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Everything posted by gandpsmommy

  1. I just read The Latin Centered Curriculum, the second edition. I was holding off on planning for fall until I could read it. I read the first edition last year and readily identified with it's emphasis on streamlining and prioritizing to allow in-depth study in a few core subjects. While the plan outlined in TWTM resonated with me in thoery, in practice we have had a hard time fitting it all in. (I hope it's okay to express this on this forum.) I have a few questions for others who use LCC. I would like to preface these questions by saying that I know each family must adapt any plan to their own family situation and the abilities and needs of their children, so I'm not really seeking approval, but looking for the opinions of others who have followed or are following a similar path. 1. My dd completed FLL second grade work this spring. Will the English grammar contained in Prima Latina truly be enough? 2. Dd will be doing second grade this year, by age. But she is ahead in several subjects. She reads very well (on a 5th to 6th grade level). How can I determine if she is ready to begin the writing exercises in Classical Writing this year or if we should hold off until third grade? 3. Has anyone continued with the four-year history cycle, using SOTW, instead of the history recommendations in LCC? I would like to at least complete the first history cycle. My idea would be to listen to the audiobooks and read library books to complement, but not require dictations or do too many extra activities. Can you foresee any problems with this approach? Thanks for any input.
  2. I am interested in any suggestions for a complete program or individual books, topics, activities, etc. Thanks!
  3. I would also be very interested in hearing about your ideas about unschooling, as I have never really met an adult who was unschooled. All of the unschoolers I have encountered were still children. It would be fascinating to hear your perspective.
  4. I live in Ohio, where we definitely have four distinct seasons. I love the spring and summer because we can get out in the fresh air, get lots of sunlight ( lack of sunlight tends to depress me in the winter), enjoy nature, etc. Spring is wonderful and glorious here when it finally arrives after months of cold weather. The days are longer and brighter. Everything turns green again, the buds on trees turn into leaves and blossoms, the flowers bloom, the birds return. I love summer because we can grill out, go swimming, take a break from schoolwork and just play.
  5. Dc gave him our cards and small gift (a shirt) when we got up this morning. We went out for brunch at dh's restaurant of choice. Then we went to a nearby flea market to look around, because dh really enjoys that type of thing. We got ice cream cones there. Right now he's out in the hammock (his big gift), just relaxing with dd. We'll probably take the kids swimming later and maybe grill out for dinner.
  6. We are independent homeschoolers. I agree with Virginia Dawn that I would have a difficult time adapting myself to someone else's schedule, and I am picky and opinionated when it comes to what and how to teach my children. It is a bit of a lonely road sometimes. But it's just who we are.
  7. I do go to a hair salon to have my hair trimmed/cut. Sometimes as often as every six weeks, sometimes every few months.
  8. So I haven't tried any of the newer flavors, but my favorite used to be Chocolate Fudge Brownie. I am a chocolate lover. So, the more chocolate, the better.
  9. But I think each family determines what these days will be like for their own family. We do try to make sure mom/dad gets to take an afternoon nap on his/her special day, but otherwise we all hang out together. We usually try to do something fun together and maybe go out to eat.
  10. It looks great! It is so ironic that you posted this because I just told dh yesterday that I was thinking about getting my nose pierced. It would also seem completely shocking and out of character for me (especially to my parents and siblings). Dh thinks it would be very attractive. I was thinking about having it done for my 30th birthday, which is next month. I really want a diamond, too. I don't know if I have worked up the courage yet. It really helps that you said it wasn't that painful. :001_smile:
  11. Thanks for the hotel info. We live in Ohio and make a yearly trip to Kings Island, but we're thinking about maybe going to Cedar Point this year. I'm curious to know which park you enjoyed more. I grew up going to King's Island. I've only been to Cedar Point once, when I was in college. Ds 4.5 and I are not fast ride enthusiasts, so we would be looking for milder rides. Dh and dd 7 are much more adventurous and thrill-seeking. They would be interested in the roller coasters. Thanks.
  12. I would definitely attend the wedding without a gift. Some of the cards I appreciated the very most at our wedding were from some members of our college campus ministry group who just wrote their well wishes in their cards and didn't find it necessary to include a gift.
  13. You just described me! :001_smile: Isn't it funny how your web prescence can come across quite differently from your real life personality? Anyway, the new hairdo looks fabulous. I wish I could pull off a short haircut, as I imagine it would be so much cooler in the summer. I tried it once, though; it was a disaster. You definitely have the face to pull it off beautifully.
  14. I think this is a great idea. I've just been reading How To Win Friends and Influence People, so these kinds of courtesies are in the forefront of my mind. My dh is such a kind and thoughtful guy. When we are seated at a restaurant and the server introduces him/herself and asks how we are, he often introduces us and asks how he/she is. He treats everyone as people, not just workers. On Memorial Day weekend some technicians from our cable company had to come to our house to fix a problem the company had created when installing our satellite dish. It was late evening, and they had been working outside in the heat all day. The first thing dh did was offer them some iced tea. They gratefully accepted and said that it was the first time all day anyone had offered them something to drink. I remarked to dh about how kind and thoughtful I thought that was of him. I also commented that I wished I could be more friendly to workers when they come to service things at our house when I am here alone with the kids during the week, but that being a woman (and the workers almost always being men, in my experience) it is hard to know how to do that without seeming overly friendly and flirtatious.
  15. I really don't want to hijack this thread. I started to respond last night, when I first read your response. But I stopped myself. I thought about this sad incident all night, however, and woke up with it still on my mind. So, I am going to attempt to very respectfully express a few thoughts which I offer in hope that it might be beneficial for someone reading the thread. When I read your response last night, the first thing that came to my mind was the story in John 8, in which a woman caught in adultery was brought before Jesus. Clearly the punishment set forth in the Old Testament for adultery was death by stoning. Yet, Jesus did not condemn the woman to death. He invited the person there who had no sin to throw the first stone at the woman. And when no one could stay to throw the first stone, he told the woman that he did not condemn her either. He didn't ignore her sin, he told her to "Go now and leave your life of sin." But he showed her mercy and grace. This is the example I want to hold in my heart when dealing with other people, especially with children. I agree that bad behavior cannot be ignored, but hitting children is certainly not the only (or most effective) method of dealing with undesirable behavior and attitudes. My dh and I have intentionally chosen not to hit (some people call it "spank") our children. Instead, we talk to them about what is appropriate and what is unacceptable. We give them guidance and instruction. Sometimes they choose not to heed our instruction and we must provide correction. And sometimes they choose not to heed our correction and we must impose consequences. But we have never, ever struck our children in any way. And yet, our children are not disrespectul or rude with adults. In fact, they often get compliments for their pleasant behavior and good manners. The last thing I would like to add is that, even though I am not a proponent of spanking in any form, I would not consider this incident as described to be a "spanking". I think it crossed the line to abuse. It doesn't matter how hard he struck the child, or whether or not there were marks on her body afterwards, using an object to repeatedly strike a child is abuse. I have witnessed different parents giving their young children a single swat on their bottoms or legs with an open hand on several occasions. And while it was not a discipline strategy I choose to use, I did not consider it abusive or think it warranted my intervention. The situation Colleen described, however, made me feel sick to my stomach, shaky, and very upset just reading it.
  16. Well, Monday night dh grilled pork back ribs with honey barbecue sauce. We also threw some mostly baked potatoes on the grill and made corn and green beans to go with it. It was delicious! Last night we had sloppy joes and steak fries. The rest of the week looks like this: Grilled Chicken w/fettucine alfredo, salad, garlic bread Grilled bratwursts w/some sides that I haven't quite figured out yet Maybe some grilled pork chops? We love to grill in the warm weather!
  17. Well, I have both an identical twin sister, and a sister who is 2.5 years older than we are. When we were growing up, people often asked, "Are you all three twins?" I was always polite in answering, but I felt like saying, "No, that would be triplets!"
  18. I know. I think that it is incredibly sad to hear of any child, teenager, or adult being abused. But it saddens and sickens me even more to hear people trying to attribute this behavior to following Christ. I can't imagine why anyone who wasn't already a Christian and knew this reasoning to be false would want to have anything to do with Christianity after hearing abuse justified as "raising godly children" and trying to be "Christian" parents.
  19. :iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree: I am raising two beautiful children who had to ask me recently what the word "spank" means. They have never been hit by adults, and yet they are remarkable children. Just like all other children, they are not perfect. But they are wonderful people, who friends, relatives, acquaintances, and perfect strangers often compliment on their pleasantness and good behavior. And like all other parents, dh and I are not perfect. But we try very hard to teach them appropriate behavior, how to make good decisions, how to treat other people thoughtfully and respectfully. It makes me physically ill to hear about people who use the Bible to justify and endorse hitting children, and it makes no sense whatsoever to me to use the Bible to justify and endorse hitting adults, either.
  20. I'm so excited! I submitted a purchase suggestion to our public library requesting that they add LCC, 2nd edition to their collection. I received an e-mail from a librarian today to notify me of their intention to purchase it and to let me know that I would be first in line to check it out when it arrives because of my purchase suggestion!
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