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happi duck

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Status Updates posted by happi duck

  1. I hate anxiety...

    1. mlbuchina


      ((hugs)) Me, too.

  2. I hate when I'm out by myself feeling confident and capable and then *boom* arrive home and everything is wonky. *sigh*

  3. I have a meeting in 43 minutes...ack! I used to be confident but recent experience makes me feel certain I'll be misunderstood...ack! *deep breath* I can do this!

    1. MrsBasil


      Yes you can!

    2. Belacqua


      How did it go?

    3. happi duck

      happi duck

      Thanks both of you...I sincerely appreciate your comments!! It went well!!

  4. I have no patience...

  5. I just offered to host dinner on 12/24 for an unknown amount of people! Yep, I'm an adrenaline junkie!

  6. I love Christmas lights!

  7. I love the moon and the stars!!

  8. I must start Christmas shopping!

    1. GWOB


      I just started today!

  9. I need courage...

  10. I so want to cancel school Thursday and Friday!!

    1. Luckymama
    2. ladyinthegarden


      I canceled school all week... Doing nothing is wonderful!

  11. I want to run off and join the circus...

  12. I was looking forward to finishing for the year but now I don't feel ready for summer.

  13. I'm excited about the holidays!

  14. I'm stalling and wishing I didn't need to grocery shop but I need a dish to pass at noon tomorrow. **sigh**

  15. I'm tired of mean people.

    1. ladyinthegarden


      Ah, Happi Duck... me too!

    2. No More Perfect

      No More Perfect

      You and me both!

  16. InCoWriMo begins!

    1. amyco


      I wrote my first letter!

  17. InCoWriMo is on track!

  18. It is very, very, very cold!

  19. It snowed for like 5 minutes and now it's just raining again...bummer.

  20. It's the weekend!!

  21. just keep writing, just keep writing...

  22. Just two more tests and school's done 'til January!!

  23. Just when I think things could get better I get a kick in the gut. Hope seems dangerous.

    1. Mommy22alyns


      I'm sorry. I feel much the same way.


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