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Posts posted by Jasperstone

  1. This reminded me of an invite years ago. My friend's parents told my husband and I to be ready at 6.30pm, as they were taking us out.


    We were very excited, as those days we struggled financially, and had not gone out for dinner in years etc...


    Anyway, ended up very hungry and in an Amway meeting!!!



    Hope you had a better outcome. :-D

  2. Oh phew! This thread has just stopped me from allowing my eleven year old to go to the movies with her older sister and her friends tonight. I had no clue, and would have been mortified later when I found out what she would have been exposed too.


    Thank you!

  3. Love Playmobil here too. Must be my German background as well. Its in our blood. ;-)


    A few weeks ago they had the Princess Castle at a Target outlet store for only $38! I bought the last two sets there. I was beyond elated, lol. Not sure yet what to do with the second one. But it would make an awesome present to the right person.


    We have the ship, treasure chest, airport, ice cream set, play ground and a huge volcano plus the dinosaurs and jeep. I enjoy buying add-ons. Most larger sets have been secondhand. Otherwise, it would have been too expensive.



    We were at a home schooling Police station excursion, and the officer held up some hand cuffs. He asked if any of the children have seen them before.


    Then one boy piped up to say- Yeah, my mum (mom) has a pair in her wardrobe!


    She quickly went on to explain that they are left overs from a dress-up party.


    Yeah, we all believed her. ;-)


    How embarrassing!

  5. CLE is very affordable, so you could buy a few Lightunits to get a feel for them.


    Personally I love CLE maths! Math isn't my strongest subject, but it has been so easy to teach. And finally my dd 11 is retaining the concepts that she previously struggled with while using MUS.


    Stupid question, but... why?


    Why the negative reaction (in general) to older threads being resurrected? The question is timeless, in my opinion anyway, and the board constantly has new members wondering these things for the first time. I mean, I can understand a heads-up that a particular thread is old and the OP may have moved on and is no longer participating here, but I don't understand the negative reaction. Can someone explain?


    I didn't even know it was an old thread- as I'm on my phone.


    Yeah, I found it odd that it got a 'zombie thread' reaction, lol! No one is forcing anyone to read it. If it's boring to you, then skip it. As its fresh and interesting to some. :-)

  7. OP - Inquiring minds want to know where you got your white board!

    It's not going to be very helpful info. As I'm in Australia. ;-)


    I got it on a online garage sales type advertisement. So its not brand new. But I would rather pay $25 with a few bumps and light scratches (wouldn't take long until mine made them anyway). Then pay the original price of $189!


    It took me awhile to find it, but worth the wait. :-D

  8. Oh, fun, a Gardasil lecture.

    Oh, I heard nasty reports on that one! Don't be pressured into it. Do some research first for your daughter.


    When my son cut the top of his finger off, I declined when I found out it wasn't on its own. It had other vaccines mixed with it etc... They didn't have a single tetnus shot for children. That was here in Australia though.

  9. According to an ENT we saw, who gave us some information on studies that were done, many kids with ADHD-like symptoms show improvement after tonsil removal. He said this is probably the number one reason for tonsil removal these days, not repeated infections but sleep problems due to big tonsils, which lead to behavior difficulties.

    Wow! That's food for thought.

  10. After reading all the commits and planing out just what I was going to say, I see that this is an old thread. If you all don't mind, I am going to say it anyway :)


    In my humble opinion, God created Adam and Eve as adults not babies. God created all of the animals as adults, not as babies. God created the trees and grass as mature trees and grass fully mature not as seedlings. Why does it not make sense that God could have created the earth fully mature, looking millions of years old even though it was just created? In the same way, I am sure the day after Adam was created he looked (I don't know, lets guess 30) like an adult not one day old. So it is possible (and I think likely), that the earth looks millions of years old when in actuality was not created that long ago.


    I also agree with the above thoughts that no one really knows for sure because we were not around at the time. It takes just as much faith to believe either way.

    Yeah, another way of looking at it. Great reasoning!


    I used to be a YEC, but can see now that the Bible speaks of it being old.

  11. I disagree. We are forming our children's worldviews, and I want for mine to believe that the Bible is 100% true. That includes creation in 6 literal days. If we tell our dc that Genesis isn't completely true, then why should they believe the parts about Jesus and salvation?

    That's right! Totally believe that too. But I'm not a YEC.


    Yep, an old earth creationist can still believe in six literal days of creation. It doesn't automatically mean that we hold an Evolutionary belief etc....


    I bought some magnesium in an oil spray form. Apparently, it absorbs within thirty seconds on the skin. And by putting it behind the neck also eases anxiety.


    Thank you for all for that recommendation! I hadn't heard of that link before.

  13. I haven't seen a night terror in quite a while here. My son is 10. He does sleep walk/talk/act out. He also has ADHD like symptoms. Finally, he had moderate sleep apnea. I am still seeing the sleep talking/acting out post surgery for the apnea, but we haven't yet had a follow up to see if the surgery worked. There is a family history (husband as a child) of sleep walking.


    I wouldn't put my sleep walker on a top bunk. I put an alarm in our hallway here because we have stairs. Falls are real dangers.


    My ds also has sleep apnea due to large anaroids (sic) and he also displays hyper behaviour. I have always wondered that if he went to school would he be given a label there.


    I'm starting to think it's all mainly sleep related! And wonder if removal of them would solve the issue....

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