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Everything posted by desertflower

  1. Yes, RootAnn has a much better explanation. lol I'd forgotten that there was a story along with it.
  2. Well, i can't say that I have been there and done that. I also can't say, "Yes! MBtP works so well that my kid is in Harvard." But IMO, you are moving in the right direction. At this age I want my kids to enjoy learning. You can pick up FLL next year. Or do it orally over lunch. I often have to memorize the lesson (if applicable) and just do it orally while he plays with legos. May not be the answer you are looking for, but I hope it helps.
  3. I guess my thread was on how to implement the Sentence Family. Basically, it uses characters to explain the parts of speech. For example, noun is a boy who wears blue, has a blue hat and black shoes. His twin brother is named verb. He wears red etc. I don't remember every detail, so i may be getting the colors wrong. Noun and verb has 2 sisters, adjective and adverb. Adjective likes noun and wears blue shoes or something like that. She's a painter, so maybe she paints in blue? Adverb favors....can you guess? :) she wears red shoes or something like that. The black shoes on noun I believe came from the dad and I believe verb wears colors that the mom wears. Anyway, it's one big family that is connected to each other by color. I believe the book has one do some drawing. My children are too young for that. Hence, the thread I started. Hth
  4. I actually had the same question. Here's my thread on it. Received a lot of great suggestions. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/530714-the-sentence-family/?p=5977388 HTH and Good luck!
  5. How old are your kids? I'm not quite sure what you mean by basic science. There's: 1. Real Science Odyssey (open and go) - has a Life Science which may be what you are asking for 2. Building Foundation of Scientific Understanding (this one is my spine, but it takes me a while to prepare a lesson) 3. Then of course just picking a topic and reading a lot of books on it. HTH
  6. Thank you so much for your replies! I know i'll probably will sign up for it soon too.
  7. :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray:
  8. Thanks OP for starting this thread. And thanks for everyone's input. I didn't get to look through all the sales, but that's probably for the best. :) Shall we start a cyber week sale? lol
  9. Any reviews/thoughts? Any one use it for a daughter as well? Thanks!
  10. Yes! Something like this. I just looked this up. Thanks lexi. I thought you were doubting that I use dragonbox for my kids. :P Clever dragon....dragonbox....ah all the same. :) I didn't realize that they were different because we just got dragonbox and I wasn't sure if that was the proper name. This is a perfect fit since he doesn't have any sisters.
  11. If you are worried that he's not getting it, can you do a review every now and then? We use Singapore math. And I use the IP book about a half a year behind. So, for example he's in 2A now so I use IP 1B. I don't know if Right Start has anything like that?
  12. Since he has the basics down, can you do mental math with him while you help your other kids? Perhaps lay out some c-rods and ask him what's 10 + 7 etc.? He can do it with or without the rods. Have him watch the appropriate education unboxed videos. I think by the end of K, he needs to know how to count to 100, simple addition/subtract, some concept of the clock and what types of coins there are. It seems like he's picking up fast, so I wouldn't worry too much. He knows a lot already for a 5 year old.
  13. I didn't realize that Khan Academy was for young ones. Thanks!
  14. Hello, Has anyone ever subscribed to this? If so, how are the books? Did you like it? Educents have sale for half off. Any input is appreciated. Thanks.
  15. SereneHome, WCYBER14 sort of worked. I got free shipping, but don't know if the purchase was 10% off. It wasn't 10% off the subtotal, but perhaps their stuff was already 10% off? Don't know. :glare: Don't have time.....still have to think about peacehill stuff, critical thinking, educents...... :) and oh yeah, get dinner ready, have to use the restroom...... lol too much info! :lol:
  16. Is clever dragons the same as dragon box? My kids play dragon box. If not, thanks for the suggestion and I'll look into it. :) ETA: dragonbox algebra 5 plus. That's the name of the game my kids use.
  17. Thank you Justin. I didn't see the announcement.
  18. playmobile sets lego friends magna tiles the pigeon series by Mo Willems and of course anything princess like. :)
  19. Hello, Someone I know wants to find a supplemental online resource for his 3rd grader. Something along the lines of abcmouse.com for little ones. Is time4learning one of those options? What other options are there? Free would be great, but he's willing to pay for it for a reasonable price. Thanks! ETA: dragonbox is another good one.
  20. Hello, I have 3 young ones and was wondering which books are absolutely necessary to buy. It's mostly for the older child, but the other 2 tag along as well. We are using Focus on Physics (elementary). So, I'm guess I need 1 teacher's manuel and 3 laboratory workbooks. What is the student text? Do I need 2 of that? btw, they are having a sale today for 30% off. SUPERHERO14 Thanks.
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