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Zoo Keeper

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Everything posted by Zoo Keeper

  1. (wiping drool from my keyboard) What a fabulous legacy to pass on! 🙂
  2. I see the difference between the two... I am not aware of detailed lesson plans anywhere on the MEP site for the upper years. Would be nice, though!
  3. There are Lesson Plans for Year 9 (here is a link to the Lesson Plan for Unit 1 of Year 9), but the lesson plans for the upper years as just not as scripted as the lower years. It does tell you what to do for each lesson--OS means overhead slide to teach with, PB=practice book, etc. It's not as scripted in the lesson plans the because most of the direct teaching is in the student books (the practice books).
  4. Yes. 🙂 BTDT. Some older posters (Beth in Central TX and Colleen in NS) had students who did R&S 8 to Dolciani and did very well. Most alg 1 programs cover the basics in the first chapter to get students from different programs up to speed. Both Foerster's and Dolciani start from square one and bring a student forward.
  5. This is how it went down for my family as homeschoolers in the district. We were trying to access evals for my one who was struggling for years. I formally submitted paperwork. It was "lost." So sorry. 🙄 I re-submitted it. Crickets... I called the offices and was told that "the ones who handle that are currently on leave." I ended up going to the superintendent's office in person and letting multiple staff members know that I have the legal right to access these services... We got an appt for evals within days. 🙂 And an personal apology from the district superintendent.
  6. George Bridgman's Drawing from Life is a classic-- https://archive.org/details/bridgmanscomplet0000brid Andrew Loomis' Fun With a Pencil and Creative Illustration are worth a look. https://archive.org/search?query=((subject%3A"Loomis%2C Andrew" OR subject%3A"Andrew Loomis" OR creator%3A"Loomis%2C Andrew" OR creator%3A"Andrew Loomis" OR title%3A"Andrew Loomis" OR description%3A"Loomis%2C Andrew" OR description%3A"Andrew Loomis") OR ("1892-1959" AND Loomis)) AND (-mediatype:software) ETA: I'd forgotten that some of Loomis' figurative work is umm, figurative; you may want to edit what a younger one does or does not see. My art-inclined ones enjoyed EP's Drawing Professionally course https://allinonehighschool.com/drawing-professionally/
  7. Studio Art as in drawing/painting etc.? I think developing those skills needs an in person instructor (at best), or an online instructor who has specific time set aside for each student to receive instruction or feedback. If that is not available in this situation, I would seek out some other form of in person instruction.
  8. As far as I can tell (without actually having the books!), the content of all the 3rd editions is the same, the cover was different based on who was publishing that 3rd edition (Freeman----MFW----Master Books). Jann in Tx has some good analysis of Jacobs' geometry editions- here's a search that you can read threads on ... https://forums.welltrainedmind.com/search/?&q=Jacobs&author=Jann in TX&search_and_or=or I have Jacobs Geometry, 2nd edition (hardback, 70's-80's copyrights) I love that book. Really. I like geometry, I like proofs. I worked through a bit chunk of the book on my own. I really love that book. 💙 BUT no one in my house has gone all the way through the book with me. Four out of my six have done... MUS for geometry. Because I didn't have the time to teach it (Jacobs Geo) like I wanted to, my students needed more time for other subjects (most of mine needed more time to marinade in Alg 1 & 2), and geometry is not really that well represented on the SAT's or other standardized tests. I had to get pragmatic. So we went with an easy to teach, easy to get done, bare minimum geometry course that checks the boxes. I am keeping my Jacobs, hoping that my younger two may get to use it. Hope springs eternal. And, yes, I have too many math books. 🙂
  9. Does Dolciani edition matter! People around here used to get very heated up about that question... not so much any more. 😉 People who are more into pure mathematics for the love of mathematics preferred the 60's and 70's versions. The rest of us seemed to be fine with the 80's-2000's versions. PIck whatever version makes *your* heart beat faster and go with it. 😁 I do like Dolciani. I have the Pre-A, (late 80's version), Algebra 1 & Algebra 2 (late 80's versions again). I chose those versions because I could find the student text, TE's and solutions manual without having to take out a second mortgage on the house. That was around six or eight years ago, and prices have gone up, up, up on the used market--solutions are in the hundreds of dollars now! Where's that fainting emoji when you need it? Foerster's and Jacobs (including the teacher's materials) are much less expensive to find used. I frequently see Jacobs sets on places like Ebay. I personally *love* Jacobs' teaching style, but alas, my children do not. They prefer something that they perceive as more straightforward, Foerster's TE/solutions are out of print and not so cheap to find used, but you can get the solutions for Foerster's algebra 1 & 2 as pdf's from Math w/o Borders. https://mathwithoutborders.com/shop/algebra-1-ancillary-materials/ Personally, since I have used all three with different students, I think that either Jacobs or Foerster or Dolciani for Alg 1 will get you to about the same place by the end of the book. They're each good for slightly different reasons. Pick whatever one you like and your wallet likes and all will be well. 😉 And in case you really needed it, here is a page with reviews for Dolciani & Foerster from the folks at mathematically correct... http://www.mathematicallycorrect.com/algebra.htm
  10. Glad to be of service as you jump down the rabbit hole... 😉
  11. Here is a thread where I (and others) give some Dolciani chat...
  12. Jacobs Algebra (first edition, 1979 copyright, not the MB edition) is also on archive... https://archive.org/details/elementaryalgebr00jaco/mode/2up and the TE for this edition... https://archive.org/details/teachersguidetoe0000jaco If you are going to be the one teaching the upper level math, look over books in advance and see what *you can understand and teach.* Foerster's has clear teaching for Algebra 1. Very logical. Two of mine did very well with it. Jacobs is ... different... in presentation. A little more of discovery method woven into the problems sets to teach the students as they worth through the problems. I like it very much. But one of mine did NOT. He was better served with a more traditional text.
  13. I would also give practice in shorter research type papers and knowing how to format (MLA or APA; Purdue's OWL is good for this). Keep the papers short to practice the mechanics of formatting and not get caught up in trying to pad a paper. Especially at the beginning of the high school writing journey, I try to make the focus of certain writing assignment be either the formatting, or the elegance of the writing. Not both together. At some point in high school I hope those skills converge, 🙃 but my students have needed to keep those skills separate in order to make progress. It has been the long game here.
  14. Just seconding The Workbook for Arguments, and They Say, I Say. We also used Writing with a Thesis . If I had to rate them in order, I would do Thesis first, then Workbook, and then They Say. That order goes from learning to have a point (Thesis), to making that point logical (Workbook), and then to polishing how you present that point (They Say).
  15. Congratulations! May many years of happiness and museums and books and beautiful smiles be in their future.💕
  16. ^ I Capture the Castle is a gem! Wonderful coming of age novel.
  17. In the spirit of thriftiness, I have to let you know that I looked YEARS for Foerster's solutions used at a decent price, but came up short. They are like the holy grail. 😉 I hope it does pop up for you, but in case it doesn't, Math Without Borders has Forester's solutions for sale (very reasonable) as a pdf. Algebra 1 https://mathwithoutborders.com/shop/algebra-1-ancillary-materials/ Algebra 2 https://mathwithoutborders.com/shop/algebra-2-trig-ancillary-materials/
  18. Here's a search that may help... https://forums.welltrainedmind.com/search/?&q="phonics"&author=2_girls_mommy&search_and_or=or
  19. You may want to look at posts by 2_girls_mommy -- I know she has used R&S phonics/reading with her familiy.
  20. Looking forward to that list! Your course sounds wonderful.
  21. Dissections of flowers and other plants are also an option.
  22. Not going to talk you out of Core E for the 5th grader because that is what 5 of my 6 kids have done around that age. It's boxed up and waiting for the last kid to enjoy. 😉 We use an older edition (2012? ish), but it is mostly the same as the current core. It has been well used and well loved here. ETA: We also used the Science E, and spread the science over two years (half the books w/worksheets & activities one year, finish other books etc., next year). Once again, older edition of the current core; older edition had more books than current one. I don't care for SL's LA in elementary; we use something more straightforward (R&S).
  23. Prayers for your friend, her medical team, and you. 💜
  24. AGS Life Skills Math may suit; it is out of print, but can be found on the used market (amazon, abe books, etc.) You can see inside the book over at archive.org... https://archive.org/details/agslifeskillsmat0000jaco/mode/2up Wieser Educational may have something as well... https://www.wiesereducational.com/products/22-e_life-skills-mathematics/
  25. Roy (and others), you may enjoy reading through this thread from eons ago... full of conflicting and interesting opinions on lit analysis.
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