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Everything posted by IfIOnly

  1. My oldest will be in 6th grade next year, and I need to sort this out ASAP! I'm considering: 7 - pre-algebra/ general science 8 - algebra 1/ physical science 9 - algebra 2/ biology 10 - geometry/ chemistry 11- dual enrollment at local CC - I do not want to be doing any homeschooling with him at this point. 12 - dual enrollment - ditto! OR 6- general science 7 - pre-algebra/ physical science 8 - algebra 1/ biology 9 - algebra 2/ chemistry 10 - geometry/ physics 11- dual enrollment at local CC - Just to reiterate, I do not want to be doing any homeschooling with him at this point. 12 - dual enrollment - ditto We are will be using Apologia science textbooks. I know they are not AP and ds won't be able to CLEP unless he does the Apologia advanced courses. If we wanted to do the advanced courses in biology, chemistry, and physics how would that need to be scheduled in grades 7-10 in regards to maths? So, can we just do the advanced biology in 9th and advanced chemistry in 10th successfully with the math he would have covered? Or, what about the 8/AP biology, 9/ AP chemistry/ 10/ AP physics sequence? By the way we use TT and from what I understand Alg. 1 and 2 actually make up just alg. 1 compared to most curricula. Any other sequence (including maths) that would work better? Thoughts? Help!
  2. My oldest will be in 6th grade next year, and I need to sort this out ASAP! I'm considering: 7 - pre-algebra/ general science 8 - algebra 1/ physical science 9 - algebra 2/ biology 10 - geometry/ chemistry 11- dual enrollment at local CC - I do not want to be doing any homeschooling with him at this point. 12 - dual enrollment - ditto! OR 6- general science 7 - pre-algebra/ physical science 8 - algebra 1/ biology 9 - algebra 2/ chemistry 10 - geometry/ physics 11- dual enrollment at local CC - Just to reiterate, I do not want to be doing any homeschooling with him at this point. 12 - dual enrollment - ditto We are will be using Apologia science textbooks. I know they are not AP and ds won't be able to CLEP unless he does the Apologia advanced courses. If we wanted to do the advanced courses in biology, chemistry, and physics how would that need to be scheduled in grades 7-10 in regards to maths? So, can we just do the advanced biology in 9th and advanced chemistry in 10th successfully with the math he would have covered? Or, what about the 8/AP biology, 9/ AP chemistry/ 10/ AP physics sequence? By the way we use TT and from what I understand Alg. 1 and 2 actually make up just alg. 1 compared to most curricula. Any other sequence (including math) that would work better? Thoughts? Help!
  3. "Mom, did they have cake when you were a kid?" My kids younger kids get a kick out of asking me about my childhood in the "old days"?
  4. I have a friend who reacts badly to coffee unless it's organic. Coffee is one of the crops more heavily sprayed with pesticides. We buy our organic coffee from Costco, but it's probably too much to buy without testing it out first! Also, if you try decaf try to get Swiss water process coffee. Otherwise the coffee will be decaffeinated with chemicals that again some people react to. I haven't tried this brand but Trader Joes has a Swiss water process decaf: http://m.traderjoes.com/fearless-flyer/article.asp?article_id=1063
  5. My son like to search YouTube for science experiments to do at home. This was his find today and it was really fun to see his results! written instructions/additional info: http://www.education.com/activity/article/Diaper_Science_middle/ ETA. I'm sure my son would appreciate links or info. on science experiments your kids have enjoyed if you don't mind sharing!
  6. Oh my gosh, yes, my kids love testing time. Maybe mostly because I make a special breakfast and they get yummy snacks, lol. Actually my kids really enjoy the challenge too and making new friends and seeing/playing with their old ones every other year when they do group testing.
  7. Ha! Just after posting this my dh called to tell me he signed us up for Amazon Prime. Well, we're doing the month free trial anyways. So, I'm guessing the standard shipping for these would apply otherwise.
  8. Oops! Here's the link: http://www.amazon.com/Libertys-Kids-The-Complete-Series/dp/B00CMDPTTA/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1401243488&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=liberty+kids
  9. Okay, I found it but am confused. It says it's actually the DVD format but isn't charging for shipping when I went to purchase.
  10. Hm, I'm not finding it for that price on Amazon. :/
  11. For my children the reading comprehension section is always the most challenging and one that they score a bit lower on. In the younger years we mostly just read books for delight rather than analysis though, so I'm comfortable with that. Jr. High (my oldest will be in 6th this coming school year) or so is when we'll get more serious in that area.
  12. I'm waiting for my 3rd grade son's results! I'm actually excited but this isn't my first time around the block. :p I like knowing that we're on track, and it's a real confidence booster for me to see them doing well. The first few years of testing (we start in 3rd partly because it's required and do testing every year even though it's not required) are not that big a deal to me, really. I mean, I'll focus to some degree (depending on what it is, spelling yes, grammar not so much) on weak areas and what not, but I don't stress. Especially, if it's language arts related and something covered in greater detail each year in their curriculum. Math is something I do expect mastery of the material covered though in school work and more so on tests than lang. arts in the younger years. When they get 5th/6th grade is when I start expecting more and more mastery of the material.
  13. Murrayshire, did your daughter do a placement test for TT, as well? Perhaps she would have done better doing TT 7 (especially if you're wanting to use TT and keep up with more rigorous curricula)? Maybe if she followed TT all the way through she would get where she needs to be in the end and the course content per grade level is just different between the two curricula? I personally wouldn't be alarmed as long as she knew the material (could apply it correctly in real life) and was doing well on standardized tests, but those are the two things that I go by for evaluating whether what we're using/doing is working. We test every year even though we're only required to do about every other year so that they're very comfortable by the time those tests really matter and as a helpful evaluation tool for me. I know not every curriculum works for each family and I'm sorry you're feeling like your daughter lost ground. :grouphug: It sounds like you caught it early and have a great strategy for getting her where you want her to be! :hurray: As an aside an I'm not in anyway directing this toward the OP, It's just something that's been on my mind and somewhat related. I always find it strange when I hear of high students doing terrible on the SAT or similar test and the parent(s) being shocked. I feel like there must have been a disconnect somewhere along the homeschool journey. I know I have one that would bomb the SAT if I didn't have him regularly testing throughout his schooling and working constantly with him with reading directions thoroughly (not just for test taking thing though, a very important life skill) and other test taking strategies (some of which also apply to life/school work in general).
  14. To the poster above, TT is meant to be used with the workbook, so working the problems with pen and paper should be happening each lesson. Not to pick on anyone but I wonder if TT gets more bad reviews than it deserves is due to user error?
  15. Oops, my son did the grade 3 1970 CAT. I personally thought it was unrealistically rigorous. I mean how many 3rd graders can readily identify adverbs and helping verbs in sentences? I know mine have a general understanding but not mastery by any means. :unsure:
  16. This year my son did the CAT 1970 for practice for local CAT (newer version) group testing. The 1970 version was tough! But, when he did the group testing he said it was waaay easier. :) Glad it wasn't the other way around, lol.
  17. No words of wisdom but ETC is that well received here, as well! I could never go back to Phonics Pathways or Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading. Glad you found a winner for your son! :grouphug: :grouphug:
  18. :grouphug: :grouphug: About the ketchup, I just open a can of tomato sauce and add honey. Delicious!
  19. Oh, WS is also a Kathy Duffey top 100 pick. http://cathyduffyreviews.com/grammar-composition/Wordsmith-series.htm
  20. OP, I'm looking, too. When searching the forum, I found that Wordsmith Apprentice was also recommended as an open and go writing curriculum. Has anyone used the Wordsmith series? http://www.amazon.com/Wordsmith-Apprentice-Excellence-Skill-Buidling-Exercises/dp/B000FIZTM6/ref=pd_sim_b_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=1M3ANAJY99KQ5WZRV23W http://www.amazon.com/Wordsmith-Janie-B-Cheaney/dp/1929683189/ref=pd_sim_b_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=10580YYR3M5VRMRPM0HT http://www.amazon.com/Wordsmith-Craftsman-Grd-10/dp/1929683200/ref=pd_sim_b_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=0H0892QMJT9KH9T7GFGY
  21. It's June 12th and getting closer. I was doing really good not freaking out because I had things to try, but for some reason permanent damage loomed in my mind last night as I was trying to fall asleep despite the discomfort (and worry). I'll be okay, I think. Just a little freak out on my part.
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