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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. We used to go through tons until DS decided the Ticonderoga were the only ones he liked. Nothing like grinding up money in a pencil sharpener.
  2. Could it be that the woman who showed up uninvited was really trying to call this lady out with regard to her rudeness? I suspect she knew she wasn't invited and went anyway. :)
  3. Yeah, he pulled himself away from those *darling* Stampy videos to ask me if I wanted to spend time with him. So sweet. ♥ Off to check out your thread for future reference...
  4. I left temporarily. My DS asked to watch a movie with me last night so I had to tear myself away. :) What math thread?
  5. Oh, thank goodness I'm not the only one scratching my head. I thought maybe all that sugar from the cookies I just inhaled went to my head.
  6. It's just me and DS and they're almost gone. I blaming him. I couldn't possibly have eaten that many, right?
  7. DH plans on having a sailboat by then. He and DS could live off seafood. And it's about all DS is not allergic to. Between motion sickness and not liking most seafood, I'd probably throw myself overboard.
  8. I used to make my own chicken stock and the recipe called for a tomato, halved. So yeah, the tomato was there in the stock. Never cut up tomatoes for the actual soup, though.
  9. I just made cookies. I thought you all should know. :)
  10. What I hate here is when I edit their grammar, AND THEY CHANGE IT BACK! Or when I write an email and they ask me the definition of a word I used. You are sitting at your desk reading the email, people, and it's connected to the internet. Google it your damned self.
  11. A Tale Dark & Grimm Racing in the Rain: My Life as a Dog the Flavia de Luce mysteries
  12. Nope. For me, a lot of pads result in a rash which feels like a yeast infection (but isn't). So pads can most definitely be painful.
  13. My dad almost chopped off his thumb with an ax while chopping wood. Thankfully the doctors were able to sew him up pretty well.
  14. Glad she's okay. :) But it's not just teens. At least teens can blame it on inexperience. We've already had 2 recordable injuries at work this year due to adults cutting towards their bodies, with their hands placed in front of them and under the blade. Not wearing the cut-resistant gloves provided by the company as PPE.
  15. So I guess now is not the time to mention I'm in the QA department. Maybe your QA team is actually reading Hive posts instead of editing. LOL
  16. bang! (and no, I'm not going to use a capital. because she's not MY boss) ETA: oops. someone beat me to it. see what happens when I try to pay attention to my job?
  17. Reading it between meetings at work. Cut me some slack.
  18. I finally broke down and clicked on this thread...
  19. My mom taught me how to insert a tampon the day I got my period. She always uses a different brand then I do. She bought a few different types and let me chose the one that I was most comfortable with, if I remember correctly.
  20. Yeah, maybe I didn't explain it well. That was probably her point. Mostly I just came away from it remembering that the Word was capitalized because it was the bible.
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