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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. It's called alchohol. Sometimes remembering is better.
  2. It's a conspiracy. $150 is the real price. The extra $550 is the amount they jack up the cost so they can bill your insurance and pay their over-paid CEO. And then your insurance jacks up your premiums. And then they sell it to you like it's an awesome deal, this insurance thing. You're welcome.
  3. Seriously? ETA: Booyah! This is the thread that never ends...
  4. Except I am not a noob anymore. AMJ told me so. :001_tt2: So I can break the rules if I wanna.
  5. Nope. You rock. Wish I could be you. Instead... I plan. Then re-plan. Then switch things up so I can plan again. Then I do it all again mid-year. And I document what we do ad nauseam. I have a booklist of everything I have either read to my DS or he has read (much smaller list) since we started homeschooling K. And I have dates. and hyperlinks. And their isbn and the library call. Color-coded. Want to know what date my DS watched Liberty's Kids episode #10? I can tell you. I can also tell you what else we studied that day and whether we went to the library. And what park he played at. It's a sickness.
  6. I agree - super cute & super cute hair to boot. ETA: First time in my life I am a 10!
  7. and butt jokes...don't forget the prayers for people's butts.
  8. I'm arghing your Arghety argh argh argh! #outoflikes
  9. I know! I know! Oh, but am I still a noob? I have been around for over half the thread now, so I'm not sure.
  10. Prep is more important than paint, IMO. Even the good paint won't adhere well to a poorly prepped surfface.
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