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Posts posted by Jasperstone

  1. My dd 11 is really enjoying the English program. The lessons are explained well. And the worksheets are not overwhelming. Sometimes depending on the day's writing requirement, I get her to do 2-3 lessons. Coming from CLE 5 she is happy to do that.


    I'm sure your son will like it. :-D

  2. Exactly! 

    I read his mom's book.  It was amazing.   But yeah...how does he stay so happy?!  ;)


    Cause he's laughing all the way to the bank. :D




    If he was just a motivation speaker- fine!


    But I take offense at how he uses God's Word and teaches untruths, and makes a mockery out of it.


    He is a hirling, that cares not for the sheep- well, only so much as to that they hand their monies over to his mega church......


    I can't see him laying down his life for anyone, as he's having the time of his life.





    John 10:

    But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep.

    The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep.

    I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.

    As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep. 

  3. I don't want people to assume I go with many mainline Protestants on different doctrines because those doctrines are at the heart of what I believe the definition of Christian is and how a Christian can know what to do and how to do it. Protestantism have many more doctrines than just priesthood of the believer.


    I don't believe in christening or baptizing infants. I only think believers should be baptized. Some Protestants christen or baptize infants.


    I don't believe The Church is "spiritual Israel" who has replaced the covenant God made with Israel and now receives the blessings God promised Israel in His covenant with Him but some Protestants do. I think Catholics and Orthodox do too but I can't say for sure, I believe literal Israel (Jewish people) are Israel and their covenant is still going with God in that they're still His chosen people the way they were then and that's separate than being a believer saved by Grace thorough Faith in Jesus Christ. That doesn't mean I think they're saved, but I don't think they've lost special nation status because most of them don't accept Jesus as the Messiah. I do recognize that there are some individual Jews who believe in Jesus, but that's different than special nation status.Many Protestants do think that God is done with literal Israel and that covenant no longer exists because of their rejection (as a whole) of Jesus as Messiah.


    I don't believe in "bringing in the kingdom" as some Protestants do through voting in people who will work to establish Biblically based laws and make it better and better until Christ comes back. I see no such mandate to Christians in the Bible. I also don't want OT type government either. That was for Israel.


    I don't mix the OT and the NT when it comes to decision making. Being more Dispensational, I think the NT carries more weight and is directed at the Christian where the OT carries less because it's directed at literal Israel under a different covenant. There's plenty to learn about the nature of God in it, but the OT is about externals when it comes to nations and outward law that can't change the heart, where as the NT is about the transformation of the soul and how to live that out when the Holy Spirit has regenerated a believer. Most Protestants see them as equally applicable to Christians and believe, since they're "spiritual Israel", they will be receiving the blessing listed in the OT with obedience to God.


    People who hold to these kinds of doctrinal differences, are descended from the non-conformist and Ana-baptist movements, which historically were in direct conflict with ultimately separation from certain aspects of Protestantism (similar to the Reformation, just not on such a large and public scale.) These groups may line up with many Protestants in other areas but they draw distinct lines elsewhere. Like I said, I only think it warrants correction in a discussion about doctrine, not in a general discussion where people simply mean "Not Orthodox" or "not Catholic."



    This! :-D


    Elisabet1, on 29 Jun 2014 - 01:24 AM, said:



    Wow, I am a protestant and never had a problem being called one. Where did you get the idea that protestants object to being called protestants?


    I think you are just talking rhetoric on the rest on it. Many Catholics believe no other religion is Christian. Likewise, some Christian denominations believe that Catholics are not really Christian. It goes all directions. I have been in a Mass where a priest said that Catholics were the only Christians and the Pope was the only way to God, which is in direct violation of the bible. Some Christians say if you are against the bible, and you do not follow Christ and what Christ has said in the bible, you are not a Christian. But likewise, other Christians do not believe in the literal translation of the bible. And my husband grew up in Catholic schools and I cannot believe the load of crap he was fed about the many non-Catholic religions.


    One thing I do take issue with on religions is when they teach hate. There is enough hate. Any religion that teaches hate should just change their title to hate-group. That includes any religion that teaches their child that everyone else but them is going to hell



    Ishki, on 29 Jun 2014 - 02:42 AM, said:



    I do want to respond to the above. In 53 years of being Catholic (I'm not practicing now but my entire family is), I have never once heard another Catholic make such a statement - even the most conservative of conservatives. Nor have I ever heard a priest make such a statement mainly because that is absolutely contrary to Catholic dogma. The Pope has nothing to do with salvation since he is in need of salvation like the rest of us. I'm not doubting you heard it, but it so far outside the norm, I have to wonder if it was St. Pius X sect or something.


    I guess in one way it's not really my issue anymore, but when I hear something like that, I'm like :001_huh:


    I hope I'm allowed to put up links. :mellow:


    Found some-


    Pope Francis is under attack for saying that outside the Church there is no salvation




    Pope Francis: “it is not possible to find Jesus outside the Churchâ€



    John Paul II Said, "No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church" more than any Pope in History


  5. I do want to respond to the above. In 53 years of being Catholic (I'm not practicing now but my entire family is), I have never once heard another Catholic make such a statement - even the most conservative of conservatives. Nor have I ever heard a priest make such a statement mainly because that is absolutely contrary to Catholic dogma. The Pope has nothing to do with salvation since he is in need of salvation like the rest of us. I'm not doubting you heard it, but it so far outside the norm, I have to wonder if it was St. Pius X sect or something.


    I guess in one way it's not really my issue anymore, but when I hear something like that, I'm like :001_huh: .



    Huh, I thought that the Pope has recently said that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church?


    I'm only on my phone, but will try and find the article later.

  6. My oldest isn't a believer. My husband walked away from his faith (or what he thoughet was his faith, depending on your views on that) years ago but that didn't stop me from living my faith and teaching my kids and taking them to church. He was respectful of that. What we really need to do in this discussion is clarify what we believe salvation is and where it comes from.


    I define "Christian" as someone who has been spiritually regenerated by the Holy Spirit. (See Jesus' discussion with Nicodemus for details.) Parents cannot regenerate or contribute to a child's chances of regeneration no matter how they parent. Believing parents can either be a faithful witness to their children or not, but salvation is not a parenting issue. If it were, then no one would have come to salvation to begin with when Jesus came. His disciples didn't have Christian parents. All those first believers in the NT either came out of Judaism or one of the many flavors of paganism. They still got saved. How many of us here had unbelieving parents but we became believers anyway? How a person was parented can't stop them from being saved nor can it get them saved. Even before Christianity, remember that Samuel's sons didn't follow in his ways either.


    I would weep out of bitter sadness if my children as adults only believe in Jesus because I do. That's not being regenerated by the Holy Spirit through faith and repentance. That's a whitewashed tomb full of spiritual rot and decay-pretty on the outside by not brought to life on the inside. If a person's Christianity is all about outward conformity, tradition, culture, intellectualism, superstition, social acceptance, family culture, etc. it's not salvation. Those are all the people who Jesus told us would hear, "Depart from Me. I never knew you."


    Pray for your child's salvation. Be a faithful witness living out your faith daily so Jesus will say to you, "Well done, good and faithful servant." The NT focuses on the inner, spiritual matters, so be very familiar with it. Have a daily, constant, personal relationship with Him. That's all you can do.


    Salvation comes from God, not mommy and daddy. Not through church attendance or classes. Not through meeting outward standards of morality. The NT tells us the demons believe and tremble and instantly recognized in full who Jesus was and immediately submitted to His authority when they saw Him. They're not saved. Paul, then Saul, along with the religious leaders of the time, kept the law. They had all the Bible available up to then memorized.They weren't saved. They couldn't even begin to think Jesus was the Christ in spite of all their knowledge and adherence to The Law. Paul had to meet Jesus and be spiritually reborn apart from all his knowledge, culture, religious education, and memorization of Scripture.


    We frequent church goers and kids raised in Christian homes need to keep asking ourselves, "How am I any different than a demon or a Pharisee?" Our kids will have to do the same. We all come to Jesus individually. No one can live a spiritual life for anyone else. Once your children are adults, they get to decide how they're going to live and they're responsible for it. Love them no matter what they do. If you did your job being a faithful witness, you can aneswer to God with a clear conscience no matter which way the kids go. They'll have to answer to God themselves.



    This ^^^^^

  7. Have you looked at Essentials In Writing? Its bare bones basics on writing and you can move through at your own pace. Its watch te lesson on DVD and then do the worksheet. By doing one short lesson every day my kids went through the first level in 6 months. In that 6 months they went from crying over having to write a 3 word sentence to writing 5 sentence paragraphs with a topic sentence. They will probably complete Level 2 in the next 6 months and then they will be caught up to where they should be for their age. Because the lessons are so short...if your DD is " getting it" she can do extra lessons every day if she wishes and catch up even faster.


    Because it is so bare bones I find it excellent to use for catching up quickly. Your DD won't need hand holding from you because the lessons are on the DVD and the worksheets are very step by step.


    Once your DD has the skills caught up you can then move her into whatever other program you prefer.


    Totally agree here! My dd 11 loves EIW.

  8. Thank you so much to the posters that mentioned Duolingo! I have never heard of it before this thread. I downloaded the app on my android and my dd and I are both enjoying it.


    Yes! Same here! My dd 11 is enjoying it so much. And she is so committed to it, as she earns rewards for using the program straight for 7 days etc. Saves me nagging and reminding her!

    I reckon she has learnt more in a week than with months of RS.


    Thank you for mentioning it!

  9. Same issue here. Had problems, they said we needed to pay for an update. I got it running for awhile, then it stopped working. I got busy though, and when I finally had time to deal with it, it was too late to get our money back. I couldn't get it to work again. I bought two languages at a time when we really couldn't afford that. Sigh.

    That's terrible! I would keep at them for a refund. Tell them you have had problems since the beginning- like I did. And that it's just not good enough.


    Get on their case, and Im sure they will refund you. Best of luck!

  10. Hi, again lovely ladies (and men?)


    For awhile now, I was wondering if or what Jews believed about Lucifer? Is it similar to the Christian (some) belief- that he was an angel, and was thrown out of heaven when he rebelled against God etc.


    Also, do Jews believe that the fallen angels mingled themselves with mankind, and the offsprings became giants?



  11. Aw, I think I'm addicted to this game, lol!



    - Breakfast and lunch staples


    Gently> you might want to look at a food pyramid, as those aren't listed. So not quite balanced. Maybe, throw in a few vegetables?


    But, hey, if they work for you, who am I to tell you what, or what not to eat!

    • Like 5
  12. We sent our RS German back. We bought the home schooling version. It had issues as soon as we put it in our computer. The people at RS then said we need to update it. What! Just paid $400 and it needs updating! So we had to download it onto my computer. Why did we buy the cd roms?

    Anyway, more hassles than it was worth. Luckily they refunded after 6 months.

  13. Oh yeah - I've been without hot water for sure. I guess this was better because at least I still got my hot bath, after I scoured the tub.


    I have a turtle problem. I have been known to risk my life on the highways near my home to save a turtle from the road. Pathetic, but true.


    Oh, you are so my person!


    I have stopped in the middle of a hi way to save a dog or two. :-)

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