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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. :bigear: I was thinking it meant she has a habit of attracting fat guys, so I'm interested to know if I'm close or waaaaaaay off base. LOL
  2. I got Hairy Greenknickers, so I'm with you on this one. No way!
  3. Suddenly I feel like my 8 1/2 soon to be third grader is woefully behind...
  4. Yes, her response was irritating. I gave her a mental beat down, too. Cathartic. :boxing_smiley:
  5. I'm okay. Nunchucks were at home so no one was arrested. DS, thankfully, continued to play with his best friend afterwards (despite the Benadryl...) I was worried he would want to go home and then be scared of going to the park. But other than giving the kid a wide birth and the evil eye, he was fine. Unlike the incident at the library which caused months of anxiety... He reminded me to restock the Benadryl in my bag as soon as we got home. :thumbup1:
  6. Awww, shucks, thanks! I'll pass on the hugs to DS.
  7. Have you checked to see if your vents to your bedroom need to be cleaned out/are blocked?
  8. Punk a$$ $hit at the park today decided that he needed to rub his hands all over my son's face after DS told him about his allergies and asked him not to touch him. Kid was eating a doughnut that DS felt might have his allergens. DS came screaming across the park at full speed with a look that I will never forget. Actually, I will never forget the scream, either. After washing his face and flushing his eyes, and giving him a precautionary dose of Benadryl, I calmly approached the parents and explained the situation, and also explained how DS had politely asked him to simply not touch him (I overheard this part, he was nice about it), and then what he (according to my son - they had moved away from the adults at this point) did anyway - intentionally. Dad took it seriously, apologized, and called the kid over to talk to him. Of course the kid denied it, and the dad wasn't having it. He knew the kid was full of BS. At some point the mom turned to me and said, "kids will be kids, eh?" That was the point when I walked away. Meanwhile, the kid had gone over to my DS to apologize as commanded by dad and I was just in time to catch my son's face as he stared down this kid with a look of pure hatred, fists clenched. Priceless. (The whole time this was happening I was playing out a scene in my head off what I REALLY wanted to say and do to that boy. Not pretty. Boy got a beatdown.) #oldenoughtoknowbetter
  9. Note to future self: Forget the stain remover and just spend the money on new shirts. #texasmamaisalwaysright #needtocleanmylaptopbecausekeysarestillstickinganditisbeyondfrustratingbutiamtoolazytofixandwouldratherbangonthekeys
  10. That's me - the BA one with the nunchucks. Oh, wait. We're the elephants. Well, I want to be a ninja elephant with nunchucks.
  11. 5 minute work break to say: :grouphug: Brandy :grouphug: :grouphug: Christina :grouphug: Way to go texasmama! :party:
  12. I was going to say Adam of the Road because I had never heard of it and have gotten through life just fine. LOL But now that I know what it is, I think I need to check it out of the library for our next read-aloud.
  13. My cherry pitter and apple slicer are my two favorite gadgets.
  14. You're right. I can hardly believe it. Who wouldn't want to be in the presence of the Queen herself? SMH
  15. I have served food to Lynda Carter (aka Diana Prince), Craig T. Nelson (aka Hayden Fox), Robert DeNiro, and Madeleine Albright. Not all at the same time. :) That would have been quite the table. There were some others but those are the ones that stuck out for one reason or another. Carter was with her kids/family and super sweet. Nelson was a A-class jerk, DeNiro was too busy with the young lady on his lap to eat his food, and Albright's presence commanded the room.
  16. My son has lots of allergies. That being said, I would call our MSG issues sensitivities, not a true allergy. But really, that's just semantics. Because if eating it makes you feel like crap, your body is telling you something. So we just abstain. ETA: Okay, I know it's not just semantics. There really is a difference. But still. :)
  17. Do you eat a lot of tofu? Could it be the soy?
  18. I get terrible headaches with MSG. I never used to, though. It is only in the last 5 years or so. DS also reacts to MSG in foods. His complaints were headaches, dizziness, cramps. I agree with zoobie, though. It could be anything. I would maybe suggest keep a food journal if it keeps happening/keep some Benedryl on hand.
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