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Everything posted by FarmingMomma

  1. MBF day 8, lower body burn. Also moved some cows today, and took the dogs for a short walk. The snow and ice on the road turned to slush, so I think I spent more time scrubbing off the dogs when we got home than we spent walking. @Dreamergal, that's warm! Here we were thinking how nice it was today at 37 degrees! @Monica_in_Switzerland that's impressive! I was slowly increasing my running distance this summer/fall, but now that it's been icy I haven't been running at all :(
  2. MBF day 7, dynamic recovery. The stretching was much needed and felt wonderful
  3. Yesterday was MBF day 5, full body burn, and today was day 6, power ignite. Doing better with my eating so far this week, last week we were super busy with ranch work and I ate a lot of quick carb-heavy foods.
  4. MBF day 4, core circuit. @wintermom sorry to hear about your cousin, hope you have a safe trip @Soror so far I like MBF okay, although it feels like a big step down from 80 day obsession. It's been good to have a shorter, lighter workout this week since I've been so busy outside.
  5. MBF Day 3, upper body burn. Um well lots of stuff, basically anything I've got to go do with or to the cows. This week we've been preg-checking cows (ultrasounding and/or palpating the cows to see if they are pregnant or not). We also had to gather and haul home some cows that we had grazing on leased land about 20 minutes from home. Today we preg-checked the cows that we brought home yesterday. Then we put all the pregnant cows that we're keeping into one herd and moved them to a new pasture. The bred heifers that we're selling were moved to a different pasture, the cows we want to sell to yet another area, and finally some open heifers to a fourth pen.
  6. MBF day 2, core circuit. Also ran around dealing with cows all day. More cow work tomorrow
  7. Day 1 of MBF (Muscle Burns Fat), lower body burn
  8. Thanks! My husband is taking the kids to a 4-H event tomorrow, so I'm going to enjoy some peace and quiet, get a bit of housework done, read a book, and try to stay off the internet. The election stuff is making me cranky (I live in Canada, but I'm an American).
  9. Thanks @Dreamergal! I did it! Day 80 of 80 day obsession is done!
  10. Today was 79/80: cardio core. Normally I don't mind this one too much, but my legs and bum are so sore that it was more challenging than usual. One day left!
  11. Day 78 of 80 Day Obsession: total body core. This is the hardest workout for me and I'm super glad to be done! Only two days left to go :)
  12. Day 77 of 80 day obsession, leg day. Did 1.5 miles with the dogs this morning, will probably do it again this afternoon/evening.
  13. Day 76 of 80 day obsession, cardio flow. Hoping to get a nice long walk with the dogs in this afternoon.
  14. Day 75 of 80 day obsession, Arms abs and bottom 😉. My arms feel like quivering noodles 😂
  15. Day 74 of 80 day obsession. One week to go! My goals for the month are to finish 80 day obsession and then start another Beachbody program, MBF (muscle burns fat). Also to clean up my eating a little more. I feel like my protein intake is just about right, but I need to up my veggies and go easier on the carbs.
  16. Day 73 of 80 day obsession: cardio core
  17. Day 71 of 80 day obsession: leg day
  18. I forgot we also have Pandemic. We haven't played that one in awhile, I should pull it out for game night this week! My son and I have played 7 Wonders and he'd love to own that one, unfortunately it's currently about $80 on Amazon Canada 😞 I'll definitely take a look at Dominion, several people have recommended that one
  19. Monopoly apparently brings out way too much anger in my family😂 We do have Chess, my youngest is obsessed. My oldest doesn't love it because the youngest always beats her. Actually I think I'm the only one who can still beat him at chess and sometimes even I lose! I forgot we also have Harry Potter Codenames
  20. Day 70 of 80 day obsession: cardio flow. That one was brutal! 😂
  21. I need some ideas for new games to buy for Christmas/kids birthdays. We already have 2 Catan Games, Risk, Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble, Uno, 2 or 3 versions of Apples to Apples, Wits and Wagers, Exploding Kittens with all the Expansions, Bears vs. Babies, Bring Your Own Book, and various editions of Ticket to Ride. I'd say our favorites are Risk, Ticket to Ride, and Apples to Apples. I was looking at Amazon but there are SOOO many games to sift through. My kids are 17 and 13, turning 18 and 14 soon. We also often play games with the neighbors, whose kids are 16 and almost 14. We don't mind a little mature content, but the neighbor's youngest doesn't like anything too raunchy, so definitely not going to be playing Cards against Humanity or anything like that.
  22. Day 69 of 80 day obsession: AAA (arms, abs, and *bottom* 😉 ). Also got plenty of exercise today with various cow work. Trying to work on some meal planning for the rest of the week
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