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Posts posted by Jasperstone

  1. My dd eleven gets $7-$10 (AU) for one and a half hours being a helper for a lady down the road. The money varies with what notes or change she has, lol. My dd doesn't mind as she loves the little girl she watches. Sometime the girl comes to our house. She is so easy I don't even notice.


    So I would say around $5 per hour is about right for a young girl.

  2. Wow. I mean, we put a man on the moon but we can't figure out what the foreskin does?  I don't see any point in further arguing about this. But there is so much information available on the internet about what you claim is impossible to know. 


    Now, that's debatable too, lol!!! :lol: :smilielol5:


    ;) ;) ;) :D

  3. I got fresh ones through ebay! They arrived in a pouch sealed well. I had to leave them in the fridge for awhile before starting though, and the first batch tasted a bit funny. But after that they went mad. My kids thought that one day they would drown in the stuff. I ended up going on holidays and putting it in the freezer, but they must have died as they never revived after that.

  4. Take a book or books. There is lots of down time, even if you get picked. And, if you're picked, but sent out of the courtroom while the lawyers & judge discuss stuff, you can't discuss the case w/ the other jurors at that point. So, it's good to have a book then too.


    Keep a water bottle in your bag. You most likely won't be able to use it when in a courtroom (but a bailiff can get you a cup of water if you want one), but might want it for the times you're not in the courtroom.


    I've been selected for both a county & a federal jury trial. Both were interesting enough cases & I met some interesting people on the jury too. I also find it quite fascinating to see what questions the lawyers pose to the jury pool when picking a jury. (Though it does get awfully repetitive sometimes.) Last time, since we were getting ready to start deliberating, the court paid for our lunches (the bailiffs escorted us all out to lunch as a group) & that was fun because the bailiffs had some neat stories. The county jury group was a great group, discussion-wise, while we deliberated. The federal one... not so much. There was lots of actual screaming at each other going on in the jury room for that one -- yes, it was that bad & people were that divided. A very hard, nasty process to come to a consensus on that case.


    Wow, really! That's full on!


    I wonder if it's true, that if the jurors don't agree and its even in votes both sides, that they then stay on until a decision is made?


    Wouldn't it make more sense to have an uneven amount of jurors instead?

  5. Okay, so by now you probably know I'm a bit werid! :laugh: Add this to the collection- I'm really excited about JD!


    Anyone want to share their experience? I know you can't talk about 'cases', but a general experience you may have had.


    My mum (mom) remembers it being a stickin hot day, so she wore light clothing etc... Only to find herself *locked in* a room with the aircon so high that her bones ached. So for her, it wasn't a particularly nice experience. Anything else besides warm clothing, should I bring, or be aware of?


    What should I wear in general? I'm going to run out of smart casual clothes quickly! Can you were jeans with nice tops? I don't want to come across frumpy. :p :D


    "...where our fear lies." ;)


    Thank you! :thumbup:



    You probably have never contemplated how horrifying it would be to contract Small Pox, because it was eradicated before your lifetime. Why was it eradicated? Because thousands upon thousand of people world-wide, perhaps millions, were vaccinated against it. I owe a debt of gratitude to the millions of parents around the world who have vaccinated their children; it is because of them we can even have a debate such as this.



    This is where it gets even trickier, depending on *who* you believe. I have read charts that say that hygiene, and nutrition is the real reason that diseases that you mention have been eradicated.


    All I can go by is what happened to us as a family. And the vaccines didn't produce a positive effect. My husband has Lupus from the Hep. B shot he was forced into getting by his employer etc...

  7. How scary. Do you know which vaccines they had? We delay vaccines, and even though my daughter only had one shot at her last appointment, she was still sick with a fever the next day. I hate the whole topic of vaccines. It's scary to vax and scary not to.

    After having adverse reactions (both my DH and eldest dd), we have stopped vaccinating altogether.


    For us personally the vaccines are WAY scarier!


    My dd 11, ds 9 and ds 4 are all very healthy, and totally vaccine free. My sons have had some common childhood diseases, but their strong natural immunity fought them off. And the effects were so mild that they didn't even need doctor for treatments. My dd has had nothing except a common cold.


    So for us, its give us the disease rather than the shots, and we will deal with it then and if it happens. I don't want to trivialize diseases, and saying it lightly to show that's where our fear lies or lays.  :confused:    I still don't know how to use those two- good ole Aussie public schooling to blame, lol! :D  Please someone enlighten me there!


    It all depends on your *own* experience at how you view this issue.



  8. At home I want to feel comfortable, so I wear loose fitting clothes.


    When I step out the door I make a effort with nice clothes (but not designer brands), and make-up etc.


    Once back home again the first thing I do is take the make-up off, and get back into my daggies.


    That in itself doesn't project my love for my family any differently. My family doesn't read into it- they aren't thinking: Mum, puts more effort into the outside world than us etc.


    Rather it shows that home is a safe and comfortable place that you can be yourself totally without judgement.


    I also drip dry my long hair. I have since forever. Even when I did modeling. And most perfumes give me a headache, and make me feel nausea.

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