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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. My son is writng a a paper and using a few different encyclopedias. What we aren't sure on is how to mark the quotes in the middle of the artle. I know how to do the bibliography at the end, but what should he put right after the quote in his paragraph? (1) and so on, Or should he put ( encylopedia name, artile title, page #s etc) You'd think I'd know this by now. :blush5: Thanks.
  2. The thing is, as someone else mentioned, many of the classes have already been recorded years ago. So they aren't paying teachers to make new classes. Yes, they have to pay a teacher when they do make a new class, but then once it's done they no longer have that overhead.
  3. :iagree: A 3 credit course at our local CC would cost $204 and then books, which I most likely could get used. But even a a full price book might be cheaper that the BJU course and they would get college credit!
  4. The way I understood it, you can get teacher books, but you have to buy them for extra.
  5. I'm sorry I haven't actually used the DVDs. I had hope to use the online curses this coming year, but wont be now.
  6. No kidding! I filled out the survey as I am sure lots of others did. I can say I am not suprised at the price, but disapointed.
  7. http://www.bjupress.com/distance-learning/by-online/ordering-pricing.php Too steep for us though, so we will stick with apologia for science.
  8. :lol: It's one of the things I keep meaning to do...
  9. If you use this program can you tell me about how long your daily lessons are? Thanks!
  10. Would anyone know if this site is still up? I can't get the link to work. Thanks.
  11. We have used this before and I do like it a lot. Was trying to save some $ though.
  12. I'd like something we could do together and prefer a DVD curriculum, but it isn't a must. I am looking at God and the History of Art, Drawing Basics with Thomas Kinkade and Atelier. Anyone use these? I'd love to hear your reviews. What else is out there? Thanks :)
  13. If I am at home I am usually sitting at my desk reading the boards LOL.
  14. We have been doing a practice test on Fridays and going lite on other subjects that day. I bought the CD SAT math review but we haven't gotten to it yet. I am not sure we will have time to watch/do it all before the 4th.
  15. :iagree: Except I used a transcript that Jean in Wisc shared. I did give my oldest 3 a diploma but they haven't had to show it. The first I used one from HSLDA and for the second two I ordered from www.homeschooldiploma.com
  16. I don't have twins, but I think it could be done. I would do very school lite and only wory abut the absolutely basics until you are back on your feet and able to add more. Maybe spend a year doing math, writing and engish and then having your 14 yo read history and science books from your library to the younger ones. Congratulations!!!
  17. I developed tinnitus 5 weeks ago and bought a white noise machine at Wal-Mart for @ $20. The rain noise works really well for me. I also bought a table top size mini-water fountain that I play at the same time and I am able to sleep now.
  18. Well except for the meds and that I am 40 and not 42, I am in the same situtation. My older kids are 20, 19, 17 etc. I am a vbac mom. I just had a MC in Feb. I say if the Lord is leading you in this direction and both you and your husband agree, then yes! Go for it! Edited to add: I would go off the meds or switch to a safer one before conceiving.
  19. My 10th grader will be taking it on April 4th. He is pretty well prepared I think and I hope he does well.
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