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Posts posted by Jasperstone

  1. Kids and I have been shouted a cruise from my parents for seven days. Its bitter sweet though- husband isn't coming, as they don't get on.


    The good news is that they are giving all of us bonus on board credit of $100 per person, because the ship has to leave earlier by an hour. We only live 45mins from the port so it doesn't inconvenience us at all.

  2. "Mom, did they have cake when you were a kid?"



    My kids younger kids get a kick out of asking me about my childhood in the "old days"?

    My ds at 7 asked me if the printing press was invented when his dad was born!


    We ain't that old!

  3. Aw, thank you ladies (men?). My son is nine, and we will be holidaying on a cruise, so unfortunately a cot isn't an option, as space and fire access wouldn't allow for that.


    Awesome, about the advice on magnesium! Will get some down him today. It's morning here. :-D



    Wow, that's horrific walking off a balcony and breaking legs! I didn't know that it could be so dangerous!


    Thanks again!

  4. I'm also concerned about the sleep walking as he needs to sleep on a top bunk bed while on holidays next week. I'm worried that he might step out of bed asleep and fall down etc...


    Not sure what to do with that. Only other real option is putting younger child up there. That could be hairy too!

  5. The first time they happened to my ds, I called the ambulance, as I didn't know what was happening and I was sooo frightened!


    Now they happen every now and again. So do they out grow them? If so, what age roughly?


    How do you stop them when they are in the middle of one? My ds also sleepwalks- is that related to night-terrors?


    Thanx in advance.

  6. I agree with the kids' camp on the boat. I didn't realize what it was until halfway through my 2nd cruise. :P Because I always take work with me, it would have been good for the kids if they had kids to hang out with and kid-friendly activities when we weren't on a shore excursion. The kids loved the "camp" and it has great hours.


    I also got massages etc. while my kids were in kids' camp. :P Hey, if not then, when?


    Eating in the assigned "restaurant" kind of sucked. The buffet is a million times more relaxed and fun. Once I discovered the buffet place, I never went back to the "restaurant."


    My only other advice is to find out where they have the 24/7 coffee and soft serve dispensers. :P


    I've found cruises to be a very kid-friendly way to vacation. I was kind of surprised the first time that it was so stress-free compared to other trips we've taken.

    Great advice about the buffet instead of the fine dining! I can just see how stressful it would be for me to get my boys to behave there, especially my busy 4 year old!



    Hmmm massages sound wonderful! But unfortunately they aren't included. Maybe, I should treat myself with one though?


    I know that the soft serve is free, but coffee is extra- need to buy a coffee card. Might be worth it. :-D

  7. I don't have any advice but I am jealous :). I wanted to do an east coast cruise earlier this month with just the kids but the cruise line said no-go on having 2 connecting cabins unless another adult was joining us.


    Not sure which cruise line you are going with but the ones we have gone on have amazing kids club programs that run pretty much all the time. I know the Holland America cruise we were looking at even had culinary classes for the older kids.


    Take advantage of any kids programs.


    Have a wonderful time!!!

    Thank you! That's a shame they didn't allow you that!


    Our cruise is from Brisbane (Australia) to the South Pacific islands.


    Yes, they have a kids club, and I'm sure mine will be there the majority of the time when not at the islands.

  8. My own mother, on my wedding day, asked why I don't marry the groomsman instead!


    So glad I didn't take her advise, as twenty years later, he murdered someone in the most horrific manner!


    And hubby and I have been married now for 28 years with 4 children. My parents and my DH haven't spoken in over a decade. It didn't start on a good foundation! Sigh!

  9. No, he isn't on any other meds.


    Im worried that he could bleed internally. Is that possible? I mean, if a bump can do that, what would happen inside him?


    He is 69 and used to be a heavy smoker. He gave it up two years ago.

  10. My parents have come down for a visit. I haven't seen them for a year. Anyway, my dad bumped his arm lightly on the door and it started bleeding. He is on blood thinners, but this can't be good! He is on them because he had a stroke. Also, while sneezing his belly button popped out! My dad is also shaking pretty badly. I'm shocked at how much he has deteriorated in 12 months! Has anyone experienced this with their aging parents?


    I don't think any of our politicians are savvy enough to embark on conspiracies....look at the past Labour govt. They self-destructed just trying to stab each other in the back LOL.


    I wouldn't credit them with enough brains to maintain a cover up like that.

    True!!! :-D

  12. You are implying the Port Arthur massacre was a government conspiracy? That pretty disgusting.




    Just saying it is a bit weird. Not implying he set it up!


    Read into it what you want. I just find it a bit random that it was spoken of like that, and then it happened to a remote part of Australia.


    Maybe he should have taken up mind reading instead.

  13. The Sun Herald reported May 5 1996 that ex-Premier of NSW, Barry Unsworth made this prediction in 1987 - '"Before Uniform Gun Laws become possible in all States there will have to be a massacre in Tasmania".'




    Hmmm, is it just me or does anyone else think the above is a tad bit suspicious?


    Bingo, we have a shooting there, and then the whole of Australia gets tighter gun laws.


    Wow, what a coincidence!!!

  14. Yet in countries without guns like ours, it doesn't happen.


    We are the only country that shrugs off mass murder sprees.


    It happens here as well, except, its the criminals that only have them.


    And the reason it's not as frequent is that we have less population here in Australia. So you would have to take the dynamics of that into account as well.

  15. For the bare minimal, apart from Bible reading, it would be-


    LA- CLE or EIW


    Maths- CLE (highly recommended)


    History- SOTW Audio


    Science- dvds, and reading, own self led experiments


    Music- listening to classics


    Literature- audio books, read-a-louds


    Art and Craft- self led drawing, painting, card making, beading etc...


    Physical Education- any sport or activity that's physical. For us its cycling at the local road cycling club.



    That's what I'm comfortable with for my dc anyway. :-D


    I know a lady that all she concentrated on was LA and Maths until high school, and all her five children went on and had successful jobs and careers.


    So even just solid Maths and LA is good enough.

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