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Posts posted by Jasperstone

  1. I do get the picture. The picture I get is that you've got god defined by your. Your version of Christianity, you assume the thousands who participate in Lakewood are immature, unfaithful, mislead, deceived, or superficial. You see god as a loving father while asserting that everyone else is WRONG.


    What you quoted JO as saying is **good** for me to read. Running a substance abuse treatment program, I see many people weekly who live with the burden of shame and shaming mentality - it has failed to serve them ever.


    When I was a Christian, I was glad that my Jesus came so that I could life more abundantly and embrace, as JO suggested in your quote, what I could become.

    Christianity is defined by the Bible, and not by me.



    I'm truly sorry that you have to deal with horrible situations like that. :-\

  2. Only calcium fluoride is good for the teeth. Sodium fluoride is toxic and rat poison.


    We have it in our water and we use a RO to get rid of it. So Im not going to use it as a treatment at the dentist, or buy toothpaste with it. Hate it with a passion, lol!


    If you can get the natural one form at a health shop that would be ideal. Otherwise, its like chomping on an iron gate if you needed iron. Or chalk instead of cheese if you needed more calcium etc..,

  3. “I see God as a force that is for us,†Osteen said. “People say you don’t talk enough about hell, fire and damnation. I think most people are already pushed down enough about life. I think one reason our ministry has touched the masses is because I don’t get up there and tell them how bad they are. I tell them what they can become.â€






    Really, a force? What, like Star Wars? Hmmm, now that's biblical- not!!!



    Funny, as I see God as a loving Father! One of us is wrong, and going by God's Word I know its not me.


    Me thinks he should get out from being a minister, if he doesn't even know the most basic Christian doctrine!


    No wonder he has such a following. The people there are enjoying the candy floss nonsense. If he started preaching the truth 95 percent would leave in an instant.


    Okay, I don't know what the percentage would be. But you get the picture. ;-)

  4. The things they say can be quite hilarious but I guess that's not good enough reason to withhold the meds. haha

    My ds 8 with a very high temp. said- 'Mummy, I saw a pink elephant in my room, but I knew it wasn't real, cause I walked through it.'

  5. I don't have an opinion on JO one way or another (I think maybe I said that earlier in this thread?), but out of curiosity I just Googled Billy Graham's net worth. Several sources cite it asbeing right around $25 million. And yet I've never heard anyone make any issue out of his wealth.

    Yep, same goes to him plus other things.


    Apparently, he is a 32rd Freemason. He is behind the pushing of the Ecumenical Movement. And he has also taught some dodgy stuff. So he isn't in the clear either. ;-)


    Same and more goes to Benny Hinn!!! How blind are the people following him? Seriously!


    Oh, also Kenneth Copeland, and what's that woman's name with the $40,000 toilet? Her name fails me at this time.

  6. Those doing the wrong thing are the ones who have misrepresented what judging really means. I have heard them preach on it numerous times. Its their protection shield, and their catch cry is- don't touch the anointed.


    The bible is quite clear that we are called to make judgments on those that are destroying the faith that was once delivered to us in its pure and simple form.

  7. If someone in ministry makes 40 million off anything, I sincerely hope most of it goes to charity.


    If you want to be a business person, go into business, not the church.

    Exactly, he should leave God out of it, and stick to motivational speaking only. The two don't mix. One calls us to take up our cross and follow Him. And to deny self etc...


    The other is to focus on *making it* in this world. To feed the self with self esteem and other stuff.


    The two are totally at odds.




    And before someone misreads what I meant- I'm talking about FOCUSING on SELF, not a normal healthy self esteem.

  8. We'll have to disagree on this. Jasperstone did not say that it made her a "better Christian." (And even if she did, she also did not say that anyone else should do what she did.)


    I honestly don't understand how people can make these giant leaps. Do you really believe what you are saying, or are you unintentionally misinterpreting what is said? Is it not enough to disagree, do you have to make something up to prove some sort of point?


    Thank you ThisIsTheDay, yeah, can't recall saying that either. I just wanted to share that there are lots of things one can put before God. And when the drive overrides everything else in becomes problematic.

  9. I so know what you are saying, and I have found something that works for me.


    Magnesium in both forms, but more importantly magnesium chloride oil. Spraying behind the neck, and legs and feet at night. It's amazing. I think I was lacking it, so it has eased my anxieties.


    I have had 2 years of on going dramas, with operation, house on market for 6 months and then contract collapsed etc...


    This week had skin cancer removed, and totally fine and positive with it all.


    So, can't hurt giving it a go. Also, try Epson salt baths- 2 cups at least, 3 times a week. Get it at an animal produce place though. So cheap, and exactly the same product. Even though it might state otherwise. I rang the suppliers and they said its pharmacy grade but by law they need to write not for humans etc... All about money!

  10. The LOVE of things like money is idol worship. It is putting things before God.


    I was an up and becoming actress when God put it on my heart that I LOVED the job more than Him. I knew the industry was my weakness, but tried to justify it- telling God there needs to be Christians here etc... It was an excuse, as I was there for my own ego and pride.


    Anyway, it was a HUGE decision to walk away from it just as I was breaking into it. I had dedicated over a decade of pure commitment, blood, sweat and tears. And now I was to leave the love of my life?



    I got off the phone from my agent, and cried for hours. What had I done!?


    I prayed to God, and asked Him to take away the desire and the pain. And God in His mercy did that. Took it all away completely. And replaced it with a love for the simple things in life. Which before I didn't have- I needed BIG hits for happiness.


    Thought I share to help you see that it isn't just the LOVE of money that can hinder us, but other stuff as well.

  11. Not being able to live up to Jesus's standard (just like every other human on Earth) does not mean you should ignore His teachings.

    Sorry if I'm misreading the above. Do you mean Jesus' teaching, or JO's?


    In case you meant JO, I wrote the below.


    Otherwise ignore what I wrote- and YES, we can never measure up to Him, and we shouldn't ignore His teachings! So true.

    We all fall short daily.



    The Bible has clear instructions for a pastor/ preacher and how they should be. They have a huge responsibility.


    It's a very good idea to ignore JO's teachings, as its a false gospel etc.


    As with anyone that strays away from the traditional Gospel, we should expose them. We are called to be watchmen, and sound out when an enemy is around. Again totally biblical.

  12. I don't know. I struggle with this. It is all relative, right? I have no idea, but JO could be giving away 1/2 his income and still affording the extras. I know he is giving much more than what I give. JO's wealth seems like excess to me, but I guarantee if some Tanzanian family came to visit my house they would be either amazed or appalled at the excess. And I am not even close to rich by American standards. I could live on less and I bet you could, too. Who are we to judge how somebody else spends their money?



    Here, I agree.




    1 Timothy 6:10

    For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.



    Matthew 19:23

    Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.



    All I know is that I don't *LOVE* money. It doesn't drive me. Does it drive JO?  I betcha it does!


    And the reason Jesus said that it's hard for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God, is because money is their lord. And by going on JO books, his BEST life is now. I know mine is still to come. I don't love this world etc....

  13. That's some harsh criticism about the character of a man you do not know.  He may well care about his sheep deeply and  lay down his life for someone.  We just don't know until he comes to that point, either about him - or about ourselves - do we? 


    I'm not God so I'm not going to pass judgment on Joel's intentions and inner motivations.  That's for God to decide when he sorts out the sheep from the goats. 


    To use the other well-known analogy that Jesus uses, the wheat and the tares are growing together right now and we will not know necessarily which is which until HE sorts them.    Some are bad now...and will turn it around and end well.  Some are good now, and will walk the other way before the end.  Some are such good wolves in sheep's clothing that "even the elect" will have difficulty detecting them.  Others look like wolves to some, but God knows them as sheep.  We just have to get on the path ourselves and make sure where we are. 


    Jesus said:  “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall  enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which  is in heaven.


    Do you really think JO is doing God's will? Is he working for God, or for himself? How can he justify all that wealth when there are people starving in the world? Also, as Christians we are taught to deny ourselves. I can confidently say JO isn't denying his self one little bit.


    Many false prophets have a form of godliness, and we as Christians are to judge whether or not it's the Gospel that was taught from the beginning of Christ's ministry. Which in his case, it is not.

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