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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I asked this question and was told they weren't sure. Whether we can resell TOG or not greatly influences my descison to continue with it or not. I have been on the fence lately @ TOG anyways and I am leaning towards going with plan b mostly because my kids prefer text books and have asked me to switch. This just comes at the right time to help me make that move with less mom guilt.
  2. Do you know who the publisher is of this book? I wanted to see if it's offered somewhere other than just K12. Thanks!
  3. Thank you all for your replies. I can't remember now, but does the SOTW activity guide give you corresponding KF pages?
  4. For grades 5-8, I am thinking of an alternative to the KF book.
  5. My friend Tracy, who sometimes posts here, gave me this recipe. We love it here! 4 cups rolled oats - or 4 c steel cut oats ( soaked ) [ If you want to add Wheat Germ or Oat Bran - do it here- no more than 1/4c of the 4 cups ] 1/2c other Grains/seeds ( Raw sunflowers, Flax Seeds etc .) 1 cup whole wheat flour 1 teaspoon baking soda ( Rumford ) 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2/3 cup butter, softened 1/2 cup honey or 1/2c Agave 1/3 cup Cane Juice Crystals ( turbinado, sucanat etc) or 1/3c packed brown sugar 2 cups Sweet stuff ( Unsweetened Raw coconut, Ch. Chips, raisins, dried cherries,dried papaya etc ) You can mix these to equal 2c total. Bake at 325 until it puffs and turns golden. This should take around 20 minutes. Let them cool completely before cutting. Skipping this step will get you crumbly bars. Since flour varies in its humidity etc.... if you find that your bars are a little dry you can add a bit more butter and or honey the next time and find the recipe that works best for you.
  6. We do have them take notes starting withthe GS book. I have them doing a key word outline of the most important atcs for each paragraph and then they make flash cards with the vocabulary words.
  7. Yes, I just got done reading it. One question I wonder about is if the digital books will be resellable? I didn't see that in the email and that will greatly influence my desicion to continue with TOG or not.
  8. I really miss those days. I feel that staying home helps a lot with keeping everything organized and my attitude. When I am running in and out everyday , my attitude goes downhill and nothing gets done @ the house.
  9. Thanks for the replies. I need to think @ it for a bit before I decide what to do.
  10. I second this. My Dh has found his last two jobs via Monster.com.
  11. I am talking about a book bought off half.com or amazon second hand specifically to be given as a gift. If the book was in excellent condition would this be acceptable? I personally wouldn't have a problem with recieving this, but I am wondering about giving one. Thanks!
  12. I think ours is @ 2400, which is fine for us, but I wish the layout was different.
  13. Thank you for the replies. I have this battle with myself each and every year and it's driving me nuts lol. I need to make a descsion and just stand firm in it. I appreciate you all sharing what has worked for your family and that your children are thriving without a lit based study.
  14. I keep being pulled towards textbooks for all my children instead of lit based learning. I love literature based learning, but they have been asking for textbooks. So I am thinking of switching to the texts and also doing a lit program such as CLE or BJU, but I still want them to read whole books. Maybe require then to read X amount of books from one of the great book list such as http://www.classical-homeschooling.org/celoop/1000.html . Tell me I wont be ruining them if we go this route?
  15. We got there at 6:50 thinking they opened at 7, but they didn't open till 7:30 :banghead: There were @ 10 people waiting already so I guess it was good that I goofed on the time. Once the doors opened it was @ 15-20 minutes until we got to vote.
  16. The bus stop is right outside my front window and I didn't even notice if they stopped LOL! Guess I will have to pay attention @ 3:30ish to see if they stop then.
  17. I haven't tried making sqare bread, but I think it would be fun LOL. As far as retail, I hear you! Can you host a PC party and maybe get the pans free?
  18. :iagree: We really enjoyed this series and have implemented a lot of his recommendations in our school this year.
  19. This is what I am thinking too. At first wasn't sure LOL, but I think this is more likely.
  20. Our plan is to switch to chalk dust in 6th and use it through 12th.
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