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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. I learned it from you, defined by Google, 20 minutes ago. :)
  2. See, and here I thought only you got to use Booya because you're special.
  3. My sister is homeschooling three in TX. I have no idea if she is on this forum or not. Hmmm...I should ask her.
  4. Update: DS says he is living with us forever. So we've got elder care covered :)
  5. I may have to rethink this "sticking with one" plan of ours...
  6. OMG - I have to catch up on the new stuff first. You gals were busy last night. And I have, like, a job and stuff. (Not nearly as important, I know...)
  7. We did chocolate peppers one year and they were really tasty, but I'm not growing anything special this year. Just my standard herbs.
  8. Once a week, now that I make DS strip the beds as one of his chores.
  9. Thanks! Pic is cute, but I'm not good at identifying dog breeds, so I was just wondering. I've only had two dogs in my life. The first was a hand-me-down-rescue-mutt-get-this-worm-ridden-creature-out-of-my-10-year-old-life-why-must-you-bury-the-food-I-just-fed-you type of dog which caused me to hate dogs. He barked at anyone with a beard, which meant he hated our milkman. I think the feeling was mutual. The other was one my husband got from a rescue. Cocker spaniel. He was so well-behaved and cute, and made me realize I didn't actually hate dogs - just the one I had growing up. :) He died of cancer, andnow DS is allergic (so was DH, but he sucked it up) so we are sans animals. ETA: LOL - if I had kept reading the thread I would have seen he was a Newfie. I really need to carve out some time to read the whole thread. :) I'm such a slacker.
  10. ikslo


    Whatever you do, do not paint anything pink. I couldn't believe how may houses had pink bedrooms when we were looking. (Said the girl who chose pink wallpaper when she was 5 and lived with it until high school. Cringe.)
  11. I'm glad you said it so we didn't have to. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  12. Dang! I just got back on and now DS wants me to read History to him while he's in the tub. Grrrr. Can't say no to that, can I ? I love a captive audience.
  13. Why do all these recipes have tomatoes and cumin? #foodallergiessuck
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