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Posts posted by Jasperstone

  1. Thank you all!


    I will borrow some Mozart next time I'm at the library.


    They say it stimulates the same side of the brain, so that makes sense!


    I never really liked it before, but now I'm enjoying it. So it might be a good thing to start the children early on with, to develop the taste for it, Regardless if the results are earth shattering, or not.

  2. It's not being unfriendly. I see that you are new to this forum. The way this forum works is that people ask questions and are prepared to see a variety of answers. Some answers back up what you were leaning toward. Some don't. Some answers are given from a perspective or worldview that matches yours. Some don't. We don't expect you to find every single answer helpful or applicable to your needs. After all, we are anonymous people on the internet who don't know the individuals involved. But we do expect you to have big enough girl panties to be able to listen to a variety of answers without getting offended. And we expect you to be respectful of those of us taking the time to answer what is, after all, your problem and not ours. Yes, I'm being rather blunt. But not unfriendly.


    Sometimes people just want to vent. They've made up their mind and don't want to hear opposing views alongside ones that might support their own. That is called a "just agree with me" post. We warn others when that is what we are posting so that we can vent without adding to our stress level. And we understand when someone has posted one, because we all want to vent sometimes.

    So agreeing to the comment- 'I would like to know if my child was talking about death etc'... Is viewed upon as, I'm not listening to others? :confused1: 

    You can believe what you like, but that's not the case at all.

    I am taking it all in, but that comment sat right with me when I read it, as I thought, yes, 'what if it was my child?'. I hadn't thought on those lines before that.


    This situation isn't something that I have ever come across before. And I'm starting to regret ever asking. :mellow:

  3. I'm not on your case about it. I'm trying to help you understand what will help you enjoy this board and find friends here.

    It's nice that you apologized. I haven't said another thing about it.


    I'm saying what I would say to anyone. Be kind. Give the benefit of the doubt.


    As for your beliefs, you will find most people here are Christians, and those who aren't really won't pester you or be in-your-face confrontational about your beliefs.


    Just be kind, no one is out to get you.


    And, if you'll note, you said that you were a Christian, and Not One person has shown you "backlash". You thought a person was giving you backlash, when in fact they were another Christian, and they were trying to encourage and lift you up!


    Actually, I think it's funny, and a little sad that you're trying to show how cruelly you're being treated for being a Christian, when no one has treated you cruelly at all.


    Just be kind. Ok? You're not a victim here. No one is out to get you. And you might make friends if you don't lash out at people who are just trying to be friendly.

    I was just trying to explain that if I had wrote something like that about another belief, then I would have received a lashing back. Once it was explained to me, that it wasn't the case, I apologised.



  4. From the OP, it wasn't completely clear to me what the OP's daughter had heard the friend say about her own death, specifically the "planning to die". I can easily see how this could be a dramatic 10 year old talking. However, I also think it could potentially be a red flag for depression/suicidal thoughts. 


    If it was my own daughter and someone said "Hey, did you know your daughter is discussing her own death and saying she wants to die in the ocean?", I would be glad to know. I think that could lead to some good discussions. I don't think the Mom or the OP needs to freak out about it but I think it's worth an fyi to the Mom. 





    Same here, I would want to know.


    If it was just the drawings, and not the talk as well, then it wouldn't bring up the red flags.

  5. What I get hung up on is that the description of events indicates to me that the mother does know what is going on. It seems to me that the OP is more concerned that the mother isn't addressing it "correctly". But. . . the OP doesn't really know how they are addressing it - if it is a phase that the mother is downplaying so that the child doesn't become obsessed, if it is a creative outlet/exploration that the child is engaging in and the mother is allowing that (but might be kind of embarrassed about), if they are going to counseling but aren't going to talk about that with a casual friend or if they are doing nothing at all. If the mother hasn't volunteered that kind of information then it says to me that the OP and her are not super close friends. And I don't see how a casual friend can insert herself into the situation and make them address it "correctly" esp. since none of us know how best to address it without a lot more information.

    We were friends in the past, but because of distance we lost contact- hence not knowing the girl well now.


    Her mother and I have shared some very personal stuff. So I wouldn't say its a casual relationship.

  6. You just might want to give people the benefit of the doubt.

    Also, many, if not most, people here are Christians.

    True, but how many with other beliefs would?


    If I had came out and said- I think its weird to be a Muslim, Jewish, Gay, Atheist, fill your own blanks etc...


    Would those people show grace and leave it be? Or would I have had a backlash with a statement like that?


    Funny how everything is else is sacred, but not Christianity these days.


    Also its funny how some won't drop it even after I apologised.


    I actually find that weird. ;-)

  7. Scrapbookbuzz is a Chreistian, although she may not be according to your beliefs.

    She was trying to say that being a devoted Christian is something special and odd in the world.

    I don't think she meant to offend you.

    I'm so sorry, I thought she was having a go about being a follower of Christ.


    I'm only new, so don't know you ladies yet. Sorry that what I said was harsh, but I was taken aback with that comment, thinking it came from a non believer etc...

  8. Yes, it's different and weird but so is being a truly devoted follower of Jesus Christ, for that matter!



    She is ten years old.


    I don't think its weird to be a true follower of Jesus Christ. Please keep those opinions to yourself, as that's offensive to those of us that are.


    Please go back to the topic. Thanx!

  9. Yeah, that's true, but unfortunately her mother does know, as when we were over her place the girl brought out her book to show me, and her mother said to the girl- put it away, its so demonic. She also said to her daughter- that I wouldn't approve of that type of book.


    So it looks like while she doesn't approve either, she allows her ten year old to make her own decisions.


    So really its not my business, is it?

  10. My Christian friend's daughter seems to be obsessed with death!


    At a church meeting last night she drew what looked like a dead girl's corpse with a tomb in the background with the words RIP. She drew something similar last week.


    She also loves zombie books and horror movies. So obviously her mother allows it.


    My daughter who is eleven said she talks about how cool dying is! And the girl already has planned where she would like to die- in the ocean.


    So what would you do, or say to the mother? I know she has had a gut full of Christians in the past judging her etc... So I have to be very, very careful that it doesn't come across badly.


    One part of me thinks to stay out of it, as she has to already know-she sees the pictures and hears the talking etc... And if its okay with her then its not my business. But another side thinks maybe she is desensitized to it, as my daughter said she drew herself with her head chopped off. That picture was done a few years ago- so its not a new thing! And now the mother might not see the issue as clearly, as its been going on awhile???




    Any advice? What you say, or do?


  11. Hi, I'm back. :seeya:


    I think it does. I mean that where a bunch of important stuff happened in Jewish history. :)


    Don't know how it will happen and honestly I don't know if I wanna know as I can't see how it wouldn't get ugly.


    By the way, the country of Israel and the religious entity known as Israel are not one in the same. Israel is not a country run by Jewish law so the leaders of Israel the country don't necessarily worry/care about that aspect of doctrine although they all know that that piece of property is highly desired by a bunch of peoples for religious and socio-political reasons.


    Thank you for that! :)


    So I suppose then it looks like it will be awhile yet before the Temple gets built.


    Do you think they have already found the Ark of the Covenant? As I have heard that they have nearly everything in place for setting up the Temple, and I would think that would be the most important piece to go in. I could be totally wrong though. ;)

  12. Does the Temple need to be built on the spot where the Dome is?


    If so, then how do you see that happening?


    Won't that create friction between the Muslims and your nation, and not the peace that Israel is after?


    I hope I'm not out of place asking that. Please ignore or delete if it is. Thanx

  13. You've made it perfectly clear you agree with her, yet no one is reprimanding you. Why do you suppose that is?


    We already know she doesn't care to align with whatever she considers to be mainstream Christianity. Nothing she can say is going to convince us of that any more than we are already convinced. ;)

    Maybe, because I haven't gone to any great lengths to post here. As I don't want to get caught up in it like Teannika has. Normally I might have, but I'm just recovering from some emotional stuff. So I'm self preserving. ;-)


    But I felt inclined to give Teannika some back up when I also share her views of the difference of followers of Christ's Christianity with mainstream organisation Christianity etc...

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