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Shelly in IL

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Everything posted by Shelly in IL

  1. My youngest son said, "Mom, I've got a weird spot on my leg." He showed me his lower calf, and there is a hard lump shaped like the first two digits of your pointer finger and about that size. I'm freaking as we have a friend whose daughter is currently dealing with osteosarcoma - diagnosed by a lump behind her knee. It is painful - that much I'm glad for (because doesn't a cancerous tumor usually cause no pain?). Getting an appt, but can anyone alleviate some fears? Doesn't look like anything to look at it-'no discoloration, no 3D raised lump. He's 14, just starting to grow, active, and a bit of a hypochondriac - so I know he's worrying. Thanks.
  2. Check out your hvac...our car had a plugged something in the a/c. It smelled AWFUL! Just like mildew. Google a/c mold smell to check it out. There were tons of entries for cars, anyways! Fixed the plug, didn't smell anymore.
  3. A group is putting together a k-12 classical school two days a week! They would offer for my freshman a classical model history/writing/literature/rhetoric 3 hours a day, 2 days a week and wait for it....it's drop off!! I'm so excited. Love the gal who will be his teacher, he has friends from basketball that will be enrolling also!! I think it is relatively inexpensive $1200 for the year. I paid not much less than that for an online great books program that met 1 day for 2 hours (boring!) They expect to broaden it to all subjects by sometime next year! If we want to pursue that, it's an 8:30-3:30 drop off. Anyway, I'm excited!
  4. Maybe someone said this already, but check the cost to heat with propane. I know some tanked fuels are outrageously high this year.
  5. Thanks everyone! It has been an incredible finish reward for our homeschooling efforts. Now to work on ds14!!
  6. Just bought a Honda Pilot. Test drove the highlander, which just felt kinda cheap to me (esp the back where you have puzzle pieces to put over the sunken areas for storage. There were literally 4 or 5 pieces to assemble over the spaces and they fit together pretty poorly. The Honda Pilot continues to shock me everyday. I came from a Yukon XL Denali. It.was.plush! The Pilot does not look plush. That being said, it is the best laid out car for ease of use, tons of storage, etc. it is super comfy. The seats are awesome. It drives like a dream. It has tons of storage. I absolutely love it and didn't expect to love it this much! Can't say enough good. 2013's are priced to sell right now. We got a used one with 4k miles for $9k off new price. We bought an EX-L. Wanted touring but couldn't justify the $ for basically just Nav and a tv. Ours does have a tv. I think you'd really be happy.
  7. Here is the advice I have for you... Elongated bowl. The round bowl has a ledge where things get lodged on if you know what I mean.
  8. That is amazing! How do you have time for all you do?
  9. Thank you all! Yesterday was hell. I think I yelled at him all day with the exception of a couple hours when he was gone. He has been the most reliable, dependable kid. Good grades (still), never a girlfriend (till now but he doesn't see her much), but he goes to community college full time, and all his friends are now there. He has chosen good friends, but now I get the sensation that he is pulling away big time and is only home for sleep and the occasional meal. (I'm exaggerating here, but when he's home he's addicted to screens or is doing homework). Am I idealizing the perfect family here? Just seems like he would care a smidge about the family and do his chores, etc. and he is firmly in the know it all stage! I can't believe 5 months left till he leaves.
  10. He is driving me crazy. I'm angry with him constantly. He is a good student, but that is all he does besides hanging out with friends. He passes things I tell him to do on to his younger brother, he doesn't help all that much, he ticks me off. Is this God preparinge for sending him off to college? I'm not really liking him or me right now.
  11. It just feels a little "off" even if it is innocent. Kinda gives me the heebie jeebies.
  12. Any suggestions? For teen - size 30"x32". Thanks
  13. My son graduates this year :( however, he is doing so with 44 kids from his co op. I am in charge of the whole thing! Big deal at church, guest speaker, moms tribute, big reception. It's always very nice! Draws about 600 people.
  14. I consider myself an expert on cars in that class right now. Pilot is the biggest with 3 rows (other than the Ford explorer and Flex). It is a good price and the mileage compared to my Yukon xl is doing pretty well! It isn't a luxury car - I compared to Acura mDX, but it handles like a dream and is so comfy. Loving it!
  15. I am loving it! Coming from my Yukon xl Denali, I was worried I'd feel like it wasn't enough. But, it is awesome! Loving parking it - it's so small and quick! Haven't found one thing I don't like! Thanks for all the recommendations!
  16. Got a cute, white Pilot exl with rear entertainment. Found a great deal on a never titled one with 4k miles. ( dealer car). We're very pleased!
  17. Wide is good, right? Less rollover! Last car was a Suburban. I'm an expert parker, if I can Park that sucker, I can park anything! No Pilot supporters?
  18. I'm not worried about the one time buying trip, I'm worried about losing things like free oil changes and car washes!
  19. It certainly is a more plush car! Problem is, the acura dealer is 45 min away, the honda dealer is 15 Min away in a city I'm in several times a week
  20. Either one will probably be in the 2010 range. Love your input!
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