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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I agree 100% . I am saying if a child where to pray in school, whether to God or Allah or Budda or whomever, it would be stopped asap. Saying a child can bow his/her head quietly and pray doesn't mean they can pray in school. Kwim?
  2. :grouphug: come on over I have warm chocolate chip cookies. We can hide from the kids and eat all the cookies.
  3. I do think the weather is part of it-it's rainy and bleh today, so now they are parked in front of the TV lol. Bad mommy, but it's now quiet and the 3 yo is asleep! :D
  4. The kids were fighting, no one was listening ( I mean how hard can is be to sort dark clothes from light?), math with my LD son almost drove me over the edge, my 8th grader has been whining and complaining all day over her TOG work and to top it all off today my 3 yo is especially, well, a 3 year old boy. I promised them I'd make cookies after the dishes get done, but I am slowly losing my motivation. :glare:
  5. I wonder what would happen if said child stood up and prayed outloud by her chair?
  6. My DD disliked OPGTR too and is doing very well with Reading Made Easy.
  7. I agree. The verse speaks of wives submitting to their own husbands. if her DH has no issue with her working ( maybe he encourages it? maybe he asked her to work to help with bills? who knows....) and taking the VP position, then I don't see how anyone could say she isn't fullfilling her Biblical role? Col 3:18¶Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord. Now, for me and my family I believe my place is in the home, but in no way to I think every woman should be home and is wrong if they aren't.
  8. :D I can't wait for the new season to start. Yes, I need a life :lol:
  9. :grouphug: She is having to deal with this at such a young age. Just love her and be there for her. Praying for you all.
  10. :iagree: . Not taking the VP job isn't going to keep her son home or make her DD not pregnant and I don't really see the connection between them.
  11. We are fans here. I already have it set to record :D
  12. My Ds is commuting so he hasn't had to adjust to dorm life. He had a good, but hectic first week which included his truck breaking down and a a car accident in another vehicle, but he is doing well and likes his classes so far.
  13. I admit I couldn't believe it when I read the headline and still plan to vote for McCain, but if it were me I wouldn't have subjectd my DD to the limelight at this point. The adults can take it and deal with it, but I think it's pretty unfair to a 17 yo.
  14. I have suffered with thrush with all 10 of my babies. The only thing that works for me is gential violet. I paint myself lightly with the stuff and then nurse the baby. We are usually on the road to being better within a few days. I would keeep doing the GSE foor you and the older kids and definitely cut out any sugars and get on a good probiotic. Even the baby can take probiotics.
  15. Thank you everyone for replying! :grouphug:
  16. It was her 5th baby, I am sure she knew what she was doing LOL I have had amniotic fluid leak and didn't rush to the hospital either and delivered along time after it started leaking. I am sure she was under the care of a Dr she trusted and probably wanted to deliver under his/her care. I can respect that. As far as the rumor that it's her DD's baby, give me a break.
  17. Good to know, I will go order the demo! Thanks :)
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