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Posts posted by Jasperstone

  1. What Tibbie said x1000.


    I belong to another group thate is having a mass hysteria problem over CC. Any day I expect them to start calling it "The Standards Which Must Not Be Named".


    As for me and my household, we will continue with Math Mammoth. I don't even know what else we use that is CC aligned and I don't care!

    I hear you! We have the same here in Oz, National Curriculum, and I don't give a rat's razoo if the curriculum we are using is aligned with the NC, or not. Which, I don't believe would be since I buy it from you guys :-D



    But then again, it just might, as it could be that the countries are aligning themselves with a world curriculum anyway.


    Okay, call me a CT. I do live in the same place that Mel G was raised. :-D

  2. Well said to Tibbie.e


    It is precisely because I'm against Common Core that I wish the debate about it to be logical and informed. I feel that the highly partisan rhetoric about it and some of the conspiracy theories are making it harder for people to unite against it.

    It's funny how one title can make some rather eat live worms than be caught with that label!

  3. I think there are a LOT of guys like this, and I am not sure it is all to do with a diagnosis. Hollywood only reinforces this by putting chubb, average, not good looking, sort of dumb, even unsuccessful guys in pairs with drop-dead gorgeous, intelligent women.

    So true! We know a guy who makes Woody Allan look like a stud. o_O And the reason he is 56 has never had a date is that he would only wants to date supermodel look-a-likes. Yep, he would rather stay single than date a Plain Jane.


    No offence to all the Woodies, and Janes out there. ;-)

  4. You all are scaring the crud out of me! I used to think I wanted to visit Australia. Now I'm afraid to step off the plane! :eek:



    The crocodiles are mainly up the northern end of Oz. So most Australia is croc free- thank goodness!


    I have never seen a poisonous snake out in the wild. And even though there have been a few red back spiders around they aren't as deadly as feared.


    So, don't let any of the talk and pictures turn you off. It is really a wonderful country. :-D

  5. A few months back, a magpie dropped my husband a worm as a 'thank you' gesture. As my DH hand feeds him cheese daily. I told him he should have removed the worm, so it would've looked like he ate it, lol!


    They are actually a really nice bird. They only attack if they have a nest and have been harassed by people before etc...

  6. Filling out travel tags that go on luggage


    Send off tests, and last terms averages to our distance education school- yep, I'm late!


    Marking writing that I'm behind in


    Clothes washing


    folding clothes


    sweeping floor


    mending pants


    Walking while listening to my mp3

  7. My children's hugs and kisses


    good coffee, tea and red wine


    swimming in the surf


    pasta with olives, sun dried tomatoes and feta


    reading a good book


    long, hot baths with essential oils and Epson salts


    deep and meaningful conversations with friends


    the fresh smell after a rain shower

  8. Up to grade 5 CLE is awesome! It really teaches grammar and punctuation well.


    I would have him sit a placement test though. And even if he needs to go to a level lower it will benefit him to do so. They are ahead anyway, so it doesn't matter really what the cover says.


    Yeah, I have heard that LLATL is light.


    Also look into Essentials in Writing, it has enough grammar without the overkill.

  9. I second CLE Maths!


    It's awesome! I can't believe how well my dc are doing now. We aren't a mathey family, but CLE makes it a breeze and enjoyable. I was astonished that my dd learnt circumferences of a circle without calling out to me. Normally she wouldn't have had the confidence to learn that on her own. The way they explain the concepts is so child friendly, and thorough. The other thing is how they review it enough so the child doesn't forget, but also not too much that they end up flogging a dead horse. So it a nice balance. :-D


    Highly recommend it!

  10. If you don't think they are beneficial, can you just stop them? Or am I misunderstanding?



    Yeah, they mostly skip them, but they seem to pop up everywhere.


    I was just wondering if it's just our household that's so allergic to them. :svengo: :laugh:

  11. I started with level one with my sons when they were your daughters age. It's worked well for us. When we finish this level, we will not be continuing with a formal spelling program. They are rising 7th graders and I think we are at the point that we'll just work on any misspelled words unless I'm seeing any real issues.



    Would you say it's a fairly independent program?

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