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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. Edited post to include referenced post. Try to keep up (jk)
  2. Well, thanks to this thread I know what half of that said! I can infer the second half. :)
  3. I wonder if carrots would taste good with chocolate...probably not
  4. For me chocolate = acne. I've only discovered this this past year. Took me 38 years to put 2 and 2 together. I've cheated a few times in the last few months and the next day I wake up to a zit fest on my face and back. It's depressing. Which makes me want chocolate.
  5. DS doesn't like pot roast carrots. He only likes them raw. Which I gladly serve him so that I get the extra pot roast ones.
  6. Don't be sad, Slache - being nice is overrated.
  7. I would go with A and put in new carpet before you move in. Corner of two drives may mean a lot of traffic, carpet is cheaper to upgrade than a kitchen, and if you have decent heat you probably wouldn't use a fireplace that much anyway. I love the pass through in our place. I would hate for the kitchen to be completely closed off.
  8. Yeah, I almost added that. But she's not fat - just bloated from all the alcohol. :)
  9. My aunt is 10 years younger than my mom, but looks 10 years older. Smoking, drinking, tanning, drug use - they all add up.
  10. I once broadsided a guy in DC because I was trying to find a road and didn't see the light change and it was only a split second but the guy was expecting the light to change so didn't even slow for the intersection. He was Spanish, and his passenger door was falling off his van at this point and my bumper as well, and he tore his door off and shoved it in his van and took off! I was flabbergasted that he just left. I was a sheltered child. LOL A bystander helped me put my bumper in the back seat of my car, made sure I was okay (I was) and off I went, too. :)
  11. I have arrived, then, since the answer for me is easy - NEVER! (DS is allergic to garlic.) More importantly, however: I just figured out how to MultiQuote. :) Woot!
  12. Yes. I was set up by my mother once, and I have never again been so bored. I also went on a blind date in Germany that my host family set up. Only I didn't know it was a date - host family told me I was just hanging out with the guy for the afternoon. He had an intellectual disability and needed someone to accompany him and no one else was available and would I mind doing it? Only apparently HE thought it was a date, because HIS MOM told him it was a date. He spent the whole time trying to kiss me. My host family apologized up and down for that one! I was able to laugh it off, but it was really awful. He was a big guy, and I was rather at a disadvantage. Thankfully he wasn't violent in any way.
  13. I know I'm new here, but man I missed you guys! I was stuck folding laundry and playing Candy Crush instead.
  14. Severe food allergies was the initial reason for us, as well.
  15. Well, after all this negative stuff, how about something positive. DS and I made it through his first end-of-year evaluation with flying colors yesterday. It was a little awkward, though, when she asked DS what his favorite book was. He looked at me and said nothing. So she said, "It doesn't have to be a school book," and DS smiled really wide and blurted out, "The Walking Dead!" I crawled into a hole as I meekly explained to this former Christian school teacher friend of my mother's that he really likes Zombies. And then SHE LISTED IT ON HIS EVALUATION. Ha!
  16. When I graduated high school my grandmother paid for my plane tickets or me to go to Germany over the summer. On the flight over I was chewing gum, as so many recommend, and pulled out a filling. I was 17, in a foreign country, with an exposed nerve. I spent a week and a half packing that sucker with bread to mute the pain. I was staying with the mother and father of my grandmother's former foreign exchange student. I was supposed to stay with him, which was the plan until I stepped off the plane and his girlfriend said no way. (She was a tall, blond, blue-eyed law student. All things I am not. Still scratching my head on that one.) At any rate, his parents were awesome, and so was his grandmother. Father noticed one day I was in pain, and started dosing me with bourbon. Grandmother took me out shopping one day, noticed the continued pain (could barely walk), and brought me to an apothecary who gave me AWESOME drugs which one can't get here in the states, and recommended I see a dentist. Going to the dentist in Germany was an experience. Anyhoo, I completely forgot this had happened until you mentioned you had an exposed nerve. I think it was a repressed memory. It sucked. And I haven't chewed gum since. Here's to hoping it gets resolved quicker than mine (three weeks).
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