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Status Updates posted by LinRTX

  1. Two weeks to my oldest daughter's wedding.Two days until my first grandchild turns 9 months. About two months until the youngest graduates high school. And ten months since we got the news my oldest and only son died. I am a bundle of emotions.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. gaillardia


      That is a lot to go through. You have my deepest sympathies on the loss of your son. I'm so sorry.

      I hope the sweetness of good things happening in your family helps the healing process.

      Congratulations on a wedding and grandchild, youngest graduating. (((hugs)))

    3. FloridaLisa


      Oh, Linda, my heart breaks for you. I'm so sorry about your son. It's so hard to process the good when you're grieving. Praying much grace for you today and for your family as you all mourn. I hope the high points will be balm for your heart. xoxo


    4. MerryAtHope
  2. Well she is now taking the PSAT for real. I'm nervous.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PinkyandtheBrains.


      My teen took it today as well.


    3. EKS


      Good luck to her! My son is also taking it today, though he is in 9th grade, so not for real yet.

    4. DragonFaerie


      My girl took it yesterday. Yikes!

  3. It's Tuesday. Time for the belt to slip off the washer while washing a load of jeans. Third week in a row. Ugh.

  4. Watching my new nursing student help her youngest sister do dissections -- priceless

    1. FloridaLisa


      Love it! I'm asking mine to do the exact same this summer. :)

  5. Today I am going to see my husband get his doctorate!

  6. My husband just finished defending his thesis. He is geting his dotorate!!!! It has been a long 7 years.

  7. icy roads. Husband out of town. Daughter just hits an ice patch and another car.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LinRTX


      She is very shaken and she says her ribs hurt, but otherwise fine.

    3. PollyOR


      I'm sorry. :/

    4. MtnTeaching


      I bet she is even more sore today.

  8. Math and the 13yo mind do not mix!

  9. Finally the Christmas tree is up! Only 5 days before Christmas.

    1. ladydusk


      Our tree was up almost 3 weeks before we put ornaments on yesterday. I felt so relieved to get that job done!

  10. Hi Aubrey,


    Just wanted to let you know you are missed. How is your family doing?



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