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Posts posted by Jasperstone

  1. I don't see Teannika as being judgmental.


    What I believe she is trying to point out is that her Christianity isn't the same as mainstream organisation Christianity. She is outside the box of it.



    Just like homeschoolers that don't follow a pre- packaged curriculum are different to those who don't, and are free style etc... Sorry, it's a bad example, I know.




    To use "xian" is no more disparaging than using than using "G-d" when denoting God (which some Christians also do, I believe).

    From my understanding the Jews who write

    G-d like that do it in respect to him.


    I'm quite certain that when others use the x rather than writing Christian, that they aren't doing it out of respect.


    I have always made a point of writing Christmas and not Xmas, even when texting. As I felt it was crossing Christ out.


    I do accept your explanation though at how it has come about. And will now try and see it differently, and not take offence to it being written like that, though, I wouldn't personally start writing it like that.

  3. When a writer uses quote marks to set off or emphasize a certain word it usually implies that the writer feels it is not an accurate description or doesn't agree with it. It can indicate sarcasm.

    Then Teannika was using the quotes correctly. She doesn't align herself with the mainstream Christianity out there.


    Looking in, it seems like a few are always pouncing on her. If you don't agree, that's fine, but to nit pick over quotation marks is a bit much, imho.


    Sorry for the edits- on my phone and it keeps changing the words!

  4. Christians who hold to a literal interpretation of scripture and a belief in a young earth do. The question is if Orthodox Jews have the same belief.


    I also believe in a literal interpretation, but leaning towards an old earth. But that's another subject. ;-)

  5. Dh and I married when he was 19 and I was 16. We are celebrating our 31st anniversary this month!

    Awesome, same here! I was sweet sixteen and my husband twenty- three. And no, I didn't need to get married. I was pregnant within 4 months of marrying though. :-D


    We have just had our 28th wedding anniversary last month.


    My eldest is 27 and youngest 4, also have a 9 and 11 year old.

  6. Is Moshiach the name of the Messiah you are waiting for?


    Also, I was wondering how he would be able to unite all the religions of the world? It's hard to see how the Muslims, or even the Christians will accept him as their leader.


    Thanks again for this interesting, and thought provoking thread!!!



    No, need to answer that one, as I just Googled it, and got my answer-


    moshiah, or moshiach anointed [one]") is a term used in the Hebrew Bible to describe priests and kings, who were traditionally anointed with holy anointing oil as described in Exodus 30:22-25.



    I haven't Googled those other questions though! ;) :laugh:



    We wait so eager for Moshiach - for a time of peace, and health, and safety, and well being, for everyone, a time when our people will be reunited and devote ourselves to Torah and mitzvos.


    ...and we are told that in every generation there is a candidate - someone who, should we merit, would be able to step into that role.




    Is Moshiach the name of the Messiah you are waiting for?


    Also, I was wondering how he would be able to unite all the religions of the world? It's hard to see how the Muslims, or even the Christians will accept him as their leader.


    Thanks again for this interesting, and thought provoking thread!!!

  8. We believe that everyone goes through a purgatory -style time after they die during which they are on trial (so to speak) and their merits and non-merits are weighed.  Everybody, secular, Reform, Conservative, whatever have merits.  So this time period never lasts more than 11 months. :)  Then their souls get shuttled off to Heaven (as much as we understand)  where things are good and there is a feast with two of the animals that G-d originally made in the creation of the world, the Leviatan (giant fish like creature) and the Shor ha-bor (mammoth sized cow thing).  This subject is not one of intense study by us common Jews.


    My rabbi, Cary Friedman,  gives a mashal (a parable) about this Purgatory time and on into Heaven.  You know the UN?  Not everyone there speaks the same language, right?  So there are interpreters giving instant translation so everyone.  The people who have worked on learning Torah and perfecting themselves have a great connection to the interpreters that interpret what G-d is saying to us all in Heaven (since he is the Ultimate Teacher, the classes must be pretty good!).  The people concerned with other things in life will have patchy reception of the G-d-talks since their connection was never strong to begin with and they never worked on themselves.  They have a connection; all people do, but the connection can be better or worse depending on us.  



    Thank you for your replies, they have helped me in a huge way to understand things better. :001_smile:





    Parah Adumah: The Red Heifer


    The ritual of the red heifer (in Hebrew, parah adumah) is part of one of the most mysterious rituals described in the Torah. The purpose of this ritual is to purify people from the defilement caused by contact with the dead. The ritual is discussed in Numbers 19. If you find it difficult to understand, don't feel bad; the sages themselves described it as beyond human understanding. What is so interesting about this ritual is that it purifies the impure, but it also renders the pure impure (i.e., everybody who participates in the ritual becomes impure).

    It is believed by many that this ritual will be performed by the messiah when he comes, because we have all suffered the defilement of contact with the dead. Thus, the existence of a red heifer is a possible, but not definite, sign of the messiah. If the messiah were coming, there would be a red heifer, but there could be a red heifer without the messiah coming.




    Years and years ago, I read that they were planning to clone one. Not sure what came of it.


    It has to be pure red though, hey? Not a hair that's white, black or grey etc....

  10. I can't see how I am anti-semetic if I believe that the nation of Israel is going to be more blessed than it ever has been in the past. The bible says that those who bless Israel will be blessed, and those who curse Israel will be cursed.


    There are Christians who are pro-Israel like I am, and then there are Christians who are "replacement theology" who believe that they have replaced the Jews spiritually.



    I'm obviously only giving a small sample of supporting verses in my posts. Because a) I know lots of verses won't be read but skipped over. And B) this isn't a Bible study.


    I study the bible as a whole, as instructed to "rightly divide" it. The Bible addresses three groups of people: Jews, Gentiles, and the church. I try to keep who's mail is who's in focus. And also to look for multiple witnesses in scripture. There are many OT verses that talk of God chastening the nation of Israel, it's not a NT Gentile thing.



    Me too- pro Israel!!! :thumbup:


    Thank you for your posts Teannika. I'm sorry that you have had so many turn against you. I know that your intentions were pure and just!


    I see what you write is in the Bible, and I love the way you explain it!


    ((((HUGS)))) ^_^

  11. But nearly every world religion can claim a list of prophecies that "came true."  Why doesn't it prove the truth of all of them?


    I think it has more to do with the fact that, if you make enough vague predictions, at least a few of them are bound to line up with actual events over the span of thousands of years.



    I don't know any other book that has had it's prophecies 100% correct like the Bible has.


    There are only a few more prophecies to be fulfilled before the end of this era. And the prophecies aren't vague, but take a bit of study, and prayers for God to reveal them to you etc...



  12. Can you mention some of these things that are being revealed ? I'm curious.





    Me thinks, I would have to open a new thread. As, it's not a light or easy subject. :)


    I will have to come back to this sometime in the future, as we have had an enormous emotional ride with events in the last fortnight, so I'm recovering, and not really up to putting up a new thread at this stage. Sorry about that.

  13. I hope you don't mind me posting here, but I was in a similar position. I was using CLE LA 5 (for my 11 yr old) which is quite heavy (tedious) in grammar, but not in writing. My dd was getting to really dislike English (previously her favorite subject!), so I had to do something.


    Anyway, I have purchased Essentials in Writing 6 (EIW). It is a writing program which has grammar incorporated into it also.


    Just letting you know there are other options besides IEW, if you aren't sure. :001_smile:

  14. From what it looks like, IEW looks more complicated than Wordsmith Apprentice. I don't own IEW, but I do own and use Wordsmith Apprentice. DS10 is not enthused about writing, but he doesn't mind WA. He likes the cartoons. He is not excited about anything that involves writing except the Imagination Stretchers or writing about whatever he wants (he's currently writing a story about Twin Princesses or something to that effect). He really needs to work on his grammar, spelling, and sentence structure, though. After six years of telling him to capitalize and punctuate, he still fails to do so many, many times   :glare:  :banghead:



    I just want to clear up that IEW is not the same as EIW, they get mixed up all the time though. :)

  15. How do you know what you believe?


    It is a great question! And when one says you need faith, that then doesn't cut it for those that don't, so it's tricky. ;)


    But like what Teannika mentioned earlier in her postings, is that the Bible is revealing stuff *now* that couldn't have been known to man more than 2000 years ago, and that *proves* it without a shadow of doubt. :)




  16. How would you explain the difference in the number of books in the Catholic bible? Is that bible mathematically perfect? Do you agree that the Catholic Church existed long before some books were removed for the various Protestant denominations? If you don't recognize the Catholic Church as a legitimate Christian denomination, and the first Christian church, Christianity falls apart. Even Martin Luther agreed with much of the Catholic teachings.


    While I no longer hold any supernatural belief, I grew up Catholic. I don't understand how non-Catholic Christians seem to ignore the fact that Roman and Orthodox Catholic churches existed long before "modern" Protestant denominations. Without those churches there would be no Christian doctrines of any kind.



    Martin Luther was planning to become a monk, when he realized that what the Catholic Church taught was corrupt, as they were selling “indulgences†to absolve/ cover-up sin. That was not in the Bible.


    What he found in the Bible was that we may reach salvation only by faith and not by our deeds/ works, and that is what sparked the Protestant Reformation/ Revolution.


    Luther then went on to translate the New Testament into the German language, giving ordinary lay people (who couldn't afford Bibles before) the opportunity to read God's Word for themselves.


    So it comes down to whom you trust with your history. As a lot of history has been rewritten to deceive and mislead.

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