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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. Maybe she was reading the WTM forum? That I could excuse. :) ETA: Booya!
  2. I think Stu for a bunny is perfect. I actually had to work today at work. Then I took DS to the pool, where he was swimming/playing with another boy, and when the crowd thinned out I approached his mom to introduce myself, say hi, that sort of thing. She shook my hand, told me her name, then turned back to phone and ignored me. So finally I just walked away. I'm trying to figure out where I went wrong. LOL Please don't feel sorry for me, though. I am convinced it was all her. :lol: :lol:
  3. We'll have to agree to disagree. I call it graffiti.
  4. So...just wondering. Would you all feel like it was "no big deal" if it had been a teenager out there spray painting graffiti on the road? I feel like you all are being really blasé about it just because it was a dad doing something with his son. If there was a bright pink line spray painted on the road in front of my 100K house (not done by the utility company) - yeah, I'd have been annoyed just like the OP. With the dude's mother. For not teaching him that people don't do that. Now I know from this thread that apparently people do do that. :(
  5. Booya! It is the thread that never ends It just goes on and on my friends. People - started posting not knowing what it was And they'll just keep on posting stuff forever just because... It is the thread that never ends..
  6. For you, texasmama ♥ The rest is in the mail.
  7. Overheard at the pool (members only-type, although you can buy day only passes) yesterday: DW, relaxing in the pool, to DH, also relaxing in the pool: "Why didn't we do this last year?" DH: <shrug> DW: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, that's right. Because you wanted us to try to do summer homeschool. This is much better." ETA - or something to that effect. in case they are members of WTM and I slightly misquoted. Not that I know them - yet :)
  8. I ♥ you! I nursed until 34 months. Had to stop one weekend when the lady at the pizza shop said no, there was no egg in the pizza. When I questioned her again after - since I know I tasted egg wash; having been without for 3 years I just KNEW - she said, oh, yeah, well we just brush it on the top off the crust. It's hardly any. She was the owner, too, turns out. :( Anyway, we were on vacation and told DS he couldn't have it that night since I inhaled 3 pieces (DS ate the cheese but refused the crust, another thing that tipped me off), and then DH and I decided it was as good a time as any to wean. Blah. I would have kept going otherwise.
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