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Posts posted by Jasperstone

  1. Which level do I buy for my 11 year old? She is an okay speller. Sometimes I think she's great, and then she asks me to spell the simplest word!


    Should I start with Megawords 1 or 2?


    Also, I would like to hear your thoughts on the program. I tried looking up old threads, but they have been taken off, or not loading properly.


    Thanks in advance. :-D

  2. My dd has just finished up with CLE 5, and now is doing EIW, which has grammar instructions in the first part of the program, and then switches to writing.


    She is really enjoying it, as CLE was getting a bit tedious towards the end of that year.

  3. I was just going with the WTM recommendations. I looked at CLE just now, and I like that they combine spelling, english and handwriting! The website said their 3rd grade LA would be available summer 2014. So, I guess they are updating it. But thanks for the suggestion. I was ready to order FLL 3 but I'll give CLE a look. Thanks!

    Yes, it's wonderful having it all in one.


    My dc have really learnt a lot from their workbooks. The grammar is very thorough, but child friendly as well.


    I'm glad I could help you with your decision, as English and Maths are important to get right for your dc.


    By the way, their Maths is also top notch. ;-)

  4. It was a lovely weekend. Tony took me out on Saturday night - we went by the mall so he could have me pick out my traditional, annual, gift of new pajamas from Victoria's Secret (I love their super soft pajamas), then we had dinner at our favorite Thai joint. On Sunday we just relaxed - dd came home from her cousins house (she had slept over), we watched tv together, I got my Starbucks (lol)... and then Tony surprised me by suggesting we look at the local shelter for a pup (I have been missing Luke terribly, as the children have)! We now own the absolutely most adorable German Shepherd mix - Mozart!


    I hope your husband feels better.


    ETA: and my daddy sent flowers... tulips :)

    Thank you! He is still in a bit of pain, but we are relieved that it's not serious. He has pain on the right side of his back. We thought his gall bladder stone had shifted, or that he past a kidney stone, but it looks like its muscular only. Phew!
  5. Oakley sunglasses. Well, a gift card to Sunglass Hut to pick them out myself. I had suggested new sunglasses to my 14 yo a couple eof months ago and knew she would remember--she's awesome like that. My 10 yo went to the store with me to help me pick them out, and if you've ever been in a Sunglass Hut, you know they're little stores, and that they only sell sunglasses. The woman working there said, "Are you looking for anything in particular?" Ummm, sunglasses? I actually ended up buying a pair my 10 yo selected. He's only mentioned this about a dozen times since.


    I also did not cook or clean a blessed thing all day Sunday. It was a great day.


    Yep, we even have them here in oz.

  6. My dd has just started Essentials in Writing, and so far is loving it!


    There are worksheets and a video of the teacher explaining the concepts.


    Though the grammar is way easier than CLE; probably by two years. That was the LA program we used beforehand etc...the writing is more advanced with EIW. So what you lose in grammar you gain in writing.

  7. I got some wonderful natural face cream made in Germany, that I had always wanted but couldn't bring myself to buy. Plus have some presents still to come, as DH ended up in hospital Saturday, so he wasn't able to take my younger ones shopping etc...


    So what did you lovely ladies receive?

  8. I put their good drawings, or paintings in a special spot, and once every six months or so, go through and cull them. I decided whether they are worth keeping or not. Then if they are, I get my binder out and punch holes. If the picture is larger than the standard printing paper A 4 then I fold it and punch one side with holes. Then I bind them up with a clear plastic at the front, and heavy cardboard at the back.


    Presto, they have a nice little book of their artwork to admire years to come.


    I used to just buy those spiral pads, but found not all pages deserved to be kept etc...

  9. Here in Australia, the Aldi chocolate is the BEST!


    And I get quite excited when they have the frozen pretzels in once a year.


    When my ds was in nappies, I found them to be equal to other more expensive brands.


    So while I don't buy everything there, they do have some cool items, and great specials on their weekly specialised buys etc...

  10. Jasperstone, take all the opeinions for what they are worth. We can all just give our own opinions from our own particular slant. There's abundance in many counselors, but not all of them are going to work and some will be down right wrong. You have to sift through them and throw out the chaff.


    I'm not sure about how long Jasperstone has actually been a member or reader. It may not appear like I don't know how the board works, but I have been reading the boards for years. I had another id years ago, but didn't post under that one much either. I sincerely doubt anyone would recognize it. I'd have to search to see if I could find it to remember it. I'm mentioning that because we're making an assumption that she doesn't know how things should work. She made a mistake. She's owned up to it and apologized. It can't be let go of and now every subsequent thing she says is colored through the same lense.


    Let's give her the benefit of the doubt also. She feels a bit jumped on and it would be hard not to see how she might not feel that way under the circumstances.

    Thank you for your kind support. I really appreciate it. :-)

  11. They come from different Greek texts though. We're strictly KJV and I could get into that at some point if you want to, but I used to be an NAS girl and I loved it.

    Me too- used to be a NAS reader.


    But since finding out that the KJV is the best version for English, I have been diligently reading it, and now I'm actually really, really enjoying it! And that's weird for me! I was a Christian who used to think bible reading was boring. And I thought that the KJV would be too hard to understand. That's not the case at all! Im finding it easy and so poetic. :-D

  12. Oh, the grammar is getting sooooo tedious. :willy_nilly: It's doing my head in, lol! :banghead:


    Also, it's very weak on writing. There's no explanation, they just expect a child to write what's asked etc...


    I just wish I could come to a decision between- Hakes, EIW, Easy Grammar and BJU!!! :confused1:

    I just saw this earlier post, and wanted to update-

    The decision is made, and we went for EIW!


    I'll wait and see whether we need to add more grammar. The lady at EIW said we didn't need to though.

  13. I have used CLE LA for years. The grammar portion is exceptional, but for writing it is weak. I have used IEW FEMA few years and we'll be switching this fall to EIW. I love IEW, we're just tired of it and need something fresh..

    Will you still be using CLE LA, or drop it completely when you start EIW?


    Has EIW got enough grammar?


    By the way, mine just came in the mail yesterday! Im very excited for my dd to get started on it.


    I just felt CLE LA was getting too dry, and while there is lots of grammar, my dd couldn't transfer it to real writing.

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