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Everything posted by Dana

  1. My son's bracelet has his food allergies on the front and contact phone numbers on the back. The allergies are the ones that are anaphylactic or very severe. I don't say he carries an epi because he'd have administered it already or would have access in an ER. I see the bracelet more as extra help in case of a fatal car accident for the driver or other dreadful situation. I also have heard that they aren't read that often, unfortunately. So I'd have your cell on back and on front, allergic to (and then list the names you mentioned specifically). But do think about how essential the notification is.
  2. :grouphug: I can't click "like" on some of these posts. I appreciate your bravery and courage in sharing your stories. I bear witness to your experiences. Thank you all for sharing. I'm sorry for your hurts and I'm in awe of your resilience and strength. :grouphug:
  3. You definitely are ill informed and ignorant if you are STILL saying these passages are unnecessary without having read the damn book. THAT is what those of us are saying. And if you refuse to read the book, that's fine, but then keep your damn mouth shut on whether other people should read it. You don't have the knowledge to have an opinion.
  4. My memory of the book (again, about 20 years since I've read it) is not of the assault. It's that her self hatred goes so deep that she wants SOME part of her to have white characteristics (the dominant culture that she sees...we had a conversation about this that also went south on the chat board a week or so ago with the discussion of white privilege). She imagines that if she could have blue eyes even, her life would be better. The excerpt that has some people up in arms didn't stand out for me when reading the book. Again, the danger with cherry picking.
  5. You can also ask about it when you're next at the library. When I've commented, they've sometimes bought additional copies. Worth asking rather than waiting for them to notice :)
  6. When we used Miquon, it really was just 1st and 2nd grade. I used Singapore as our spine and used Miquon "as needed". I'd typed up a list of all the sheets by subject, so if I wanted extra practice with division, we'd look at those sheets in whatever book they were. So he never worked through a Miquon book - we just did sheets as needed. I really preferred Miquon's approach to division. I don't like how so many texts teach division as giving two answers - quotient and remainder. Miquon shows it as one answer, written as a mixed number. Much much much better. So unless you have a few things to review with Miquon, it doesn't sound like it'll be much help for your son (and avoid their word problems!). You could add in Singapore's Process Skills... those are good with the bar model.
  7. I got certified in secondary education with a math specialty. Her comments about the education system in the US do match my experience. I honestly believe my 11 yo could pass my graduate courses in education right now with maybe one or at most two exceptions. All the others really were that easy. My son says that Finland would be where he'd want to be from reading the book :)
  8. Possibly. It is very good, but I don't think it would likely be a reread here. Again, I did have the three of us read it, so if multiple people at your house will read it, it may be worth purchasing. She's an author I'd be pleased to support though!
  9. It's a good book. Well worth reading. Had dh and ds read it as well to discuss it.
  10. He's 11. I need to put back my signature one of these days! He's also a really good reader. He just finished it tonight, so I expect some discussions over dinner. He says he's glad not to live in Korea, although he'd like me teaching at a hagwon and making millions ;) There's been a lecture posted in the accelerated learner board by Rusczyk from AoPS. It dovetails nicely with the book. http://mathprize.atfoundation.org/archive/2009/Rusczyk_Problem_Solving_Presentation_at_Math_Prize_for_Girls_2009.pdf
  11. This is an excellent book. I read it, had my husband read it, and having our son read it so we can discuss what he should be getting from an education and who he'll be competing with worldwide for jobs!
  12. The cc recommendation is in 11 th grade, I believe. It's definitely not before high school.
  13. As always, cherry picking passages from a book and then arguing about those quotes without having read the whole work shows astonishing ignorance. If you haven't read the book and don't want your kids to read it, that's fine. But reading these brief bits and arguing that the book shouldn't be read and discussed in a high school course is arguing from a position of ignorance. Read the book on your own and make a decision about the message and point of the book. Otherwise all you're doing is showing ignorance.
  14. I used US for 1 and then switched to standards in 2. The Singapore site has a list of differences. I thought the standards edition has reviews incorporated better through the text than the us edition. The HiG for standards is significantly better. From my memory, standards goes back more to the 3rd edition used in Singapore and includes some additional topics not in US edition. I was very pleased with the standards edition. We also used CWP and IP.
  15. Although I found tags to be very helpful in searching the board, and I really miss them with the changes to the new forum software. We don't follow the WTM, but I really like the people here. It is pricey though... I've found excellent resources here that have helped tremendously when we've hit rough spots.
  16. Ha! Dh used to take the Greyhound to come visit me his first year in college. He's got some interesting stories. One of the stops was outside Soledad where they'd pick up just released prisoners. Fun times. He also rode them when they were on strike. Driver got completely lost.
  17. Edna Buchanan was a reporter in Florida. She has some books on her reporting and some fiction books.
  18. You could write a letter with what you want to say, then burn it. That gives you the experience of saying what you want to say but without it being able to be used against you. :grouphug: It's hard. You're doing well.
  19. I've set up a filter for my uncle's emails to be deleted immediately, so if he replies with his hate-filed and racist rants to something my folks sent to a group, his response isn't something I'll see at all :) Definitely set up a filter. Do it now. If anything comes snail mail, just toss it in the trash unread. Use caller ID and don't pick up phone calls. Good luck. Also, see if you can come up with something you can think about her when you do have contact or think of her...something where you can look at her from the outside.. "Wow...how miserable she is. I'm so glad not to be trapped with her...."
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