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Everything posted by MEmama

  1. The labs came back positive, no surprise, and he's on a month of doxy. His knee is getting better--he's at least able to walk again and the swelling is going down. We have a follow up appointment with his regular doctor next week and I'll be sure to talk to him about all the wisdom shared here. We are fortunate to have a fantastic, proactive medical team who seems well versed in Lyme. For now he's drinking lots of keifer and eating yogurt for the probiotics in between pill popping sessions. Thankfully he has a strong immune system and hasn't reacted poorly to antibiotics in the past. He's handling it really well and is hopeful he'll be able to play hockey again this weekend. Thanks to everyone for sharing their experiences! :)
  2. Definitely see your doctor right away. It could be something like plantar fasciitis or it could be related to your other pains. Inflammation needs to be addressed ASAP. This weekend we took DS to the doctor because of a swollen knee; it turns out to be Lyme. If we had ignored it things would be much, much worse. I agree with a pp--treat your own health as well as you would your children's.
  3. Nope, not naive. The daughter knows what to be aware of, the roommates are home and mom is in the car. It's our job as parents to understand risk, and the OP is comfortable. What I think is sad is that so many people are willing to make assumptions about the teacher solely because he's male. THAT, to me, would be sending the wrong message. I don't disagree that he should have an open door policy, but it sounds like he does, in that mom is welcome to join.
  4. It wouldn't even occur to me to question it. What 22-23 yo man would be interested in a 14 yo girl? She may seem grown up to you but she wouldn't to him, Kwim? She knows what to be aware of. I wouldn't worry about it.
  5. While I think my son might enjoy certain aspects of middle school, the social drama is certainly not one of them. He does participate in sports with our middle school as well as with a nearby private school so he gets plenty of intersection with friends and other kids, but not **too** much. He would have no tolerance for all the time wasting and goofing off in class, never mind trying to navigate the murky waters of preteen social norms. Being an only is something that suits him well, but not every kid is that way for sure. If yours wants more time with other kids, school can be a great way to accomplish that, though far from the only way of course. Not all areas have many other opportunities, especially for this in-between age.
  6. Seconding Parenthood. And Modern Family.
  7. We are playing the card game Spit. Super fun, super fast and weirdly addicting. All you need is a deck of cards for each player.
  8. I wear my hair in braids when I'm wearing a winter hat. It keeps it from getting tangled in my coat when I'm skiing, and DH thinks it looks cute. He calls it my Olympic style :). I'm 42. I know what you mean about evolving style as we get older. It's nice to think that it shouldn't matter, but dressing too "young" really can have unfortunate consequences. I have a friend whose style hasn't changed much in a decade or two, and I hate to say but it's really trashy on her 40+ body and face. She looks 10 years older as a result. I say go with what you like, but make sure it works for you. :)
  9. That's horrifying. I'm glad he's not suffering any effects from the bites, but wow--I don't think I could get back into bed. I still check under my pillows every night 25 years after leaving home because occasionally as a kid I'd find a spider hiding there. DH knows I won't get into bed without doing "the check". **Shudder**
  10. Whole Foods 365 brand. It's the family favorite, not too chocolatey (DS doesn't like his hot cocoa too chocolatey or too hot--go figure).
  11. An Epsom bath is a good idea if I can get him upstairs. Weirdly, he's been super thirsty all weekend, but I can't imagine it's related? He is running a very slight fever so that might be why. I'll be doubly sure he's getting enough once he gets on antibiotics. Herxing--ugh! Good to know about it in advance! I'm glad you are finally better, but what an awful ordeal you've been through! :(
  12. Thank you. This is very helpful!
  13. I hope you get it figured out and he feels better soon! This is such a mysterious disease. :(
  14. I would guess so. And not everyone wants to talk about dietary restrictions or make the hostess feel like she needs to accommodate them; it can be easier to just quietly bring the gluten free crackers or whatever instead of make her stress out about them. Very few people know I'm vegetarian, and I'd be unlikely to mention it before a get together unless it was a formal dinner. I'd just quietly make do, you know?
  15. I did the same thing! (I'm a northern California native) :)
  16. Good to know. Thank you.
  17. Thanks for the link. I don't see the Wetern Blot test on his lab orders, unless it goes by a different name? The 4 tests he had yesterday were CBC w/ Manual Diff; ESR, blood; CRP, high sensitivity, serum; and Lyme Antibody Screen, EIA/Elisa, serum.
  18. Thanks for all the info and for sharing your experiences. DS was awake at 4:30 this morning, ready to research long term effects. For now I'm trying not to panic and I'm feeling fully appreciative we have proactive and aggressive doctors. He still can't walk at all, so it's going to be a long day...:(
  19. No, neither. She told us that in kids it very often shows up as joint pain, most commonly in the knee. Combined with the intense heat and swelling and the fact that he hadn't done anything unusual recently to injure it, it sent off warning signals. The possibility certainly was a shock to us, especially with how active he is (no prior pain) and the factthat there's a foot of snow on the ground. I guess it can linger quite awhile before showing up. Lyme is very common here, although I do know several people who have had a difficult time getting their doctor to agree to testing. What is the difference between the two types your family has had?
  20. I do it myself, except for the tree when we make DS participate. I have to be in the mood though, which sometimes happens around Thanksgiving but often not until closer to Solstice. Either way it usually only lasts for a few days so I take advantage whenever it strikes. :)
  21. Yesterday morning DS had a sore knee and arm/wrist. As the day progressed the arm felt better but the knee got much worse. He was barely able to sleep last night, and by this morning he wasn't able to walk at all. The knee is hot and very swollen. Luckily, our doctor has weekend hours and we were able to get him in. She immediately suspected Lyme and sent him to the hospital for labs. We should hear confirmation tomorrow, but she seemed quite certain. He's on Motrin for now to stay comfortable, and we are also icing it and using Arnica gel. Does anyone have experience with Lyme, especially in kids? I understand the symptoms and recovery can be quite different than in adults. He's worried about missing ski season and I'm trying not to worry about long term effects.
  22. Yes to both of these. Just because you are a good cook does not mean that your friends won't want the security of knowing there will be something familiar/especially enjoyable to them. And sometimes people have food issues they don't want to talk about or wouldn't want to burden a hostess with.
  23. My parents are out of the country, so nothing for them. They are downsizing anyway and don't want more stuff. MIL might get a Sodastream. Not sure about FIL; probably a gift card to a fave restaurant. DH is getting a new suitcase and packing cubes for an upcoming trip. He's wanted them forever and I finally found the perfect one. :)
  24. We are a vegetarian family, even DS (11) who has never eaten meat (except fish. Don't ask me how it's different). He is very athletic and energetic and I can assure you very healthy. :) I made the switch almost 25 years ago, but don't recall a big change in hunger. I do agree that eating a light brothy soup and small salad won't fill anyone up, but even those two dishes alone can be very satisfying if they pack in enough protein and bulk. Of course that's far from your only choices but I'm sure you know that! One thing I notice many people struggle with (vegetarians and non alike) is eating too many carbs, and that can definitely lead to feeling hungry. Even things you think are healthy (hello rice) can send blood sugars soaring--and then crashing, leaving you famished. Adding more proteins and fats can help remedy that, and of course avoiding too many simple carbs to begin with. Do you eat fish? Incorporating seafood into your diets a couple times a week might help win over those family members who are jonesing for steak. Not knowing your reasons for going vegetarian, I will say it's not the only way to eat healthier. Just as with diets that include meat it can be balanced and healthful, but simply cutting out meat isn't the magic bullet. And I firmly believe it's a personal choice; forcing those not on board isn't sending the right message IMO. (not judging)
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