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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. Kitty 😻 I came back to my house last night from being out of town and got all the kitty cuddles
  2. I didn’t place this order but I placed other orders and I didn’t have a “line” to deal with. I did have an idea of price before ordering but then they add these extra fees and it jumps up. Robert Smith fought with Ticketmaster over their fees. Another reason we love him. There were seats as low as $20 for this venue for The Cure… in the nosebleeds… but after fees even those were probably like $40. This is the first concert I’ve attended where I sat at all/had a chair. I normally attend events where the whole floor is marked as general admission and you stand anywhere. But that standing killed me at the Ministry show. I was there from approx 6:30-11pm. At The Cure we chose to skip the opening act (I heard the sound was awful or the band was… or both. Band called Twilight Sad). The Cure went on around 8-8:15 pm? And played between 2.5-3 hours. I cannot STAND Seat Geek, don’t get me started. Do not ever purchase from them. I’m stuck with ticket credit on their site (long story) and when I saw banners with Seat Geek at the venue I got mad. No one should ever promote them. Bigger rip off than Ticketmaster. Another PSA: bring ear plugs. I don’t care where you are, it’s loud. I wore mine all night. But my ears are more sensitive than others…
  3. Took today off and hung out with my friend in/around New Orleans.
  4. That’s awesome! I know when tickets went on sale for this tour it was a huge scrabble to get them. I sent my gf money via vemno (she had the verified acct) a couple months ago and she actually upgraded us (spent more than I sent) and had to put tickets in cart at least twice before she was able to check out and hold onto some. I know after fees the tickets we had were close to $100 each. And her husband didn’t want to come back after taking the purse. He wasn’t a big Cure fan but was just coming along. I did not buy one of these drinks. But my friend is a sweetheart and insisted I get a souvenir. She bought me a cloth bag with the tour date.
  5. Guy next to me did so I asked to take a pic 🙂
  6. I went to one a couple weeks ago and was two rows behind front of stage. Ministry, Front Line Assembly and Gary Numan.
  7. Still have it going on. Saw them in New Orleans tonight. Vocals etc were great. They played like 2.5 hrs. They played my favorites. I tried to meet Robert after my friend bought merch but I think Robert left by then. We really don’t know. Waited outside, in a light rain, with other fans. They said they saw the drummer leave but we held out hope lol. Robert loves his fans so I don’t know what happened — definitely don’t think we were snubbed. Can’t attach video clips… files are too large. PSA: If you go to a concert investigate the bag policy. They were so strict at this venue! My friend had to ditch her purse (her spouse took it home) and I was able to get in with my non clear bag only because it folded up to the small clutch size permitted. Guys were outside selling tiny clear bags for $10. We couldn’t go back to a car — we had taken an Uber.
  8. Got some answers at the place that doesn't have income restrictions. Currently, out of their 4 subdivisions that have 2 bedroom units, no 2 BD units are available. Maybe if I get a decent paying job soon enough I could afford their 3BD. It's $200 more a month. Which would still be well under 30% of my income if I got the job at the metal company. Deposit varies based on rent (but originally he gave me a flat fee for 2BD... maybe they do vary a little between subdivisions). No cash discount (I asked lol) Pet fee $250 (that's pretty standard here. Some places are more or charge you monthly). I own a washer/dryer, but I'm not sure if they will fit in the units (online it said compact... mine are large). But they said you are welcome to bring your own and if you don't, you pay $50/mo for theirs. So I am thinking I would want to get their W/D area dimensions. I applied at a booking agency for gig work as a costume character lol. I don't know if anything will come of it...
  9. I got an email from one of the places that had me on a waiting list and I don’t even meet their salary requirements. That narrows it down more.
  10. As you know, I'm on waiting lists for affordable housing apartments. Money is tight right now and I pay less than those, but I also probably spend more on gas currently. One real estate group has homes that I thought were income restricted, but they say they are not. Perhaps they were at one point, because I remember living in one... either that or they were just very affordable? Anyway, I'm this close to just moving into one of those. I did all the math and I could swing it on my current salary (it would be tight). The goal would be to get a second job or higher paying job in near future. These homes do have backyards which means in theory I would have a place for woodworking. You don't mow your own yard so I don't need to account for lawn service. I need to see what utilities, if any, are included in rent. And if any pet fees apply. I could not find that info on website. I know you should not spend more than 30% of your income on rent. On my current salary, this place would be 31% and I wouldn't risk being kicked out if my salary fluctuated. Whereas, if I live in income-restricted housing, I might risk that. I used online maps to calculate distance to kids, some of the jobs I applied to, and the new gym. One place was less than 10 min from job sites, under half hour to kids, and 13 min to gym. That place offers 2 & 3 bedroom units. I had to outrule the ones that don't offer 2 as that's all I can afford right now. I need to find out sec deposit etc. Unfortunately because I have to pay the IRS back, I no longer have that. Did you know it's a huge pain to set up the IRS payments online? If you do the profile it can take a while. I had to live video chat with someone to show my DL on camera (probably because it has an address that doesn't match my current one).
  11. Oh I didn't see some of the stairs higher up before, only the lower ones.
  12. I can't even figure out how you get in your room. Safely.
  13. I’m not sure I follow? I’m trying to get my own place so I don’t have to stay at my dad’s. It’s very stressful. My aunt literally typed a letter to me yesterday and stuck it in my room on a cork board telling me about the importance of not leaving the car door open as it will drain the battery. The car door was left ajar maybe 2 min while I ran back in the house to grab something. My family thinks I have no common sense, apparently. My dad is in Europe visiting my sister and the a/c has been broken a week already. He is aware but apparently no a/c is not urgent. Open car door, urgent lol it’s bearable but a little warm. We have windows open and fans on. A/c guy said we need whole new unit.
  14. I’ll be in town til Mother's day so I can give it a little time. ——- the nanny agency doesn’t think they need me the next available day I have. So I guess I can’t count on working in the nursery.
  15. The cabinet store doesn't have an official salary listed, but the job site has an estimate that is well above the $12/hr door maker. I already called and followed up with the cabinet place but the job site says they have not viewed my application. I don't know if I need to give it more time or like just show up next week maybe... at least drive by the place.
  16. Since I also saw the job posting on the private Facebook group for the construction students I reached out to the staff (the one that helps with resume) to ask if she knew of any such thing. I’m hoping she will respond Monday. The job for admin assistant at metal place pays way better but I seem to get burned everytime I get my hopes up on those.
  17. I don’t know what to apply for. There’s a job helping make doors — in the town the kids live in. Hourly is only $12 but it does offer benefits including retirement. I currently do not have retirement at my FT job. I don’t know if it would be foolish to apply and then try to supplement income with magazine job as magazine job may not always exist. another pro - job ends before dd gets out of school so I wouldn’t pay for any after school (no matter what Fridays would be an obstacle with most jobs). What says the Hive?
  18. My CPR/first aid/AED class wrapped up earlier than expected. Nevermind the mask… they are mandatory in that room and we discussed the breaths and discussed shield/masks for administering breaths (might buy one on Amazon to keep handy). But the chest compressions are the main point and you can omit the breaths if you choose to (breaths more critical with children). I might delete photo later. We had infant dummies to practice on, too. There’s also a child setting on the large dummy (slightly less deep compressions will make a click noise). Dd shared that stepmom sometimes works weekends and one day she didn’t want to stay home with big brother (guess xh was also at work. I know he works certain weekend days) so she went to work with her. I’m trying really hard to get a job that doesn’t require weekends. Some well-meaning people have suggested I just tell employer I’m not available every weekend but I think it’s too messy. My weekends aren’t even completely predictable. This month I get 3 in a row because of Mother’s Day weekend. One of my girlfriends knew the name of the manager at the metal place so when I sent an email (had already sent the requested snail mail) I addressed him by name. I hope I hear back from them. My best friend (lives in TX) is in the area visiting family. Dd and I are going to meet up with her and some kid relatives Sunday. It rained all day today so we might need another idea than park lol I don’t want to do Children’s museum as it’s kinda expensive for all (I hate paying as an adult).
  19. Exactly. This would be a side thing. But with apartment living would be very challenging to use any tools.
  20. I don’t know if she’d want me to out her but a boardie contributed to my project/skill budget. I purchased a couple items the other day and need to hunt down another (out of stock in store closest to me). My landlord literally texted me yesterday asking if I was out of town and could she show the place to her son. There’s a lot of pressure for me to hurry up and land a job/move. But I hesitate on some jobs because my current one has paid health ins and I don’t want to shoot myself in the foot by accepting something that pays less hourly or the same with no benefits or benefits I pay for, leaving me in worse financial shape monthly. I’m applying for a lawyer office job today. Pay not disclosed.
  21. Ok this is just insane. That many people applied at the print shop? The job for an admin assistant at a metal place required snail mail. I updated my resume, had it printed on résumé paper at Office Depot and included a cover letter (mentioned my relevant skills, construction course/credentials, willingness to relocate to the area). I obliged with their request of salary history (which I put on separate paper and went back a set number of years). Got that put in the mail before last box pick up. Maybe they will receive it today. I’m hoping less competition because of the hoops you gave to jump through. Dd’s friend will be at her dad’s all weekend (mom had conflict) so I picked the girls up Thursday after school and we hung out. Took them to brand new cookie shop, they went to Office Depot with me, we ate dinner together and went on a walk together. I have a side gig job to apply for but it also has hoops so I haven't finished. I need to find or take some photos. They need some cosplay characters for events. Last time I applied for similar the lady totally flaked after saying she was going to schedule a zoom (I followed up with her a couple times). Hope this place is more organized. I got a text saying someone needs a dog sitter but I didn’t think Rover gave out your phone number? So I gotta log into the app and see if this is even legit. Last Rover request I got the user was banned shortly after. Scammer 🙄
  22. I love his skits. https://fb.watch/kk7ur9pGTf/?mibextid=cr9u03
  23. I mostly don’t tip at these random places where the square or whatever program asks for tip. I wanted to patronize a new cookie shop. Each cookie was pretty pricey and the machine asked if I wanted to tip. I clicked no. I also clicked no at the frozen yogurt shop. It’s self serve!!
  24. No, not at all!! I seldom get my hair cut and that dumb $100 cut was because xh booked it and clearly didn’t research their prices. There's literally a huge thread where I’m talking about job hunting and I’m on waiting lists for low income housing.
  25. My friend was charging around $70 at one point and may have had to raise rates a bit since but definitely reasonable for her area. And many of her clients are well off. I agree $120 sounds steep.
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