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Everything posted by FarmingMomma

  1. Ugh, sorry you aren't feeling well 😞
  2. I chopped more ice on our sidewalk yesterday when it warmed up a bit. I love the snow but I am sick of ice! Day 2 of A Little More Obsessed, leg day!
  3. I just purchased it yesterday. I also ordered the books that aren't available in our library system.
  4. Finished up 80 day obsession on Saturday and took a rest day yesterday. Today I started A Little More Obsessed. It's only a week long, but I may repeat it for a few weeks, depending on quickly calving season ramps up.
  5. I did it ladies!!! This morning I finished day 80 of Beachbody's 80 Day Obsession! In 13 weeks I've lost 8.25 inches and 8 pounds. I've built a lot of muscle and dropped sizes in all of my clothing. Thank you to all of you ladies for your support and encouragement, this extra bit of accountability has really helped me stick with it! Tomorrow will be a rest day, and then I'm going to try a week of A Little More Obsessed. We also should start calving any day now, so then I'll be on the intense rancher workout plan 😂
  6. @soror that makes sense, if I had to take my kids to an activity next to a gym, I would definitely rather go to the gym than sit around waiting for them to be done. My celebration has mainly been buying myself some smaller jeans. We had 4-H activities today and then more 4-H activities on Sunday, and we're going to start calving any day now, so not much time for celebrating. The local rod and gun club is having their banquet and dance next weekend, so I'm trying to talk my husband into going so we can dance!
  7. Yesterday I did day 78 of 80 Day Obsession, total body core, in addition to working cows most of the day and wracking up 26,000+ steps (11 miles). My legs were DEAD. This morning I did day 79, cardio core. Just one day left in 80 D.O.! I'm with you @wintermom, I much prefer being outside. I don't mind working out at home, but I don't think I could make myself go to a gym much even if I lived close enough to town for it to be feasible.
  8. Ugh, I've been checking it every day and then today I was busy all day and came in and saw this 😞 I had planned to sign my rising 8th grader up. Luckily we came up with a good back up plan.
  9. Well I screwed up and didn't get him signed up for Clover Creek Physics. 😭 But we've decided to go with Novare's Accelerated Studies in Physics and Chemistry, and he's pretty excited about getting to do both Physics and Chem. He wants to take Clover Valley Honors Chem in a couple of years, so this ought to help him prepare for that.
  10. Just finished workout 76 of 80 Day Obsession. It was cardio flow, and I was drenched in sweat! I am feeling so much stronger though, and my stamina has really improved 🙂
  11. Thanks! I'm so excited that I actually just ordered a new swimsuit, and it's...gasp...a bikini! Its been about 7 years since I wore a bikini 😂
  12. I just finished up week 12 of 80 Day Obsession, only 1 week left to go! I'm feeling really excited about my progress. The pounds are coming off slowly, but I've lost inches and built a lot of muscle, and I'm back down to the size of jeans I used to wear 5 or so years ago 🙂 🥳
  13. The high school Geography is brand new, so no one will have done it yet. We have used their Botany and Chemistry curriculums though. The plans are pretty easy to follow, but it does involve juggling a lot of different books/resources, rather than just reading from a textbook. We are tentatively planning to use the Geography curriculum next year for my 12th and 8th graders.
  14. Hard to believe my oldest will be a senior next year 😭 We're still working on the details, but here's the plan so far: Math: Saxon Advanced Math English: Lantern English 12th Grade...Not 100% sure on this yet, she'll be taking a short writing class from Lantern English soon to see if she likes the format Social Studies: Guest Hollow Geography Science: Clover Valley Chemistry Electives: Personal Finance...probably the Dave Ramsey High School Curriculum, one semester of Anatomy & Physiology (probably on Outschool), one semester of Ecology, maybe a semester of shop class with Dad, and possibly some of the Veterinary Science classes that are available on Outschool. She's leaning towards getting her Vet Tech certification, and to apply for the program she needs to volunteer with a Vet for at least 40 hours, so we'll try to get that knocked out over the summer so we don't have to worry about it during the school year. She also was chosen as a BC 4-H Ambassador, which will involve extra activities and travel in addition to her normal 4-H activities.
  15. Got in some solo snowshoeing in the sunshine, then 15 minutes of stretching.
  16. Finished another week of 80 Day Obsession yesterday, only two weeks to go! I also went snowshoeing with my husband and the dogs, so my legs and butt were dead last night. 😂 I'll probably do some snowshoeing this afternoon as well, but probably just for a bit because I think we're going to take the kids out to shoot targets and sight in my newest rifle better. I got it for Christmas and have only shot it a couple of times.
  17. My son has been taking Middle School French, so French 1 was split over two years, he's in 1B right now. My daughter took the regular French 1 class last year, but after that she decided just to stick with ASL because two languages was too much for her. Neither of them had a full hour every day of homework, although if you leave out weekends it probably could be an hour a day. Next year my son is taking the French 2 Honors class, so I'm sure the amount of homework will go up a bit. They are assigned pages from the textbook, pages from the workbook that the teacher provides, Duolingo, Quizlet, and sometimes other assignments and projects. She is currently putting together next year's schedule, so not all of next year's classes are up on the website yet. When you fill out the priority waiting list form there's a spot that asks what days and times work best for you. She tries to find a time that works best for the greatest number of students.
  18. My son is in his second year taking French with Global Goose, we've been really happy with it. He seems to be learning a lot more than I did in my high school French classes back in the day! Let me know if you have any specific questions.
  19. Went for a two mile snowshoe with my 13 yo and all the dogs. The snow is good and hard and the sun was kind of peeking through the clouds, so it was a perfect day for it.
  20. Finished up week 10 of 80 day obsession, only 3 weeks to go! Didn't get my workout in until late, but I'm glad I didn't put it off until tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll do some stretching and hopefully go snowshoeing.
  21. Today was day 59 of 80 Day Obsession, leg day. I am still drenched in sweat! Yesterday was cardio flow, and Monday was AAA (arms, abs, and a**). This second week of phase 3 is so far going much better than last week, when I seemed to struggle through the whole week.
  22. Today I did workout 56 of Beachbody's 80 Day Obsession. It was booty day and my bum and thighs are definitely sore! My abs are also still sore from all the core work the last couple of days. I have 4 weeks left, so I'll finish up at the end of the month, then do A Little More Obsessed (1 week long). Then it will be calving season, and my main workout will be taking care of baby calves (including picking them up and moving them around) while trying to avoid irritated mama cows 😂. I think I walk several miles a day during calving season, although this year I'll be sure to wear my fitbit and find out just how many miles I log! Example: I had one cow last year that climbed what should have been an un-climbable snowbank, crossed the creek, climbed another ridiculous snowbank, and had her calf under a tree in deep snow where the calf couldn't really get up and move around. I spotted her while crossing the bridge upstream, and there was no way to get to her with any kind of vehicle. So I climbed the snowbank, crossed the creek, climbed the other snowbank, and waded through the snow to the calf. He couldn't walk through the deep snow very well at all, so I picked him up and carried him back through the snow, over the snowbank, across the creek, etc etc, having to put him down several times to rest. Except the mama cow didn't follow, so I put the calf on a dry spot, climbed back across, and had to chase her around in the snow for awhile before she finally decided to cross the creek and find her baby. Thankfully most of calving isn't quite THAT eventful.
  23. Finishing up week 9 of 80 day obsession. The workouts have increased in intensity and really kicked my butt this week, but the number on the scale is decreasing and my clothes are getting looser, and my muscles are getting more defined, so I keep pushing through!
  24. It's way too icy to run here right now, and I'm kind of missing it...never thought I'd miss running!
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