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Everything posted by NanceXToo

  1. Well, I'm fat (went from 247.6 to 213.0 as of this morning, so working on that!), over 35 (turning 39 in less than three months, can't do anything about that though lol), also want another baby very much (it almost happened, last summer's ectopic screwed that up for me temporarily)... and there was a time prior to that where I didn't think I wanted more either, then my husband didn't, but I talked him into it, and it's been a long bumpy road trying to make it happen, but the heart wants what the heart wants. So I hear ya. Good luck with it. At this point I'm just working on getting a bit healthier with the weight loss and insulin levels so I can "get a move on" and start trying again, too! Hopefully that will be soon, and hopefully it will happen for me. I kept thinking all these signs must have meant it was meant to be. Like, if I suddenly found myself wanting another, it must have been meant to be. But my husband was adamant all along about not wanting anymore. But then he said yes. So it must have been meant to be! But then five months went by with no positive. But then I got pregnant! So it must have been meant to be! But then it was an ectopic. Then I was cleared to try again...but there were two months with no positive whatsoever using an ovulation predictor test kit. But then my regular doctor said my insulin levels were high and put me on metformin to correct that and I've lost just about 35 lbs and still going, and read that metformin often helps women conceive. And now my 6 y/o son just started randomly asking me, "Are you ever going to have a baby? I want to know what it's like to have a baby here." (The kids had no idea we were trying or about the ectopic pregnancy etc). Maybe soon will be my time. Hope it works out for both of us! :D Er, sorry for the ramble on your thread lol.
  2. I had just posted a thread last night asking: "If you watched the season premiere of the new show The River, please help me decide if I would like it. I've got it saved to DVR but not sure if I want to watch it. I like Lost, Fringe, and stuff like that. But I hate creepy scary paranormal horror movies that give me nightmares later and won't even consider watching movies like Paranormal Activity. :P Which one is this show going to be more like? Should I watch it?" No one answered it except one person saying they were in the middle of watching it and would get back to me, but never did yet. My husband was waiting for an answer because he wanted to know if he should watch it alone or wait for me. After this, I will definitely be telling him to watch it alone lol. I saw Blair Witch in the movies when it came out way back when and it scared the heck out out of me. I don't do horror movies anymore. I'm okay while I'm watching them but later I just get myself too creeped out at night, especially on nights when my husband's working late. And he's a tattoo artist, sometimes that happens. And my imagination's overactive as it is. So I just don't do it to myself anymore. :P
  3. If you watched the season premiere of the new show The River, please help me decide if I would like it. I've got it saved to DVR but not sure if I want to watch it. I like Lost, Fringe, and stuff like that. But I hate creepy scary paranormal horror movies that give me nightmares later and won't even consider watching movies like Paranormal Activity. :P Which one is this show going to be more like? Should I watch it?
  4. Heck, no. Here's an article on the whole "You break it you buy it" thing: http://legallad.quickanddirtytips.com/you-break-it-you-buy-it-law.aspx
  5. No, it doesn't bother me. I use it occasionally in writing like on a message board, but I never actually say it when I'm talking about my husband. Same with "dh" though.
  6. Welcome! :) To make a signature, click on "User Control Panel" on the tool bar toward the top (where you also see Board rules, Community, calendar, and so on), and then you'll see "Edit Signature" on the sidebar.
  7. Sorry the conversation didn't go in a more positive manner! I told most of my family in an email because I didn't want to hear any kneejerk negative reactions! I told them I was going to do it, and why, and that I wasn't sure what their feelings about it were but that we had made our choice and that we hoped they would understand and agree that it was a good choice but that even if they didn't necessarily agree with the choice, we hoped we'd have their support anyway as it was the choice we felt was best for us and blah blah blah, and we got really positive reactions for the most part...they had to think about it before they typed reactions and not just blurt out the first thing that came to mind. We'd also involved ourselves with support systems outside of the family- a homeschool group, a homeschool forum etc and we already knew that even if family didn't "get it" we had homeschool support no matter what anyway. I'd try not to worry about it...she'll probably come around. You'll have other people who will be on board. You'll have to gently but firmly tell people this is what we're doing no matter what. You'll have to find your personal boundary regarding how much you're willing to put their minds at ease in regard to answering questions and so on, but without letting them push you or put too much pressure on you or keep nagging at you after you've given them the information and so on you're willing to give. It'll all work out!
  8. Ask your children what they want to be when they grow up, then post their responses word for word, and then put their ages after their response. Let's see what sort of diverse responses we get from the hive children. Today we were on a hospital tour for a homeschool group outing and the director asked the kids what they wanted to be when they grew up. My daughter, 11, said a tattoo artist because her dad is a tattoo artist and she's been saying that since she was 5. My son, 6, randomly said "Army" which was a new one on me (at this stage he'll say something different every time you ask him- later at home he told me he changed his mind and that he wants to be a babysitter and he'll put kids to bed at 8:30 but for a treat he'll them stay up til 9 or 9:30 sometimes). The others were so diverse and cool. One wanted to be a doctor, one a vet, one a photographer, one wanted to own a bowling alley, one wanted to be a Pokemon cartoon artist, one wanted to be a princess, and one very little one said she wanted to be "Grace" (her big sister, which was adorable) lol. So, what do your kids say, and how old are they?
  9. No real input into the conversation because I think the "whys" and "how comes" vary so much that it's just impossible to pinpoint. But PiCO, I thought what you said was interesting for me. I've been overweight and/or obese my whole adult life and I've spent years on and off Weight Watchers always on a low fat diet. I'd weigh and measure everything and I'd eat low fat this, and fat free that, and count "points" and obsess over every little thing I put in my mouth, and lose some weight, and consider myself to be "on a diet," and eventually get sick of said "diet" and lose my motivation and start to backslide and slip up, and eventually gain my weight back- all of it plus some because I'd find it so ridiculously hard to get motivated to get back on track, even knowing what I was doing to myself (and I'd get depressed that I was doing it, and that would make everything worse). And eventually, I'd start the cycle over again. I never watched the movie you mentioned but a few months ago I talked to my doctor instead of going back to Weight Watchers yet again and I found out my insulin levels were high. And that my body really couldn't handle carbs and the sugars in them, and that eating them would just make me crave more of them, and they'd cause me to gain weight, and I would be better off doing something like a South Beach type diet instead of Weight Watchers. And now, it's so different. I don't weigh or measure or "count" my food at all. I don't obsess over every bite I put in my mouth. I'm not starving all the time. So it doesn't even feel like I'm on a "diet" per se- it feels more like a lifestyle change. Basically like you said I eat virtually no carbs. Hardly ever. If I do, they're really healthy ones, but I mostly cut them out. I might have a sweet potato sometimes, some squash. Very rarely I'll have a little brown rice or some sort of wheat bread, but mostly I've learned to live without that stuff. When I have my meats and poultry and seafood and stuff, I'm not worrying about how much it weighs and measures and if I have enough "points" for it. I no longer go, "oh no I can't have real butter or mayo or fat." And as of this morning I was down 33.8 lbs. And I can envision continuing to lose weight and then really continuing some sort of maintenance/lifestyle phase with this and not just seeing it as a temporary "diet" the way I always did with WW or low-fat/fat free eating! So I hope that for me it is mostly physiology, too, and that one day I too can call myself "formerly" obese/overweight.
  10. It wouldn't bother me if I felt they were being professional about it (and I'd assume they would be)! But then I've had male gynecologists/obstetricians, male tattoo artists, male doctors and nurses and so on, so why not? I wouldn't expect them to be groping me or anything. Like someone else said, I'd hate for anyone to have to know how awful my measurements are at the moment. But that's not gender specific. But hey I'm down 33.8 lbs so far as of this morning! :D I'd be kinda proud to have my efforts show up on those regular checks I suppose. And free training? Nice! That would help even more. I would do it in a heartbeat. They're there to help you, not to judge you. And if they do judge you, who cares, they'll keep it to themselves and you'll never know lol. And meanwhile they'll be helping you get into good shape so that you won't have to worry about people judging you, if you worry about that kind of thing. And healthy. :)
  11. Completed 1. Envy, by J.R. Ward (Fallen Angels series). 2. Kiss of the Highlander, by Karen Marie Moning (Highlander series) 3. The Ramayana, A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic, by R.K. Narayan (with my daughter for school reading) 4. Dark Highlander, by Karen Marie Moning (Highlander series) 5. The Immortal Highlander, by Karen Marie Moning (Highlander series) 6. Spell of the Highlander, by Karen Marie Moning (Highlander series). I'm waiting for the last one, "Into the Dreaming," to come in via interlibrary loan, and then I'll be finished with the series. :D Current 7. The Traveler, by John Twelve Hawks. "In London, a young woman uses cutting-edge technology to elude detection by the thousands of surveillance cameras that watch the city. In New York, a secret shadow organization uses a victim's own GPS to hunt him down and kill him. In Los Angeles, a motorcycle messenger with a haunted past takes pains to live "off the Grid" - free of credit cards and government IDs. Welcome to the world of The Traveler- a world frighteningly like our own."
  12. I'm not sure, I've never used an iPad! Can you do everything like you can with a computer? You need to click and drag to highlight the background, as if you were trying to copy and paste the dark background. Some text will then show up somewhere on the screen that wasn't there before you did that. Two words that weren't there before. Those words are the first "answer" to the first puzzle. You have to paste (or retype) those words up into the url before the .html to move on to the second puzzle. ETA: I made it to level 13 but I'm gonna stop there for now. I'm tired lol.
  13. Faithe, did you figure it out?? If not, let me know and I'll tell you what to do for the first one to get you going.
  14. The first number in each set is the number you're supposed to look at on the keypad of your phone. The second number in each set is more like information about what you're supposed to DO with that number you're looking at. Does that help?
  15. The first hint is "waiting in the dark." Notice the black "dark" background? Highlight it and see if you notice anything you didn't before.
  16. Argh you guys are killing me. I thought it was supposed to spell out words, but then the 1 doesn't HAVE letters on it so I was like that can't be it. I am feeling like an idiot right now. Staring blankly lol.
  17. Well, it's the lessons plus the quizzes. With TT5 if you add in the quizzes it will bring it to 130 lessons and quizzes. You could do TT four days a week (you'll still finish it before you'd finish a 36 week curriculum) and then if you wanted to do something else that 5th day you could, or not, up to you. Here, we do Life of Fred one day a week for fun, my daughter likes the story. But TT is our "main" math curriculum.
  18. Then forget "everyone," pick one weekend that's good for you, and whoever can come can come! If that's just one or two friends, have a fun dinner with one or two friends! If you don't feel like baking, indulge in a Dairy Queen or Carvel or bakery cake! Why not, it's your birthday! Happy birthday! :grouphug:
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