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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I am thinking of using SOTW with my younger children and using the SOTW guide, but having the older ones read/summarize the KF pages that go along with the SOTW pages instead of having the older ones do 2 page spreads from the KF as outlined in the WTM. Do you think this would work well? I have various other spines we could flesh out more information as needed. I would just like to keep everyone on the same topic as much as possible. I can add in lit book on grade level and do some read alouds. What do you think?
  2. After much thought and many questions here :), I have chosen Spielvogel's Human Odyssey and plan to read assorted GBs and some historical fiction. Would it make sense to buy some of the Norton Anthology books or would it be wiser to buy/use library for the books we plan to read? One reason I can think of choosing books over the Anthologies is having a smaller book in hand might be easier for them to read rather then hauling this huge book around. Any other reason for choosing one over the other? Thanks!
  3. LOL thanks everyone! I needed the reminder that what I am doing is working. I need to not let comments from family bother me. And for the recond, I dont remember learning the states and capitals :D
  4. Sounds like a great plan! Please let me know what you and he think of the BJU materials.
  5. Has anyone used this ( my question mark key is broken lol) http://www.eclectichomeschool.org/reviews/individual_review2.asp?revid=599 Do you know if it can still be purchased... I'd love to see samples of this if possible. I tried emailing the author but it bounced back.
  6. One of my brothers called me last night and we were discussing school. He sends his son to a private school(K) and was telling me @ one of my other brother's kids who is 12 and in PS. My brother was saying how the 12 yo didn't even know her states and capitals and that it was because of the bad school system etc. I don't know if MY 12 yo knows all his capitals. We have done the 4 year rotation and are on round 2, but never did just US History and never studied all the states. Now I am wondering what else I have missed :blush5: Maybe we need tot ake abreak and do some US History and geography ( i can't type a question mark for some reason LOL! and this is a NEW keyboard) Anyways, I am feeling inadequate today. Help!
  7. I never really looked at MOH so I don't know. Sorry :) I guess I meant maybe drop the lit part of the history and just keep going with the CLE reading and do a textbook history. That might be his learning style, kwim I am still struggling over history too, so I understand!
  8. Maybe he would do better with textbooks? BJU is supposed to be wonderful and it might be the right fit for him.
  9. Science, reading and history can be done for free from the library. Copywork can be done using the books you get from the library. If you are looking for writing instruction the IEW themed based books can be found used for @ $10-$15. You can get the R&S english books for @ $15 and until grade 5 you don't need the teacher's books. The Spelling Workout Books are @ $20.
  10. I am using this right now with my 5 yo and I love it. I use the stories for her copywork too. Makes her LA program nice and simple.
  11. I ended up having a D&C at 8 pm last night and was home by 11 pm. I am a bit sore today but not bad. Emotionally it is going to take a while. The hospital staff were so compassionate and just fantastic to us. It really helped make it a bit easier. Thank you all for the prayers and thoughts.
  12. We had planned to use the science with homesat, but then decided against it when BJU announced they were ending homesat at the end of the year. I am waiting to hear what they are going to offer by way of online/video school before deciding for fall.
  13. Thank you. I really appreciate the prayers!

  14. Beth, another question. Would you use these in addition to IEW's writing programs or instead of?
  15. Do these have to be done in sequence or could we start with the US or any of the other courses? They do look wonderful!
  16. Thank you all. I really appreciate the prayers.
  17. I know I hadn't said anything or made an announcement yet, but I should be 7 weeks along and went for an U/S today and found out that I am either in the process of having a MC or a molar pregnancy. No one in real life, including my kids, even knew I was pregnant and we will not be telling them unless I do need surgery, I guess. If you have had experience with a molar pregnancy could you PM me or share your experience. I am a bit freaked out right now and not sure what to expect. I should know more on Wednesday. I am trying to wrap my brain around this and thought I was doing ok, but I am sad at what will never be. Update Thursday: I ended up having a D&C at 8 pm last night and was home by 11 pm. I am a bit sore today but not bad. Emotionally it is going to take a while. The hospital staff were so compassionate and just fantastic to us. It really helped make it a bit easier. Thank you all for the prayers and thoughts.
  18. I would guess a miscount on the flour, which I have done many times myself. :blush5:
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