 17? Would I have known where to go? My boyfriend at the time (yes, same guy both times), his parents didn't like me at all and were not exactly welcoming me to their home or anything. It was never a good relationship with him or his family. He eventually became my husband, then my ex husband, and good riddance, but that's a whole 'nuther story. I do know friends who have confided to me about having had abortions when they were younger, mostly friends from my past as teens, and I'd confided my story to them. I don't know anyone who has confided doing it as an adult, though, I guess people are more close-mouthed about that, and I guess it's easier to share when you can say that someone else "made" you do it, or you were "young," or whatever. It was still hard though. Sometimes I wish my mother would have been like, "Oh, a baby, we can make this work," or that I would have been like, "Are you crazy? No, I won't do that." But it happened the way it happened and I can only assume my life turned out as it was meant to at this point because to change that event would have changed everything.
  7. A few more possibilities.... Gorging (on) Fries Indulgently Growing Ferns Indigenously Gaining Funds Illegally Grabbing Feels Immorally Check with your husband just in case he thinks one of those could be it. Ibbygirl's is a possibility, too.
  8. Go Find Immodium. Going For Ice cream. Google Friendly Investigators. Good Free Information. Actually I have no idea. That's a new one on me. Never mind. Amy was probably right. :P
  9. Philly's only like two hours from me! You know what I love about Ibbygirl? Whenever there's a kilt thread and I go "Someone post Russell!" (Because I don't know how to put it big in the main post, I only know how to attach little tiny pics as an attachment), Ibbygirl ALWAYS comes through for me. :001_wub: Someone like that should never have to be the threadkiller! hehe! (Er, not that I'm saying Dolphin should be the threadkiller either...man, that girl called me a math guru (haha!)...no-one has ever called me a math guru...I'm never letting either of those two be the thread killers if I can help it...! hehehe)
  10. I gave you a 4th on the whining birthday one hehe...sorry, I didn't see it earlier or I'd have responded earlier :D (Or should I be sorry I'm messing up your thread killer contest?) haha (And I wish I could meet you or anyone else in California; I've never been there myself)! But hey let me know if you want to meet in Pennsylvania! :P
  11. Happy birthday!! Didn't see this til just now. Hope you are all feeling better! :party::cheers2:
  12. It's okay. You know what I did today? I went to Fashion Bug and bought new jeans (Hey, I just lost 30 lbs, my old ones were falling off) while my husband stayed with the kids (he doesn't go to work til 1). While I was there, I decided to go into Boscovs and let the lady at the Lancome counter play with makeup. I wanted to find a lipstick that was a subtle shade, but a good shade for me. But I let her play with other makeup while I was there anyway. We hadn't done any school prior to that because we'd been doing breakfast, morning chores, getting ready for the day, I was showering, and stuff like that. By the time I got home, it was time for lunch. Then I took the kids to the park for a couple of hours with another mom in my homeschool group and her kids because it was like 50 degrees out today and it was too nice to sit in the house. And by the time we got home it was like 3:00 and I told the kids to do whatever they wanted, we were taking off today. And I sat at my computer while they did whatever they were doing lol. So don't feel bad. :D I guess I should go figure out dinner or something halfway productive now though.
  13. hahahaha. Twice! Uh and my 6 y/o son just looked over my shoulder, pointed at your avatar, and said, "Can a cow really do that?"
  14. Well, that has been one positive thing then! Maybe that will be the case for me when I'm ready to try again!
  15. I would have replied pretty much what you did, and then I would have promptly forgotten about it. I wouldn't have read it as snarky, and it wouldn't really bother me if she chose to bring an older kid along anyway. I honestly wouldn't let it get you this upset, I just don't see the big deal. Let her do what she will with that information. Either she'll come and her kid really will love it, or she'll come and her kid will be bored and that's her own fault, or she'll take your suggestion and create one for older kids, but either way, who cares, really. You still have your trip. ETA: No I wouldn't have personally gone about it that way though lol. I just wouldn't let her actions bother me or begrudge her kid the trip if the kid wanted to go; I just don't think it would affect me, you know?
  16. :iagree: I also really dislike the phrase "man up" when it comes to little boys.
  17. I haven't used 2 yet...started with 4 with my daughter, and only doing K with my son. I think most of your questions were answered already. About the Main Lesson Books, I think that's just a matter of preference. I did always buy the actual spiral bound artist's sketchpad type books (I just got mine from Walmart inexpensively) but I think if your preference is heavy duty paper and a binder, that's fine, too! I used MLB's for my daughter in 4th, and I'm using them with my son in K, but in 5th I decided to switch to binders with my daughter and it IS easier. Plus then if they don't like the way something comes out, they can always start over which is much harder to do with an MLB. We haven't done handicrafts per se yet in OMK but we have done crafts and they've been hit or miss with my son. If there's one he's really resistant to, I don't force it, I just let that one go, and the ones he's more interested in, we do. As I have no idea how to knit myself I do not think I will be attempting to teach him how to knit and we will probably skip that to be honest. Unless he's dying to learn and grandma is willing to attempt to teach him (which she did with my daughter when she was a bit older, in 4th grade). Maybe I'd just try something else that is easier (for me) to teach like latch/rug hooking or something, I don't know. You know those little kits they sell in craft stores with different pictures on them? We'll just play it by ear when the time comes.
  18. Betty, I get that. But, still, he's a grown man capable of knowing when he needs help and of handling his responsibilities. When the league president tells him the party has been rescheduled, let your team know, it was absolutely his responsibility to let his team know, or to ask someone else to let the team know. One or the other. Dropping the ball entirely so kids had to miss out on the party was not acceptable no matter what.
  19. Well I saw the league president there and did say something to him (he already knew the situation anyway after those emails). As it turns out, that coach moved up to minor league with his daughter so it's a non issue. :D
  20. How embarrassing... I'm on my way out the door and so I was typing quick, I put TRANSplantation instead of IMplantation, and you quoted it haha. But thank you for letting me know that. Right before I started my meds and weight loss plan, I had actually briefly started TTC again after my recovery period after the ectopic for like two months before stopping again because I used ovulation predictor tests for those two months and never even got a positive. Then I found out that my insulin levels were high... and I'm REALLY hoping that the lack of positive OPK's was due to the insulin and not my age or something... I hope that the metformin and the healthy diet will have me ovulating normally again... I guess one way to find out is to take OPK tests again but I've been holding off until after I lost some more weight, I'm almost afraid to find out. :P But maybe I'll test in March's cycle just to find out if I'm ovulating normally again as per the OPK tests. That would be a big relief.
  21. 1. Envy, by J.R. Ward (3rd in the Fallen Angels series, not your typical fallen angels competing with the demons to save souls with fairly graphic romance twist). 2. Kiss of the Highlander, by Karen Marie Moning (Highlander series, most involving some time travel and some fairy/fae stuff). 3. The Ramayana, A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic, by R.K. Narayan. I read this one with my daughter for school/social studies. It's a 157 pg Penguin Classic but it actually kind of held my interest. Probably more so than hers. 4. Dark Highlander, by Karen Marie Moning (Highlander series). 5. The Immortal Highlander, by Karen Marie Moning (Highlander series). (I know, it's fluff, but I'm finishing out the series). :D
  22. So metformin can continue to be taken while TTC? I think I have to stop taking the topamax when I start TTC again as I don't think it's considered safe for pregnancy. (One of the questions I planned to ask my doctor when I go for my follow up mid February was if I have to stop the meds when I decide to TTC or if I can stop if/when I find out I'm pregnant. I thought it would be nice to be able to keep losing while TTC since TTC could take months and the meds help so much, but of course if either of the medications would in any way affect implantation early on or anything like that I would never want to risk it)! ETA: IMplantation, not TRANSplantation...lol...and you quoted that typo lol...I'm on my way out the door, I was so not thinking.
  23. Thank you. :) (Thank you again to all of you who responded). It was really hard in the beginning, then I went through a few months of being "fine" for the most part and then it was hard again getting close to the due date... it comes and goes. Please do feel free to come join us, it's a fun group and very encouraging and motivational. There are ongoing challenges and some new ones will be starting for February! :)
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