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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. We bought one last Feb and the DVD part died in August, but they replaced it no questions asked, paid for the shipping to and from and we had it back within a week. Other than this issue we haven't had any trouble and the kids use it often.
  2. and I don't know what to think. Basically she gave a provisional diagnosis of ADHD and a severe reading disability( she said he has the most severe reading disability she has seen). She said he has some serious leaning disabilites but she isn't sure if they are caused by his seizure disorder or by ADHD or ???. He has recall issues, which is making learning anything hard, but again she isn't sure if its ADHD or something else entirely. He does have a below normal IQ, but he does not have MR. She thinks with cognitive training he might be able to raise the IQ score some. What she wants to do is put him on ADHD meds and retest some of the test and see if he makes a significant improvement. If he does improve then the ADHD diagnisis was right. If he doesn't improve, then he needs further evaluation by a neuropsychologist(she is a clinical psychologist and I thought we were getting a neuropsych eval, but I don't know if what she did is = to what a neuropsychologist would do? ). I really don't like the idea of meds in the first place, especially with his seizures, but the idea of try meds and see if it helps just doesn't sit well with me. I thnk I am going to try to get him in with an NP, but I am sure that is going to take months and I don't know what to DO in the meantime. I was really hoping we would get a diagnosis of XYZ and we can do ABC to help. She gave me some recommendations of things we can try, but nothing concrete. I feel just as confused and helpless as I did before we tested.
  3. Anyone using Winston Grammar with their dyslexic child? My 9 yo also has issues with recall and the psychologist who did his testing recommended more hands on type programs. He is in 3rd so it's a bit too old for him, but I am thinking it might be a great fit for him down the road, once he is reading a bit better. I'd love to hear from others who actually used it though. I wish the web site had samples so I could see how it looks and actually works.
  4. I called HSLDA and asked this once and was told as long as I am not breaking any state laws ( age of the children etc) that it should be fine. When I filled out our letter of intent I put our school hours something like 8 AM to 8 PM six days a week ( not giving specific days). I would definitely join HSLDA if she were to do this and it wouldn't hurt to check with them first @ her state laws. I feel that there are 24 hours in a day and school doesn't have to be 8 AM to 3 PM like public school.
  5. My DH has requested a traditional TD menu and we are having a family of 10 over so there will be 22 of us :D I am making: turkey ham mashed potatoes stuffing ( dressing? lol) carrots broccoli/cheese casserole green bean casserole some kind of sweet potato cassrole ( Anyone have a recipe to share?) apple sauce cranberry sauce rolls apple crisp choclate cream pie pumpkin cheese cake pecan pie some other sweet, maybe brownies?
  6. My DH's job hasn't been afftected and he is paid salary so that's fine, but the food prices has gone up sp much that it is harder for me to feed my family on what I have budgeted. We are so tight in our budget that there is no money left for anything other than bills, food and gas. It's frustrating.
  7. I was specifically thinking in terms of food when I was thinking of posting, but I am curious as to what sacrifices you have made so far. We have given up fruits other than a rare treat ( which really bugs me as I want them to eat more fruit). And I hover over them as they pour out thier milk to make sure they aren't over doing it LOL. Other things are trips to town, extra activites etc. I am thankful gas has gone down, but I still don't want to waste what we have. What cuts have you made?
  8. I have an 18 yo and a 19 yo living at home. My 19 yo is not in school and is working full time. She comes and goes as she pleases, but lets me know if she will be out very late. We have a rule that as long as they are in college they live here rent free, but if they choose to not go onto school and live here they have to pay rent, so my 19 yo pays a small amount of rent and she pays for her own TV service, cell phone, insurance etc. She is free to eat what I cook, but usually ends up buying take out. She helps out with watching the kids if I need to run an errand or she might drive them somehwere, but she doens't do any household chores other than keep her room clean and her own laundry. My 18 yo on the other hand doesn't pay rent and he doesn't have the time for anything but college, home work and the few hours he works on the weekends at wal-mart. We help him as much as we can finanically, but he is paying his own way through school. I do his laundry and make sure he has a hot meal when he gets home. He doesn't do any chores either but he will help out as needed when he is available and helps his bothers keep their room tidy ( sort of lol)
  9. Yep and it is worth every penny! My DD who has always struggled with math told me a few weeks ago that she gets it finally. That it now makes sense.
  10. You can divide it longer if you really want to keep her, say 16 weeks or even longer. As long as she is paying you cash and keeping current and then that little extra you decide on. Maybe see if she could do even $10 a week extra, but she has got to start paying you cash on time, which would be the deal breaker for me.
  11. When I did day care I got paid in advance. They paid me Friday for the coming week. If I didn't get paid by Monday at pick up time, I added on a $5/day late fee. It sounds like you don't want to lose them so I would probably do as the above poster said and let her pay extra each week to catch up, but I would ask to get paid in cash and paid ahead of time. If she can't do the cash or catch up, then"d just let her go.
  12. It's been a while since we HS'd in NH as we moved in 2003, but at the time it was fairly easy. You need to submit a letter of intent before the school year with a list of the curriculum you plan to use. At the year's end you either do a standarized test or portflio evaluation by a certified teacher. I am curious what part of S-NH you are looking at? We lived in New Ipswich.
  13. Thank you, I will look at the R&S catalog. We chose KJV because that is what the Lord has led us too.
  14. I'd like to purchase a Bible commentary to use with our Bible study and am looking for recomendations. We are a KJV only family if that matters. Thanks!
  15. Yep! My only C-section was when I was induced and the baby just wasn't ready. I have birthed an 11# 14 oz baby( at home no less lol) . You can do it!
  16. They are wrong a lot on the weight and it's all just a guessing game. I personally wouldn't get induced unless some true medical reason came up. You have birthed a 9# baby before so you should be fine. There are different positions you can push in to help open up the birth canal and on your back is the worst to be in. It will all be over soon and you will be holding that precious bundle! I am a big believer in letting nature takes it's course.
  17. Same here. The only items I found worth it were chocolate chips, salsa and bagels.
  18. I third this. My son has read his book this year and now loves economics and wants to take a few classes at the CC.
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