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Everything posted by FourOaks

  1. Actually, TTC may be just what you are looking for. Mr. Andrews actually talks about using the Socratic method with very young kids -- even younger the K -- using picture books. It was his explanations that helped me to realize that asking simple questions of young kids is extremely easy. I can tell you that my then 4 yr old knew -- really knew and understood -- what onomatopeia was through her books. That term was so easy for her to grasp from her books. Alliteration is another good one for young kids, as it's in so many picture books. Oxymorons is also present in many pictures books -- as well as many, many other great literature features. TTC has a list of hundreds of Socratic questions in the back which can be used for any piece of literature (saves me so often). You pick and choose what you would like to ask and are able to tailor questioning to any age of student. HTH!!!
  2. Well, in my opinion, you really should have the DVDs with the Teaching the Classics, otherwise it's not really helping you learn what to do. I have decided that instead of rewatching the DVDs and going through the book (again) on my own, I am going to have my kids do it with me. I have a friend that did it this year and said it worked fabulously. This way the kids are learning directly from Adam Andrews and we then have freedom to choose other books and get busy with literary analysis. This is opposed to me just watching, then trying to spend the time teaching them about literary analysis, then choosing books and trying to implement the process. I can tell you that my kids watch the IEW teacher disks and actually enjoy learning along with other "instructors". Sometimes I believe they have learned even more that way -- they get a deeper understanding of the material. Just an idea!
  3. I am currently working on the syllabus/plans for a world geography course which I will be teaching this year. I will be using Mapping the World by Heart (not ART) and the Ultimate Geography and Timeline Guide (Geo Matters) as my starting points for the course. If anyone is interested in my plans, let me know. I will be working on 3 different levels of this course: an early elementary level, middle school level, and high school credit option.
  4. Wow, thank you all for these replies. I am convinced that we should get a Mac. Now it's just a matter of figuring out which one and having the money to afford it. If I have wireless in my house that is run through a PC desktop, will that affect setting up my Mac on wireless? One of my biggest concerns is all the educational software that we have possibly not being able to run on a Mac. What about all of that? Disks I have and programs I've paid for and downloaded that I chose specificallly for "PC". Would I always have to have a PC in order to run those?
  5. please tell me why you love it. Would you buy another? Which Mac is the best deal for the price? Will be using for just about everything if we get one. Really starting to get the itch to take the jump before we start back to school in the fall. I've never owned or used anything other than a PC, so I really would like to know if they are as superb as I hear they are. In fact, I've never heard anyone who has a Mac complain. Period. PCs, now all I have are complaints and all I hear are complaints. Thanks!!
  6. I am looking for complete drawing courses either online for free (which include the lesson on video), or something that I can purchase. I want a true course with someone actually teaching. I would like high school level. I believe with all the free online couses like Kahn Academy, HippoCampus, MIT & Yale Opencourseware, etc. there would be something that included the arts. Any ideas? Thanks!
  7. Thanks for your response!! Greatly appreciated!
  8. Anyone have a student who took the Am. Govt. CLEP exam? If so, what books/curriculum did your student use? Wondering if Notgrass Am. Govt. course with a few other things added in would be a good choice. Thanks!!
  9. I am going to start using CC this year also. However, my kids are older. Based on my reading through the first three books, I would go ahead and attempt to start your 3rd grader. My thought is that if he gets it and does well, then that is great. If he struggles, just back off and wait until you feel he might be ready again.
  10. So, if I have a Netflix account and a Wii that we run Netflix through, do I need Roku? We have no cable, so being able to get those free channels (especially if they are educational) would be wonderful. Would appreciate any help you can give. Angie
  11. And I'm obviously behind. . .what is Roku????
  12. I'm bumping my oldest (13) up to 9th this fall. She will be doing all high school credit work, so I'm just going to call it like it is. She is very excited and so am I.
  13. I, too, am looking at Kahn Academy. My oldest has used MUS all throughout -- just finishing up Algebra 1 now. She is adamant that she wants to stick with MUS for the remainder of the courses (she has always been very good at math). She begged me not to purchase any more LoF. I said okay, so I am now going to have her go through Kahn Academy Algebra 1 and show me that she can successfully solve all the problems. If so, our plan is that she will work through MUS Geometry this year (already purchased), and do the geometry problems at Kahn Academy as well. I figure that should give her a well-rounded Geometry program.
  14. Wow, thanks for that feedback. It seems quite difficult to find that "perfect" course. Not having the ability to review would be very frustrating and would definitely not fall within the "well-rounded" course requirements for us. It sounds like we'll have to keep looking.
  15. Thanks for this information. I was trying to see if there was any type of actual "text" that would parallel the course. So, do you know if my student would be allowed the use of the videos for free even if we purchase the Holt text used?
  16. Looking for a very good, very well-rounded, indepth geometry course for a student who is definitely college bound and possibly gearing for science/math track. Just found this online http://www.thinkwellhomeschool.com/products/geometry Wondering if anyone here knows anything about this program? Any information you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Angie
  17. Thanks for this insight ladies. I am planning to try to find this at convention as it really looked like something I've been wanting for so long. I am happy to hear such good reviews about it on here. If you follow the lesson plans, does it take a full school year or less?
  18. We went from never having one piece of Playmobil in this house, to now having an IMMENSE amount as of right now! The gifts were almost all Playmobil and they have now been playing with them for the last 8 hours straight --- NOT KIDDING!!
  19. I don't have Bisquick. What can I use instead?? Not just plain flour correct?
  20. For those interested, my mom sews doll clothes. She sells them VERY INEXPENSIVELY -- most outfits are between $7-$10 each. She doesn't do it to make money -- it's basically just her creative outlet. She's very creative with the stuff she makes. Email me privately if interested. If you contacted me before, please do so again and I can update you. TIA -- did we happen to communicate about clothes a LONG time ago? If so, please email me!! Thanks, Angie
  21. I agree that you do need to talk with the parents of the other kids. I am COMPLETELY nonconfrontational, but this is really something that the mom needs to be aware of. Also, a big hug for you and your boys. I totally understand how you feel that they have lost their innocence. I would feel the same way. I have no profound advice for you other than to keep talking with them about it. Thank the Lord that they have been so open with you -- that in itself is incredible. Continue to explain that words are words and used in lots of different ways by many different people. Maybe specific Bible verses could help you (since you are a Christian). Verses about the tongue, using only words that encouage and lift up, etc.
  22. My almost 10 yr old dd and almost 12 yr old dd begged for them for Christmas this year so I going ahead and getting them some. I am worried that the almost 12 yr old will quickly lose interest, but since I also have a 4 yr old, I am sure there will still be years of use in them. Just wish I had known to buy them when my oldest was younger!
  23. I have twin dds who are 9 and will be receiving the following: Playmobil (they have non currently and said they would rather have the money spent on this than a lot of other items -- crazy I know) Wii Fit Plus (as a combined gift) Another Wii game and controller A sewing machine (family gift) A Whirley-Popper (family gift) A couple Am. Girl doll outfits (my mom makes them) Videos (I pick these up at a used bookstore throughout the year) A new large art drawing tablet with new drawing pens Set Cubed (the game) Visual Eyes (another game) A gift card to the above-mentioned used bookstore My 11 yr old dd is getting these different items: Scattergories card game Brickadoo kits (recently found these and am very excited about them) Home Quick Planner kit Young Architect by Slinky Science
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